Audio Oasis Storytelling

REWIND: NYC Tribute to The Friendly Neighborhood Bodega (It hits kinda different now...)



EPISODE REWIND:  It's Memorial Day Weekend 2020 in New York City, and we are cautiously taking steps towards towards the light and eventually moving away from of sheltering in place. This previous November 2019 episode will explore a different time when we stood shoulder to shoulder (gasp! remember THAT?!?) every morning at the mothership:  The neighborhood bodega.  To this New Yorker (& others), the beloved bodega is a part of NYC life that keeps us grounded, connected and sane.  We miss you (#HeyCorona), but we look forward to the reunion!   Long live the #BaconEggAndCheeseOnAToatedRollWithCoffeeLightAndSweet!  Signed,  Stephanie, Proud & Loyal New Yorker --- #voicetalent #audio #storytelling #podcast #narration #audiobook #podsincolor