Living Spring Podcast



The weekly podcast of Sunday morning sermons from Living Spring Church in Garden Grove, California.


  • 10 Lepers 1 Relationship Luke 17:11-19


    We take a short break from the Beatitudes this week to discuss Jesus healing the ten lepers. Only one returns to thank him and give praise to God. This week we talk about how our lives can look a lot like those lepers.

  • Beatitudes - Pure in Heart Matt. 5:8


    What an amazing statement. The pure in heart get to see God. This week we talk about our hearts. What causes "heart disease?" What does spiritual diet and exercise look like? Let's find out how to purify our hearts to see more of God.

  • Beatitudes - Merciful Matt. 5:7


    We love mercy. We love to sing about it, pray for it, read about it and receive it. But give it? Well that's an entirely different story. We love to receive it for anything we do against God but when we have to distribute it we make all sorts of excuses. "You don't know what he did to me!" "You don't understand!" Fortunately God understands and He's the one that manufactures all the mercy anyway.

  • Beatitudes - Hunger for Righteousness Matt. 5:6


    Have you ever been starving? I don't mean literally starving of course, I mean really really hungry. Jesus said in the book of John that His food was to do God's will. What would your life look like if you were as hungry to be right with God as you were for your daily food? That's what we discuss this week.

  • Beatitudes - Meek Matt. 5:5


    Blessed are the meek. No, that can't be right. Can it? In today's culture where you have to look out for number one, grab all you can and sue if you don't get it, how in the world are you going to get anything if you are meek? We discuss two things this week: What it means to be meek and what it means to inherit the earth. You really can have it all.

  • Beatitudes - Those Who Mourn Matt. 5:4


    How in the world can we be happy when we mourn? It's during those times that we are open to God's presence. Most of us want to avoid anything that would make us mourn. We can embrace those times as experiences that draw us nearer to God and each other.

  • Beatitudes - Pour in Spirit Matt. 5:3


    Poor in spirit? What in the world? That doesn't seem to be a posture of happiness! This week we talk about the joy of knowing that we come to God with nothing. It sounds depressing but it's actually kind of cool.

  • It's A Miracle! - Matt 4:23-25


    Have you ever experienced a miracle? Do you have a preconceived idea of what a miracle looks like? This week we discuss some of the Biblical references of miracles. We look at some of the criteria that were at some of the miracles and discuss what we can learn from them. Actually, we really don't discuss anything...Pastor John just talks.

  • Fisher's of Men - Matt. 4:18-22


    We missed the recording of this sermon so I just had some time to re-teach it. God wants to transform you into an awesome fisher of men. We talk about having the right fishing gear, thinking like a fish etc.

  • The Light of the World - Matt 4:12-17


    Jesus said he was the Light of the World. This week we discuss Jesus as the King of Light for a Kingdom of Light. What does it mean to walk in the light?

  • The Temptation Of Jesus. What Does It Mean For Us?


    What can we learn about temptation through Jesus' temptation in the desert? Well, everything! Hebrews chapter 3 says to "fix our thoughts" on Jesus. In chapter 12 it says "fixing our eyes" on Jesus. This week we do both!

  • The Baptism of Jesus. What does it mean for us?


    Jesus identifies with people. He didn't need to be baptized. He didn't need to repent. Yet He comes to John anyway. Why? This week we have a brief teaching on baptism in general then we talk about what Jesus' baptism means for us.

  • "Don the Baptist" - Matthew 3:1-12 Part 2


    This is part two of our sermon on John the Baptist. We look at what made him great and how that applies to us.

  • "Don the Baptist" - Matthew 3:1-12 Part 1


    This file is a little distorted, sorry about that. This week we discuss John The Baptist. He was a great man with a great advance the Kingdom of God. What made him great was the power of God in his life. We have the same Holy Spirit available to us and the same mission. So insert your name instead.

  • Starting Strong: Moving Forward


    The early church was growing at a very rapid rate. For the first few chapters everything was going great. Then some problems arose. How it was handled gives us great insight on how we move forward when there are problems.

  • Starting Strong: Church Growth


    How do you grow a church? Great preaching is a must. Great worship band? A necessity. And, of course, persecution. Wait, what?

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