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AxeCon 2022, Obsolete MacBooks & World Destruction



This week its the usual mix of tech and not-so-techy conversation with Steven, Marc and Shaun. There’s a special guest too with Brian Fischler from That Real Blind Tech Show podcast joining us to discuss his part in AxeCon 2022, the digital accessibility conference for developers, coders and businesses who want to learn more about how accessible websites and services can benefit everyone. There’s also much discussion on the big tech stories of the week including the news that Elon Musk has bought shares in Twitter, whether unplugging our gadgets really makes a difference to our energy costs, and that now infamous Microsoft tweet about spring cleaning your computer which featured a lady in front of a shiny new iMac! Embarrassing! And of course there’s more of your feedback which we love to get. So send in yours for the next show by emailing