Level Up Your Business With Ryan S. Johnson

#18: Whitespace: Your Key To Innovation, Clarity, & Hitting Your Goals



In today's show I'm going to talk about something that we often take for granted in our businesses and our lives… ...WHITESPACE. I'm not talking about the space in the margins of your website, or the blank space on the edges your business cards. I'm referring to gaps that you purposely create in your calendar between meetings, or other activities. It's the time that you consciously allot in your schedule to think, distraction-free. If you feel like you've hit a plateau in your business or you're stuck in a rut professionally, financially, or even personally - adding more white space to your life might actually be your answer. I know it sounds counter-intuitive that making time in your day to do less will help you be more successful. But, by the end of this show you'll understand why. Topics 00:57 Topic of today's episode 01:48 Why whitespace is important 02:27 Three reasons why creating white space in your day is important 04:07 Ryan's struggles with whitespace 04:45 Four ways to create whitespace 04:51 #1: