Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 347:06:31
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A weekly podcast discussing the design, development, and business of great software. Hosted by thoughtbot CEO, Chad Pytel, and rotating cast of fellow developers, designers, and entrepreneurs, we delve deep behind the scenes of the products and technologies we love.


  • 63: Knowledge Bomb!

    26/08/2013 Duración: 48min

    Ben and Chad discuss mentoring, job hunting tips and FAQ thoughtbot Code Review Guide Pair With Me Sandi Metz Rules

  • 62: Family Business

    19/08/2013 Duración: 31min

    In this of episode of Giant Robots, Ben speaks with Natalie Nagele and Ilya Sabanin about Wildbit, Beanstalk, and work flow. Wildbit Beanstalk Ilya Sabanin's Twitter Natalie Nagele's Twitter

  • 61: Having the Craic with Paul

    12/08/2013 Duración: 34min

    In this episode Paul and Ben talk about tito, funconf, and organizing conferences. Paul Campbell's Twitter Pabcas Hypertiny Tito

  • 60: Deep Dive

    05/08/2013 Duración: 34min

    In this week's episode Ben discusses effective business practices and advice for optimal page design with special guest Patrick McKenzie. Learn Prime Bingo Card Creator Paul Gram (Do Things That Don't Scale) Double your Freelancing Rate Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @patio11 on twitter.

  • 59: Nowhere to Hide

    29/07/2013 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein speaks with thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris about the technical interview process at thoughtbot, and more. Flog tool complexity Flay duplication tool Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @joeferris on twitter.

  • 58: A Thousand Neckbeards

    22/07/2013 Duración: 31min

    This week Ben Orenstein, Pat Brisbin, and Mike Burns talk about Haskell, Linux, functional and dynamic programming, Conway's Game of Life, and much more. Real World Haskell Hackage Conways Game of LIfe Learn You A Haskell Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @patbrisbin and @mikeburns on twitter.

  • 57: Delayed Gratification

    15/07/2013 Duración: 28min

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein is joined by Michael Klett, Co-founder and tech lead of Chargify. Ben and Michael discuss the evolution of Chargify and bumps along the way, underwear subscriptions, Michael’s transition from hardware to software, negativity in the Rails community, slow tests, and much more. Chargify Manpacks Bryan Helmcamp’s blog on 7 ways to refactor Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs @tenderlove’s keynote at railsconf Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @moklett on twitter.

  • 56: Code in a Bubble Bath

    08/07/2013 Duración: 36min

    ]In this episode Ben Orenstein is joined by Alex MacCaw, creator of Spine, formerly of Twitter, and now a developer at Stripe. Ben and Alex talk about travel, writing, code, and couch surfing. Alex's Personal Website Alex's Blog Alex's World Travel Blog Post Alex's Github Spine Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @maccaw on twitter.

  • 55: The Value of Flow

    01/07/2013 Duración: 42min

    In this episode Ben Orenstein speaks with designer and founder of Authentic Jobs, Cameron Moll, about Authentic Jobs, design, the value of flow and family, and much, much more. Authentic Jobs Cameron's personal website Podcast: Hired Cameron's Future Insights Live Keynote Hire with your head – Lou Adler Ebay CEO Interview Charlie Rose Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign Rails Conf 2013 How to Talk to Developers by Ben Orenstein Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @cameronmoll on twitter.

  • 54: Build your stuff on the side and have a good time

    24/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    In this episode, Ben Orenstein is joined by 17 year old Jack Kaufman, author of The Found a Business Book. Ben and Jack discuss Jack's inspiration for the book and how he got all his interviews, the other opportunities it's led too, the common themes he uncovered in his interviews, the differences between those who got funding and bootstrappers, working on the book while in highschool, marketing he's doing, his plans for the future, the issue with college computer science programs, his fears about the future, and much more. The Found a Business Book The Side Project Book Jack's guest post for Haverford College Michael Hartl's Rails Totorial Learn Prime Dev Bootcamp Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @kaufman_jack on twitter.

  • 53: Not everything needs to be extracted

    17/06/2013 Duración: 38min

    In this episode Ben Orenstein is joined by Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale from Tilde. They discuss bootstrapping a business and the model behind Tilde, their breakdown of product development and consulting, and how they all met. They also talk about designing APIs and frameworks that people actually want to use, how teaching helps them be better framework developers, how they can beat the competition, how supporting multiple languages and frameworks can ruin your app's experience, the big surprises as they've launched, Ember.js' push to 1.0 and beyond, the difference between Ember.js and Backbone.js and why JavaScript matters, and much more. Tilde Skylight Ember.js Ember Data The conceptual ladder W3C TC39 Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @tomdale, and @wycats on twitter.

  • 52: You look really fancy in your tuxedo

    10/06/2013 Duración: 58min

    In this special episode, number 52, and our 1 year anniversary episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Ruby and Rails core team member Aaron Patterson, thoughtbot CTO Joe Ferris, and a live studio audience. The trio discuss Rails 4, observers, callbacks, dubstep, namespaces, Scheme, functional programming, thread safety in Rails, what it would take to remove callbacks from Rails and why you would want to do it, what should be in our anniversary episode, dealing with Rails security issues, why Aaron likes to work on Rails, meeting people's expectations, Vim, intuitive software, and so much more. Array#forty_two ChickenScheme The Racket language Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) Metacircular interpreter Play by Play: Aaron Patterson Heroku fucking console Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @tenderlove, and @joeferris on twitter.

  • 51: I found a voice

    03/06/2013 Duración: 32min

    On this week's show, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Sandi Metz, developer, author, podcaster, and recent Ruby Hero award winner. Ben and Sandi discuss winning awards, writing, whether notoriety changes who you are, what Sandi is proud of, the bad code she's writing and why, what she's doing now, getting real feedback on your work, that it's OK not to know everything, and much, much more. Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby Rails Conf 2013 The Magic Tricks of Testing by Sandi Metz Lanyrd Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @sandimetz on twitter.

  • 50: It's Monday today, let's change everything

    27/05/2013 Duración: 43min

    In this week's episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Jeff Casimir and Katrina Owen from Jumpstart Lab and gSchool to discuss performing, speaking, and imposter syndrome, preparing for your talk, and what makes a good talk and how to give one. The also discuss gSchool, the way the program works and they way it's guaranteed, teaching, admitting ignorance, how good practice should be harder than the real thing, and why Jeff didn't like studying Computer Science and why he didn't enjoy programming and how Rails reignited his passion for creating things, and much more. Peepcode gSchool Jumpstart Lab Code Academy galvanize Go Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @j3 and @kytrinyx on twitter.

  • 49: The psychology of work

    20/05/2013 Duración: 35min

    In this episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Gregg Pollack and Nathaniel Bibler from EnvyLabs and Gregg shares what he's learned running his business, when not to be transparent, how to deal with compensation, and how the EnvyLabs compensation structure has changed over the years. Nathan, Gregg, and Ben also discuss Code School, yearly payments to a subscription, making courses effective, effective marketing, the effectiveness of mailing lists, community events, shared ownership, and much more. Code School RailsBridge Barcamp Orlando Ruby5 podcast Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @greggpollack and @nbibler on twitter.

  • 48: Barista imposter syndrome

    13/05/2013 Duración: 37min

    In this episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Jon Larkowski, closet hippie and developer at CareZone. Ben and Jon discuss being a closet hippie, transitioning from consulting to working on a startup/product team, ping-pong, paying attention to your habits and improving to your life, meditation, firewalling your attention, fostering a startup culture, imposter syndrome, podcasting, coffee, code review, guitar, and much more. e3 live algae CareZone Lift Headspace The Way I Getting Things Done by Jon Larkowski Ruby5 podcast Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @l4rk on twitter.

  • 47: Two hours per minute

    06/05/2013 Duración: 20min

    In this episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Ryan Bates of RailsCasts. Ben and Ryan discuss Ryan's transition to working on RailsCasts full time, staying up to date on the latest technology, how his coding style has changed, maintaining his open source, the process of producing RailsCasts, why he doesn't speak at conferences, the latest technology he is excited about, and much more RailsCasts Ruby Weekly Angular.js Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @rbates on twitter.

  • 46: We don't have a monopoly on being unhealthy

    29/04/2013 Duración: 33min

    Ben Orenstein is joined by Joe Kutner, programmer and author of ‘The Healthy Programmer’. Ben and Joe discuss how the demands of a development job lead to unhealthy habits, and ways to address the issues. They discuss specifics like standing desks, walking desks, the pomodoro technique, exercise, vitamin D, and much more. The Healthy Programmer The pomodoro technique Starting Stength The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business Big Ruby 2013 Build a Bigger Brain: How Healthy Living Makes You Smarter Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, and @codefinger on twitter.

  • 45: Tiny Robots Cuddling with other Tiny Robots

    22/04/2013 Duración: 34min

    This week we try something a little different. Joe Ferris, Matt Jankowski, Ben Orenstein, and Chad Pytel get together and have a little fun, in what we're calling "Tiny Robots cuddling with other Tiny Robots". We'd love to get your thoughts on this special format, tweet us @thoughtbot or email Follow @thoughtbot, @joeferris, @jankowski, @r00k, and @cpytel on twitter.

  • 44: I feel the opposite of burnt out

    15/04/2013 Duración: 52min

    In this week's podcast, Ben Orenstein is joined by Chad Fowler, author, speaker, and CTO of 6wunderkinder. Ben and Chad discuss Chad's recent move to Berlin and 6wunderkinder, what a CTO does, getting back to coding, the early Ruby community, who Chad wants to hire, predicting success of new hires, and what makes a truly good developer, favorite interview questions, how Chad's interviewing process has changed over time, how age and experience can change your perspective, how Chad built a great team, and what he might write about in the future. They also discuss Chad's new tattoo, his regrets, meditation, therapy, gaining control over your mind, and much, much more. Wunderlist David A. Black Rich Kilmer Dave Thomas Hilary Mason, Speaking: Entertain, Don’t Teach Befunge Ook! a programming language designed for orangutans LivingSocial Gains Wealth Of Ruby on Rails Expertise With InfoEther Acquisition Ben Scofield Evan Pheonix The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development My Job

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