Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks



An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Dr. Laurie Nadel – The Artifice of Social Media and the Dehumanizing Factor

    24/08/2016 Duración: 58min

    The statistics having to do with technology, and specifically social media usage are alarming. Counseling psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Laurie Nadel shares some sobering information about how people are willfully allowing technology to run their lives, and the consequences that will come from this addiction to this digital culture.

  • Animal Reincarnation – Your Pet May Be On Their Way Back to YOU!

    17/08/2016 Duración: 23min

    What are the dynamics involved when it comes to the possible return to life of your beloved animal companion? In this episode of Conscious Commentary we explore the significance of signs and synchronicities when it comes to animal reincarnation.

  • This Manifesting Experiment Worked BIG TIME! Here’s How.

    03/08/2016 Duración: 27min

    There is an art to manifesting, and there are probably no two people who will do it exactly the same. Here's how I manifested something I'd been wanting for so long!

  • Paul Levy – Wetiko and the Collective Psychosis of Humanity

    27/07/2016 Duración: 58min

    These days we are hearing repeated so often, that we are in a heightened state of alert. Of course the media connotation denotes that of fear and fragility, terrorism and trauma. But is this what we REALLY need to be alert TO and is there another underlying cause for all the tumult and evil in this world? Paul Levy, an author, gifted artist, philosopher, teacher and self-described wounded healer, is one who has tackled this very complex question. And the answer he gives may just surprise you. In this very important dialogue about the dynamics of what he calls a collective psychosis that is plaguing humanity, Paul feels that when we acknowledge that we all play some part in this drama or dream, we will begin the process of healing this virus of the mind. This interview may be challenging for some of you to hear, and for others it may just be the antidote that you’ve been long searching for. As always, only you can decide. Take a listen now to my interview with Paul Levy. Watch this interview on YouTube https:/

  • “Believe in Your Selfie!” Really???

    20/07/2016 Duración: 18min

    I've always cherished the art and science of language. Having grown up the daughter of an educator, early on I was instilled with the importance of learning to speak with a vocabulary of depth and substance. Slang words, with few exceptions, were not welcomed, and certainly not encouraged in my household. Many years later, I find myself looking intently and disturbingly at this growing trend of new words (or slangs) being introduced through pop CULT-ure into the societal vernacular, and I'm left to ponder what this co-opting of the English language is truly all about. Just last week, I was paying a visit to my favorite nail spa to get a pedicure. Fairly relaxed and always alert to my surroundings, rather than burying my head in my cell phone checking messages or texting, which fortunately is a rarity for me, I chose to just people watch - one of my favorite pastimes. I noticed a little girl around the age of 10 or so, getting her nails done with her mom. She had finished her manicure and was sitting with her

  • The Frequency of Emotion

    06/07/2016 Duración: 17min

    Fear, love, anger, compassion. These are not just feelings, they are energy. What role does the frequency of emotion play on our everyday lives?

  • Sean Stone – The Orlando Tragedies & Metaphysical Insights

    22/06/2016 Duración: 30min

    How to recognize clues, symbolism, and other strange synchronicity when it comes to events like the Orlando "triple tragedies." Sean Stone explains how it all works.

  • Dan Rather – The Changing Face of Media and How it’s Affecting Us

    15/06/2016 Duración: 57min

    In this exclusive interview with Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks, legendary news man Dan Rather weighs in on the most important issues of today and why the public needs to use discernment and skepticism when it comes to "Breaking News."

  • Rey Hernandez of F.R.E.E. – Down the Rabbit Hole of ET Encounters

    08/06/2016 Duración: 01h05min

    There are many dimensions to ET encounter stories. Rey Hernandez, co-founder of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters explains all of the "high strangeness" that comes with contact.

  • Sahar Ahmed – Breaking the Barriers of Autism through “The Portal”

    01/06/2016 Duración: 24min

    When asked to design a film project, a group of individuals with "autism" show their understanding of reality and what it truly means to use creative imagination!

  • Anomalies of Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson

    26/05/2016 Duración: 57min

    Is shape-shifting a "real" phenomenon? Can someone actually delay their own death? In this episode of HJ Radio, we look at two EXTREMELY bizarre stories and weigh in on how consciousness factor into how we perceive reality.

  • The True Nature of Synchronicity

    18/05/2016 Duración: 16min

    When you have a synchronicity, have you ever wondered how it all came to be? It may be worth asking the right questions, but remember it may be nothing like what you "think" it is! Read on!

  • Penney Peirce – Intuition, Politics, and the Current State of Reality

    11/05/2016 Duración: 01h10s

    How could politics and intuition mix? Penney Peirce shares why intuition matters in understanding what's going on in this critical (and metaphysical) political cycle.

  • Manifest Your Reality – It’s All About Making it a CONSCIOUS Choice!

    13/04/2016 Duración: 59min

    Do you have a story of how you manifested your reality that defies all logic? Dianne Bischoff James has one to share that you DEFINITELY won't want to miss! Psst! You CAN consciously create your desired reality!

  • Why Ignoring Your Intuition Can Be THE Best Teacher

    04/04/2016 Duración: 18min

    Who says that acting on your intuition is the best way to get to know it? Find out why ignoring your intuition can be your best teacher!

  • Messages from an ET Hybrid – with Miguel Mendonca and Robert Fullington

    30/03/2016 Duración: 01h02min

    What would it be like to talk with an ET hybrid? Find out in this special episode of Higher Journeys Radio!

  • Conscious Commentary – Messages from an ET Hybrid

    30/03/2016 Duración: 15min

    What is the reality of an ET hybrid? And if you had occasion to talk with one, what would you want to hear? In this Conscious Commentary episode we muse over these questions and more!

  • The UFO – E.T. Influence on the Music Industry with Grant Cameron

    23/03/2016 Duración: 01h02min

    Investigative journalist and fringe researcher Grant Cameron is no stranger to the ET/UFO story. Cameron's quest into this puzzling yet important subject began in 1975 when he personally witnessed a sighting in Canada, which popularly became known as Charlie Red Star. Some 40+ years later, Cameron’s work has become synonymous with the presidential aspect of UFOlogy. A big aspect to be sure. But what some of you may not know about this thorough and inquisitive journalist is his research into the E.T. influence on the musical scene. According to Grant, this influence is huge and in his words “complex.” After following what seemed to be an endless trail of clues, Grant Cameron is clear - Our most influential musicians ARE in contact with non-human intelligence! Key elements in this episode include: How did the idea of a musician/E.T. connection arise? How many musicians are actually “experiencers” or “abductees?” Three songs that have strong E.T. connotations: Led Zeppelin - Kashmere Neil Young - After

  • Human – Extraterrestrial Hybrids with Barbara Lamb

    16/03/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Barbara Lamb is a name many in the ET and UFO field know very well. For over two decades, Barbara has researched and lectured on the subject of extraterrestrial encounters. Having regressed well over a thousand individuals with these encounters, Barbara continues to reveal new vistas into the idea that many on this planet just may have direct connections with non-human intelligence. In this, my second interview with Barbara, done at her home just outside of Los Angeles, we discussed her latest project and that’s a book in which she co-authored with researcher Miguel Mendonca called Meet the Hybrids. Some of what Barbara discusses in this sit down chat about the hybrids may surprise you, and some might seem familiar to you. Either way, I know you’ll find what Barbara has to say nothing short of extraordinary. Explore the episode highlights: Who are the hybrids and what are their missions? The emphasis on the spiritual orientation of the hybrids. Extreme telepathic, psychic, and healing abilities.

  • The Non-Human Influence on Humanity with Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Sean Stone

    09/03/2016 Duración: 31min

    When you begin to contemplate all of the chaos, crisis, angst, and fear that seems to be permeating our planet, now more than ever, did it ever occur to you that a non-human force may be influencing such things? And if this is the case, who are they, and why are they so intent on keeping the negative force as a central focus? Rosemary, Alexis, and Sean prior to their sit down discussion. Photo credit - Hayley Fisk Photo © In this, my second on-location interview from Los Angeles while at the 14th Annual Conscious Life Expo, I had the chance to chat once again with two people who know this subject quite well, and that’s paranormal investigator and author Rosemary Ellen Guiley and film producer and talk show host Sean Stone. This is the second time I had Rosemary and Sean together to discuss the mysterious and mischievous phenomenon of the non human influence and how prevalent it is. What both had to share about these state of affairs, was certainly a bit disturbing. However, we all agree that it is necessary

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