Double Tap Canada

Episode 210: Welcome to the Metaverse, a Look at SharePlay and Who Ordered an iPhone?



Shaun still can’t figure out how his microphone works, Marc may just disappear before the end of the show and Steven has bought a new gadget. That’s right, it’s time for another episode of Double Tap Canada. We kick off this week's show with a confession. Steven was recently surprised when a brand-new iPhone 13 Mini turned up at his door. However, a quick check of his order history soon solved the mystery: he ordered it after a night of drinking and reminiscing about his old iPhone 12 Mini. It seems that when it comes to a smartphone, size really does matter. Next, it’s on to the Metaverse, a totally new way to use and experience the Internet through virtual reality. Despite what you may have heard, the Metaverse isn’t just a Facebook thing; many of the big tech companies are talking about what part they are going to play in this new phase of computing. Sounds exciting, but is this brave new virtual world going to be open to us as disabled people? In Apple news, the recent iOS 15.1 update brings with it th