Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 64:18:56
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Chat with Crystal is a fresh, new podcast that allows listeners to hear real-life empowerment coaching calls with best-selling author and founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute -- the #1 Empowerment Coach Certification in the world, exclusively for women!For Crystal's bio, please visit: https://www.crystalandrusmorissette.com/


  • Embracing Your Next Chapter

    06/05/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    Join us for an insightful conversation on this episode of Chat with Crystal, as we welcome Joan, a courageous caller in her early 60s, who bravely shares that she's found herself at a bit of a crossroads in her life. She candidly discusses her desire to prioritize self-care, lose 25 lbs, navigate the complexities of aging gracefully, and discover her purpose. Joan shares that she "has so much more to give" in this life but doesn't know how to tap into that. She dreams of using her passion and knowledge of the outdoors to start an adventure company, empowering and connecting women through nature. Yet, amidst these aspirations lies a sense of apprehension—a fear of stepping into the unknown, fueled by self-doubt and limiting beliefs. In this coaching call, Crystal provides a guiding light for Joan as they explore strategies to overcome these obstacles and unlock the untapped potential within. Together, they unravel the layers of Joan's journey, offering insights, encouragement, and actionable steps to empow

  • How Can I Access My Feminine Side?

    05/03/2024 Duración: 01h07min

    On this month's Chat with Crystal, Veronique calls in and shares that she's having trouble accessing her "feminine side." Crystal goes over her Three Dominant Archetypes, as outlined in her Emotional Age work (featured on Oprah.com)--Daughter Energy, Mother Energy, and Woman Energy--and how being stuck in Mother Energy can sometimes translate to not feeling "feminine." In fact, in the world of "yin + yang" or "feminine + masculine," Daughter Energy represents the feminine. In contrast, Mother Energy is masculine, and Woman Energy is the transcendence of the two into the "wholeness" of who we are. Veronique shares that throughout her marriage, she definitely showed up in Mother Energy, but four years ago, when she ended her marriage due to domestic violence, she felt her Woman Energy emerging more. Though, she still struggles with it. She also shares that her role models growing up were in Mother Energy, too, being "strong," and not complaining or talking about things that were hurting or burdening them.

  • Am I Allowed to Use Someone Else's Work?

    08/02/2024 Duración: 01h16min

    Have you ever felt so super excited to share something new you've learned but also uncertain or afraid that you're stealing someone else's work? During this month's episode, Chela calls in. She shares that having graduated from the S.W.A.T. Institute's Master Empowerment Coach Certification, she's now excited to be holding group coaching sessions and seminars for women in both Argentina, where she spends three quarters of the year and in Canada (in Spanish and English -- exciting!). Chela has questions about the best way to use someone else's work in her sessions and incorporate it into her work while still crediting them. "Am I allowed to do this?" she wonders. She even says she's been up at night worrying about it. We dive into that! Chela also asks if it's possible to show up in different energy levels or levels of empowerment in different areas of her life based on the situation. For instance, she feels so in the flow and up in Desire or higher while teaching; however, when she has to speak about money

  • I Need More!

    08/01/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    This was such a kickass episode to kick off the year, and we received great feedback from the live callers. We're so excited for you to hear it! During this episode, Melanie calls in. She shares that as a fellow coach, she knows that coaches are "supposed to be perfect," but honestly, she's feeling a little stuck and beaten down. She shares that her tank is empty, and she's having trouble finding the desire to do better. Melanie says that journalling isn't doing it, gratitude isn't doing it—and she's feeling at a standstill. She needs some inspiration. Having lost 103 pounds and been on her game as a coach in the industry, Melanie recently moved from California to a rural area in Texas and is having trouble finding her groove and, most importantly, her people. Melanie shares that she's let 30 lbs creep back on, and though she knows "what to do" and how to get the weight off, she's feeling stagnant and "invisible" and doesn't know where to go from here. This is a conversation about finding your "tribe," qu

  • I Want To Have A Baby on My Own

    01/12/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    During this episode, Michela calls in. You may remember her if you listened to October's Chat with Crystal. She shares that she just turned 40 and has dreamed of having a baby for several years. Having frozen her eggs and embryos, Michela now feels she's in a place where she's ready, but keeps feeling stuck in shame and fear around people's judgment about conceiving solo via IVF and a sperm donor rather than with a partner. Although having had the opportunity to have a child with a partner early in her 30s, Michela shares she feels shame for deciding not to move forward with her pregnancy at that time, as her relationship and situation weren't ideal for raising a child. Now, in a much better place but single, she can't help feeling this inner calling to be a mother, but another part of her worries about what people will think. Not acting on what she really wants to do is causing her to feel angry and frustrated with herself. Listen to Crystal coach Michela around making this big decision, navigating

  • I’m Nervous to Start Coaching

    03/11/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    On this episode of Chat with Crystal, Sabrina joins the call. She shares that she’s not entirely sure why she’s calling in but that she’s had a few things weighing on her. As an Empowerment Coach in training at the S.W.A.T. Institute, Sabrina shares that she’s feeling nervous about starting her 30 practice coaching calls that she needs to complete to graduate. She mentions that she feels like she’s naturally quieter and is worried about having awkward silences or not having the right words to say as a coach. She also shares that her studies have taken her much longer than initially planned, as she’s had three children in the last five years. Sabrina also says that she’s coming to the end of her maternity leave in a few months, and she’s dreading going back to her 9-5 job. As much as she’s nervous, she wants to get her practice coaching calls completed so she can graduate and start her coaching business, but she keeps getting in the way of herself. Listen to Crystal ask Sabrina questions on what exactly

  • I Have A Fear Story Around Money

    06/10/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    On this episode of Chat with Crystal, Michela joins the call. She starts by sharing that she has a poor relationship with money that she needs to work on. And that growing up, although she knew people who made money, she never saw anyone doing work they loved. She was taught that work should be a struggle. And as an academic who now works remotely from her laptop, putting in long days, she feels that because she's not on her feet every day working, her parents don't really think it's work. Just recently starting her training to become an Empowerment Coach, Michela shares that she wants this lucrative and fulfilling career but feels that she has a story and belief holding her back. She gives another example of organizing a vacation with her friends on her card and having anxiety that they aren't going to pay her back. As she and Crystal chat into this deeper, the words "trust" and "fear" come up for her. Especially around her mother, the hardships and betrayal she faced on account of her growing up, and the

  • Why Do I Push Men Away?

    05/09/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    During September's Chat with Crystal, Angela calls in. She shares that as a coach herself, helping guide people to awaken their spiritual wholeness, she is struggling with feeling a little like an imposter. Although she's so energetically high and healed in so many areas of her life, she struggles with this "push and pull" dynamic with her partner of 20 years. Although he's supportive of her spiritual path, he's not on his own, and she often finds herself feeling a little irritated with him, although she loves him and wants to stay in the relationship. As she and Crystal chat, Angela shares that she often holds men at a distance and tends to push them away--something she's done her whole life--and knows that this is something she's doing with her partner. She and Crystal dive into this feeling deeper to identify why she might have trouble letting men in and try a process to begin to push past this. Angela shares her ah-ha moment, and Crystal leaves her with some homework to try. This is a call about vulnera

  • I Want To Be More Empowered Financially

    08/08/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    During this episode, Tracy calls into Chat with Crystal. Tracy shares that she's not entirely sure why she's calling in but that she's feeling "dumber by the day" at her current job. Tracy says that although her job isn't horrible, she doesn't feel fulfilled. After Crystal and Tracy chat more, Tracy admits she's "super sad" that she's not where she was expecting or wanting to be financially. She feels that although she's made some strides in different areas of her life, her finances have yet to be one of them. Crystal and Tracy chat deeper into this, and Crystal asks Tracy some questions to help her identify her financial goals to help break things down and create some inspiration and excitement in her next steps. Tracy leaves the call saying she's feeling much lighter and brighter.

  • Something Needs to Change

    08/08/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    During this episode of Chat with Crystal, Jennifer calls in. She shares that she's never called into Chat with Crystal before but is seeking some guidance. Jennifer has had this feeling for a long time that she's ready to shift careers and work in a particular field she knows she'd be passionate about. After applying and interviewing for a job in this field, she is disappointed to learn it's located too far away to make sense for her. She feels anxious about making a decision as well as letting them down. Jennifer and Crystal talk through this together. Another Jennifer then calls into Chat with Crystal. She shares that whenever she feels good, and her energy is higher, it's almost like her husband purposely pulls her back down in a way that's become a pattern. Jennifer shares that although she loves him and their family together, he can be extremely immature and lash out over the most "random" things, leaving her feeling voiceless. She shares that she feels frustrated and unsure of what to do from here.

  • I'm Scared of What People Will Think if I Go for My Dreams

    08/08/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    During this episode of Chat with Crystal, Crystal chats with Melody, who, as a student at S.W.A.T., is nervous about starting her 30 practice coaching calls that she needs to complete the program. Melody knows she has this beautiful coaching business idea floating around in her mind that she feels passionate and excited about. Still, Melody says she doesn't understand why she's procrastinating and "freezing." As Crystal and Melody chat, she shares more about her business idea and how she's leaving behind a part of her past that she was very involved with by launching this business. She has anxiety and fear thinking about what people who were a part of that community, people who used to be friends, might say or think about her. Catherine also later joins the call and shares that she has this burning feeling that she wants to do bigger and more fun things with her life, but she feels bored in the mundane of everyday life and doesn't know where to start. If you're considering taking the first step in a new

  • Why am I procrastinating my purpose?

    24/05/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    During this episode of Chat with Crystal, Melody joins the line. She shares that, as a student in the Personal Empowerment Coach Certification, she keeps procrastinating starting her practice coaching sessions (as all students near the end of their training with the S.W.A.T. Institute must complete 30 practice coaching sessions to graduate). Having previously called into Chat with Crystal before, Melody also shares that she's feeling excited as her business idea, which she discussed on the last call, has since morphed into something even more beautiful. And that she and her husband have had a breakthrough since then, too, and this could be a business for both of them. But yet, she still finds herself nervous and procrastinating rolling it out. As they start talking, she shares that part of the reason for this is that her business will deal with helping people transition from religion to spirituality--something that has been so transformational in both her and her husband's life. But, she fears what pe

  • Do I honor this stage of my life or push through toward my dreams?

    24/05/2023 Duración: 01h07min

    During this episode of Chat with Crystal, Crystal chats with Johanna from Finland. Johanna starts the call by asking, “Is it possible to just be an author without having a company?” Johanna shares that she’s written and self-published three books but is a “very bad salesperson” and says she loves writing but doesn’t know how to sell the books. At the same time, she ran a company for ten years, but is in a different stage of her life, having since gotten married, had a child, and is now in her 40s, in her perimenopause and wants to minimize stress and enjoy this next phase of life, while also ensuring her child is old enough for her to have more time for herself. But, she feels conflicted because she has a big vision, message, and dreams that she believes will help the world. This is a conversation about women in business, publishing, menopause (and perimenopause), hormones, and more!

  • Small Steps Lead to Giant Strides

    23/03/2023 Duración: 01h14min

    In honor of International Women's Day, for the first time, we opened up our private conference lines for another hour of Chat with Crystal this month! This is a chance for more women to get 1-on-1 coaching with Crystal, free of charge and anonymously. Yay! During this episode, Crystal first chats with Joscelyn, who shares that as a coach-in-training, she's having trouble remembering her "why," and is experiencing some limiting beliefs that are causing her to self-sabotage. Some of these beliefs include, who am I to be a coach? Who would I work with? Who would my client be? While at the same time, Joscelyn also shares that she's at a stage in her life where she doesn't want to feel that she owes anyone anything. She'd love to be able to create a career on her terms, like a coaching biz. Joscelyn also shares that she's always been introverted and that the sisterhood and community within the school have been so significant for her, as she's been emotionally hurt by female friends over the years that she's never

  • Fear is Stopping Me In My Tracks

    03/03/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    On this episode, Crystal kicks it off by sharing some of her own experiences since our last Chat with Crystal episode, including how she was able to “release” 40 lbs during our hiatus. Although it feels incredible, it’s really not about the weight. Crystal shares how enforcing more boundaries, speaking her truth, and inviting more “temperance” into her life (her “word” of the year) has made such a massive impact. Our first caller is Amy. Having chatted with Crystal before over one-on-one coaching, Amy shares how although she’s gotten everything “ready to go” for an upcoming project she’s launching at her already established and super cool business; she’s finding herself stuck in fear and unable to execute it and share it with her world (and her already “warm” list), in fear of being judged. Crystal helps Amy identify where she’s feeling this fear in her body, work through it, and help reframe things in a more accurate and Self-loving way. As we always teach in Empowerment Coaching: emotions first, strategy s

  • I Have No Motivation

    07/06/2022 Duración: 01h23s

    On this month's Chat with Crystal, Sarah joins the call. Sarah shares that she feels she's been struggling for a long time. She says she feels 'stuck in a rut' and knows she needs to push forward with her own business and get financially secure but feels the lack of motivation in her personal life has taken over. After chatting further, Crystal tells Sarah that she thinks there's something deeper happening, and rather than directly talking about Sarah's messaging and her business, she wants to help figure out what the block is in Sarah's life that's keeping her stuck. Together, Crystal takes Sarah through a body scan exercise to understand where she's feeling resistance in her body and help her open up her heart to be vulnerable. After doing so, Sarah shares that she knows what the thing in her life is that keeps her stuck — her abusive marriage. Together, they work through some fears and obstacles that Sarah has around leaving to help solution them and make them seem not as scary, as well as some small

  • Dogs Mirror Their Owners

    06/05/2022 Duración: 01h10min

    On this month's Chat with Crystal episode, Jenn joins the call. Jenn shares that she's been a student at S.W.A.T. for the last ten years in the original Master Empowerment Coach Certification (MECC), and in that time, she feels like she's taken more time than she "should have" to complete the program and get clarity on her business. However, Jenn's now at the end of her MECC studies getting ready to graduate and is ready to put herself out there. Still, she is having a bit of a disconnect with her current business that she'd love to marry with her Empowerment Coaching business. Crystal asks Jenn if she could wave a magic wand and do anything; what would she do? Jenn shares that she's doing a lot of it now. As a dog trainer, teacher, and coach for the last 20 years, she knows how so often with her clients, when a dog comes in with a behavioral issue, it almost always has to do with the owner. Our dogs often mirror us back, and usually, both the owner and the dog need coaching. Crystal reassures Jenn that this

  • Custody Battles + Empowerment

    05/04/2022 Duración: 59min

    On this month’s Chat with Crystal episode, Nicole joins the call. Nicole shares that she’s been in a 7-year-long custody battle from hell with her ex over their daughter. Living with autism, Nicole is a brilliant and educated software engineer and expresses the impact this custody battle has had on her life and the injustices she’s endured by the courts because of her disability. Now living in an RV, desperate to get custody of her daughter, Nicole is looking for a discrimination advocacy contingency lawyer who can assist her. Listen as Crystal talks through the details with Nicole to see if there’s a way we can support her in staying in her most empowered energy while going through this journey. Angelika also briefly joins the call to share that she too has an ex-partner who makes things difficult for her and her young child. She also shares that she’s been struggling day-to-day to stay in her Woman Energy. Crystal shares some advice with Angelika on how she can stay feeling empowered while reminding her

  • I Hate My Inner People Pleaser

    09/03/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    On this month's Chat with Crystal, Ginny calls in. Ginny shares that she always thought she was confident for most of her life, but lately, she's been catching herself in self-doubt. She says that she listens back to things she says at work and thinks to herself, "shut up, Ginny!" When Crystal asks what she means, Ginny explains that she is in constant people-pleasing mode, always apologizing when she doesn't need to and over-thanking people for every little thing. She wants to be her most empowered self but feels like this people-pleasing energy is holding her back. Ginny also explains that she quit drinking months ago, which has made her feel great, but since then, she started noticing these behaviours. She acknowledges that drinking was definitely part of her confident 'mask' that got her through many situations in life. Crystal works with Ginny to identify her two parts, or archetypes, that are coming to the surface -- little 8-year old 'Sarah' and 'Ginger' — her teenage 'addict' daughter energy. This

  • Are You Safe to Be Thin + Healthy?

    08/02/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    On this month's episode, Elka calls in. She shares that although she's trying her best to stay high vibing, she feels discouraged. After chatting with Elka more, Crystal learns that apart from being in the healing and wellness industry for 30+ years, Elka is now a part of a network marketing company that sells essential oils. Elka also has an expertise in oils that she carries from her 30+ year-long career. She says she keeps trying to share her business and connect with clients but is having trouble getting them to sign up. Elka also shares that she's been doing this business for a few years. Crystal asks Elka why she's continued to ''do the business'' if she finds it difficult and isn't feeling successful with it. As they chat, Crystal asks Elka to dive deep into her ''why.'' Initially, Elka shares that she wants to help people feel good and be happy, essentially to make the world a better place. Crystal asks again, "why?" And as they dig in, Elka uncovers her real WHY for doing this business and how she

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