Blue Collar Consulting Group Podcast

Episode 4: How To Navigate Difficult Family Conversations This Holiday Season



Navigating difficult conversations this holiday season is no easy task.  When you think about all that has happened this year, you can certainly bet on the fact that somebody is going to talk about something that is particularly sensitive.  Throw in an election year and you have all of the recipes you need for a good old fashioned family explosion! But fear not!  Based on the recommendations of the American psychological association, I bring to you this podcast episode with some helpful advice on how to navigate the difficult family conversations that you are likely to experience during the holidays this year.  The key takeaways the fact that you should want to preserve your family relationships more than you should want to win an argument.  These days, people are not asking for advice but rather just displaying their position. Follow this advice and you can walk away from your holiday experience with a much more pleasant memory than you might expect.  It's important to remembe