Studies On The Objectives Of Islamic Law

  • Autor: Iliyasa Hamza Maulana
  • Editor: Iliyasa
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This is a very exciting book containing the contributions of some of the leading scholars including Ash-Shafi'i, Ibn at-Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim. “Studies on the Objectives of the Shariah” shed light on the importance of the Islamic law as understood by the best generation, utilizing a non-philosophical systematic approach because philosophy is harmful to the purity of the original beautiful religion of Islam. Imaam ash-Shafi’ii (d. 204H) said, “Whoever showed boldness in approaching theological rhetoric will never prosper.” Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241H) said, “The person of theological rhetoric will never prosper. And never do you see anyone looking into theological rhetoric except that in his heart is a desire for creating mischief.” The Islamic laws are designed so as to protect human interests and facilitate improvements and perfection of the conditions of human life on earth. The maqasid al-shariah (Objectives of the Islamic Law) preserve the perfection of Islam. An analysis of how a group of the best generation, the companions, the first Muslim immigrants migrated from their polytheistic homeland to Abyssinia and Madinah to preserve the interests of their religion, prevent harm, and pursue the lesser of the two evils will be explored. This book includes a heart-breaking and heart-melting story of the selfless Umm Habibah and her immigration to Abyssinia along with her husband for the preservation of her religion yet sadly her husband, Abdullah ibn Jahsh dies while in Abyssinia. Umm Habibah's hand is asked for marriage by the most prominent figure and the King of Abyssinia provides her a lavish dowry and conducts her marriage. Find out the rest of the story by reading this book.