God & Grind

05: God Thinks I Am



Alana Frazier is the founder of the apparel and empowerment company God Thinks I Am. The mantra and ministry idea “God Thinks I Am,” was coined and introduced as a life-changing proclamation of truth, with the belief that a woman’s self-esteem should only lie within the viewpoint and perspective of how God, her creator, views her. Alana speaks with passion throughout this interview, and it is evident she is living in her purpose, but she remains humble as she explains she is still a student of Gods work. Sponsor: "God Thinks I am" provide value as a lifestyle empowerment brand for the chic, modern woman of faith. The vision of "God Thinks I Am" is to be a brand that personifies the values, aspirations, goals, and self-esteem of women around the world who do exceptional things with God as her power source. Tangibly, they operate as an empowerment blog/creative expression space, producing encouraging editorial content across multiple platforms, while maintaining a clean, stylish and minimalist online store with