Naughty Time

Naughty Time - Episode 012 - Merry Fuckin' Xmas, You Sonsabitches!



In this episode we discuss... Gender Uncertainty, Krampus, Jehova's Witnesses, The Church Of Scientology, TFSM, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, Pastafarianism, Hanukkah, The Big Xmas Gift, Return To Oz, The Wiz, Showgirls, Saved By The Bell, Dustin Diamond Porn, Tommy Wiseau, More Showgirls, Wipe or Shower, BLT Farts, Urinal Etiquette, Toilet Plunging Gone Wrong, Courtesy Flushing, Poop Poll, Violent Pooping, Naughty Song, Fotay And Honay, BLT's Second Consultation, Cremation.