Double Tap Canada

Episode 201: Smart Homes, Smart Toilets & Hammering Screws



Welcome to a rather manic episode of Double Tap Canada where this week we dive into the exciting world of the smart home. Steven & Marc have been splashing the cash in an effort to transform their existing ordinary, boring old dumb houses into futuristic dream homes of tomorrow. With smart toilets with self-lifting seats, voice-controlled showers, touch sensitive curtains & voice-controlled blinds what could possibly go wrong? We’ll also be discussing some interesting tech news including China’s new crack-down on online gaming. Under 18’s will only be allowed to play games for 1 hour a day and only on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. Is this the actions of a responsible, concerned regime or the over-reach of a nanny state? To wrap up the show, Shaun will be explaining internet speeds and how you can test your connection to make sure you’re getting what you’re paying for. All this and more, only on Double Tap Canada.