Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 5.2--TURN ON YOUR GPS...PLEASE!



In today’s podcast episode, we’re sharing the vision for where this movement is going. And we’re asking you to join us. Partner with us. Get involved and help us. We try to show you real world strategies and examples for taking the Kingdom of God to the streets! Here and now examples of the Holy Spirit moving in power, impacting and transforming lives, families, communities, cities and nations! You’ve caught the vision. Church without walls! Kingdom in the Streets. Now it’s time to take it to the next level! We need your help to take this message viral. On the internet. On the radio. Coaching. Writing. Teaching. Seminars. In places where people need it most. Right where you are. On every continent of the world! But we can’t do it alone. We need you. We need to be on your radar! Your spiritual GPS! So listen to this episode! Listen to the vision. Don’t wait. Please. Then fire up your GPS. Give, Pray, and Serve. It’s time!