Pv Sermons



Welcome to the Pleasant View Missionary Church Sermon Podcast, where we seek to bring practical application to our current culture with the never changing principles found in God's word!


  • Episode 208: John 19:1-16 Week 71 May 26, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duración: 37min

    As Pastor Sean unpacks this week's passage, we see Jesus being mocked; mayhem from the crowd that wants Him dead; His mission on full display through God's providence; and the moment Pilate handed Him over to be crucified. In light of what Jesus has done, we must rest in His providence; refuse to give in to the world's pressure; and take a moment to decide if and how we are to follow Jesus.

  • Episode 207: John 18:33-40 Week 70 May 19, 2024

    20/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    In today's passage, Jesus is interrogated by Pilate, He offers His defense, and Pilate renders his verdict but leaves the decision to the mob. Jesus certainly doesn't look the part of a king, which confuses Pilate. Jesus explains His kingdom to Pilate, which shows that He is not an immediate threat to Rome. Although Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus, like a good politician, he gives the crowd what they want. Have we accepted Christ as your Savior and King? If so, are we living for His kingdom or this one?

  • Episode 206: John 18:25-32 Week 69 May 12, 2024

    13/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    As we continue to look at the evening of Jesus' betrayal in John 18, we see Peter continue to deny Jesus only becoming convicted when the rooster crows; the religious leaders clinging to their rules as they persecute an innocent man; Pilate not convinced of a reason to punish Jesus; and Jesus fulfilling a prophecy about His own death. The three key takeaways from this passage are... 1. God is Sovereign. 2. Our relationship with Jesus is a first priority and our obedience will grow as we know our savior more. 3. Don't lie...

  • Episode 205: John 18:12-24 Week 68 May 5, 2024

    06/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    After Jesus is arrested, John records the following events leading up to His crucifixion. This week Pastor Sean looks at a shaky arrest, a shocking denial, and a mock of a trial. Looking at how Peter responds to the events, we can have confidence that God is not done with us yet. When we understand that our faith as not just a piece of the pie of our life but it is the filling of our lives, we can begin to fully serve Jesus. 

  • Episode 204: John 18:1-11 Week 67 April 28, 2024

    02/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    As we continue through the Gospel of John, Pastor Sean looks at Judas' betrayal of Jesus.

  • Episode 203: John 17:20-26 Week 66 April 21, 2024

    22/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    As we finish chapter 17, Pastor Sean examines the end of Jesus' prayer, which focuses on future believers. Jesus prays for us... How awesome is that? He prays that we will have unity; we will be with Him in eternity; and the Love of God would be with us. With Jesus' desire and prayer for us in mind, let us strive together to have unity in our Gospel community and draw closer to Jesus in our personal lives!

  • Episode 202: John 17:6-19 Week 65 April 14, 2024

    15/04/2024 Duración: 41min

    In this passage, we see that Jesus shows that He settles us in an unsettled world! As Jesus continues His prayer, He concentrates on His 11 disciples. Pastor Sean has 3 takeaways concerning this prayer. He has manifested himself to the disciples...and us. He is petitioning for them... and us. He is praying for their sanctification, having consecrated Himself. 

  • Episode 201: John 17:1-5 Week 64 April 7 2024

    09/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    We begin, this week, to look at Jesus' prayer to God before His betrayal. Pastor Sean looks at the first five verses drawing out 5 takeaways. 1. Jesus' hour had come. 2. He made a request to the Father. 3. His sovereignty is displayed. 4. His work is accomplished. 5. He repeated His request. Other than learning some new Greek, we can learn to trust Gods timing in our lives, like Jesus did; we can discern the heart of our prayers and trust His sovereignty; and we can rejoice in the Lord, always and allow our relationship to be shaped by that joy regardless of circumstances.

  • Episode 200: Easter Sunday John 20:1-19 March 31, 2024

    04/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!!!

  • Episode 199: John 16:25-33 Week 62 March 24 2024

    26/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    As Jesus begins to bring the upper room discourse to a close, Pastor Sean explains 5 things Jesus tells the disciples that they should expect going forward. 1. Jesus promises a deeper teaching. 2. Jesus promises direct access to the Father. 3. Jesus promises a developing faith. 4. Jesus promises persecution will come. 5. Jesus promises a divine peace will be with them. Wherever we are in our faith, Jesus wants us to grow deeper through studying the direct revelation He gives us in the scriptures. This will prepare us for persecution and fill us with His divine peace in all circumstances!

  • Episode 198: John 16:16-24 Week 61 March 2024

    18/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    As Pastor Sean unpacks the text today, he points out 5 points. 1. Jesus makes a prediction. 2. His disciples are confused. 3. Jesus points out the coming transformation. 4. The disciples' sorrow will be turned to Joy. 5. Jesus is our intercessor. As we confess Jesus and draw closer to Him, we will return to our "factory settings," which in Christ is joy!

  • Episode 197: John 16:4b-15 Week 60 March 10 2024

    12/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    As we continue through the upper room discourse in John's gospel, Jesus comforts the disciples with truth concerning the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit is a person; He awakens us to sin; He leads us into truth; and He glorifies Jesus. 

  • Episode 196: John 15:26-16:4a Week 59 March 3 2024

    04/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Jesus reminds us the even in the midst of persecution, we are called to give a testimony about Jesus. A true Christian witness is always about Jesus; bears the mark of Jesus' grace and mercy; is foundational to the spread of the gospel; and is Holy Spirit led and empowered.

  • Episode 195: John 15:18-27 Week 58 February 25, 2024

    26/02/2024 Duración: 45min

    As we continue through John's gospel, Jesus explains how the world will see and treat the disciples. They will be treated as He was treated. They will be hated and persecuted, but Jesus tells them to bear witness about Him to the world, knowing they will be treated this way. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to bear witness as we bear witness to Jesus Christ, so we can boldly proclaim the gospel with confidence since we are filled with the Holy Spirit!

  • Episode 194: John 15:12-17 Week 57 February 18, 2024

    19/02/2024 Duración: 37min

    As Sean unpacks this passage in John's Gospel, he looks at the immense love that God has for us. He challenges us to let someone in our Gospel community know that they are loved by the creator and sustainer of the universe as well as look for moments to show His love to someone who needs to know Jesus as their savior!

  • Episode 193: John 15:1-11 Week 56 February 11, 2024

    12/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    When we abide in Jesus we receive all we need for life. When we abide in Him we are delivered from judgment; we experience power in prayer; God is glorified; and we are filled with Joy! We all abide in something, is it in Jesus, the true vine?

  • Episode 192: John 14:15-24 Week 54 January 28, 2024

    29/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    The natural outcome of our love for Jesus is obedience to Him. Pastor Sean examines what that looks like and for us and challenges us to examine our own obedience, reminding us that our obedience shows Christ to others? Are we showing Jesus to those around us? What is your testimony?

  • Episode 191: John 14:8-14 Week 53 January 21 2024

    22/01/2024 Duración: 48min

    As we continue through John, we see Jesus clarify that He alone is enough... He is the way, the truth, and the life. How often do we ask for just a little more from Jesus? Let's stand firm in His grace...it is sufficient.

  • Episode 190: John 14:1-7 Week 52 January 14, 2024

    22/01/2024 Duración: 37min

    We continue through John's Gospel, looking at Jesus and learning some greek!

  • Episode 189: John 13:31-38 Week 51 January 7, 2024

    08/01/2024 Duración: 35min

    As we dive back into the Gospel of John, Jesus outlines three ways things are going to change in light of who He is and what He will do. God's glory is being revealed, they will be facing a new situation as Jesus is returning to His father, and there is a new commandment; love one another as He loves. 

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