The Town



The Town exists to reach unchurched and dechurched people, tell them about Jesus, and mobilize them to change the world for Christ. We distribute audio/video content including sermons and other teaching events. You can find out more about us at our website


  • The Fearful & Anxious

    05/06/2011 Duración: 55min

    We are all plagued with fears of varying types, but Jesus tells us not to worry or be anxious. Learning to trust in his work and his promises is the key to shacking off the bonds of debilitating fear, allowing us to enjoy a rich life with Christ.

  • Suffering For Christ

    29/05/2011 Duración: 50min

    This sermon was preached by Isaac Shaw of Delhi Bible Institute (

  • The Addicted & Abused

    22/05/2011 Duración: 01h03min

    Every single human being is an image-bearer of God and was designed to find their identity in him. As broken people, we find our identity in the things we've done to ourselves and the things done to us. Jesus gives us a new identify if we come to him in faith.

  • The Depressed

    15/05/2011 Duración: 52min

    There are a variety of circumstances that contribute to depression and loneliness. Some are a result of our sin; others are a result of the effects of sin in the world. Both hurt. Jesus knows what it means to mourn and experience loneliness. But he is a king who will make all things new and we can find hope in that.

  • The Broken Relationship

    08/05/2011 Duración: 01h01min
  • The Prodigal

    01/05/2011 Duración: 54min

    The Gospel is about God restoring his broken children so that they can enjoy a right relationship with him. Parenting is an earthly demonstration of this truth, and we need to look to Jesus not only for the grace to love our children well, but to also trust that he is ultimately responsible for their souls.

  • The Grave Couldn't Hold Him

    24/04/2011 Duración: 28min
  • Stone's Throw 2.0

    17/04/2011 Duración: 54min

    When church is on Sundays we will ruin everything. James closes his letter with a look into how the Christian should understand the church. We are to be truthful with each other. We are to be praying for each other. We are to be confessing our sins to one another. We are to restore one another. In summary, we are to be the church. If we are to evolve as a church we will have to grasp the concept that Church is not on Sundays

  • Perseverance and Preservation

    10/04/2011 Duración: 52min

    When Jesus' return is irrelevant to our mission and community we will ruin everything. James encourages us to live like Job. That takes perseverance. James' reminds us that the story of Job promises that the Lord would be compassionate and merciful as he preserves those he has saved. A church must do everything with the coming of Christ in view. Jesus' second coming must be relevant as we work with urgency.

  • Big Screen or Big Impact

    03/04/2011 Duración: 01h07min

    If we are going to plant a church that is making a big impact, we will have to make hard decisions in each of our personal lives. It doesn't seem like your one personal choice will affect the bigger plan—but when a church is full of people who are making bad stewardship choices the collective effort is ruined. When we are not intentional with our time, money and resources we will ruin everything.

  • Flexible Church

    27/03/2011 Duración: 01h02min

    It takes about 3 minutes from the birth of a church program for church people to be willing to die for a program, idea or tradition. Some of the same church people who are willing to die for a sacred cow were at one point willing to kill if the sacred cow was erected. Sacred cows become sacred because we seek our own ends and not the Lord's will. Sacred cows graze when we are not flexible to the desire of God. Sacred cows starve when a church's mission is to glorify Jesus alone. When we allow sacred cows to graze we will ruin everything.

  • Everyone But You

    20/03/2011 Duración: 53min

    The lead pastor of Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll, makes it a point of saying, "I am just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about a somebody." This just about sums up what James is saying in these verses. We often find ourselves slandering other people rather than taking inventory in our own lives. It is very difficult to pass judgment and slander others if we have in view that we are nobody trying to tell everybody about Jesus. When we are honest with everyone but ourselves we will ruin everything.

  • It's About Me (Part 3)

    13/03/2011 Duración: 01h03min

    When it is all about us we will ruin everything. For three weeks we will examine this one area in which we could ruin everything. Our mission and community cannot be about us. We must make much about Jesus. The third area we will deal with is what we are drawn too. When we stop drawing near to Jesus and drawing others to Jesus we will ruin everything.

  • It's About Me (Part 2)

    06/03/2011 Duración: 01h02min

    When it is all about us we will ruin everything. For three weeks we will examine this one area in which we could ruin everything. Our mission and community cannot be about us. We must make much about Jesus. The second area we will deal with is our influence. We know that our mission is about us when we stop transforming the culture and are instead transformed by the culture.

  • It's About Me (Part 1)

    27/02/2011 Duración: 58min

    When it is all about us we will ruin everything. For three weeks we will examine this one area in which we could ruin everything. Our mission and community cannot be about us. We must make much about Jesus. The first area we will deal with is our personal desire. When our personal desire drives us we will ruin everything.

  • Demonic Wisdom

    20/02/2011 Duración: 57min

    Satan and his demons have a real handle on Scripture. Many of them could probably surpass our best theologians with their knowledge and understanding of who God is. If it were possible, they could pass ordination exams, seminary classes, and even disguise themselves as good Christians. They have knowledge that appears to be wisdom. But this wisdom is from below. It is a pseudo-wisdom. When our wisdom is from below we will ruin everything.

  • Kill Me Softly

    13/02/2011 Duración: 48min

    Words kill people every day. A father can crush his children with his words. A marriage can fall apart when words are too many or too absent. Rumors can bring a person to ruin regardless of the truth. Words can also bring healing. They can build up. They can be constructive. When gossip rages on and the image of God means nothing we will ruin everything.

  • Delusions of Grandeur

    06/02/2011 Duración: 41min

    Fame is a god that has no place in the church. Many of us desire to have a place of fame. We want to be noticed. Technology has given us all kinds of ways to be famous among our friends. A clever Facebook status makes us popular for a day. Our good deeds make us look good. Perhaps we are a good teacher and can really conduct a great Bible Study or Community Group. And yet James gives us a somber warning. Fame seekers cannot glorify Jesus for they glorify themselves. When ambition and power drive the church it will ruin everything.

  • When Authentic Faith Is Elusive

    30/01/2011 Duración: 44min

    If what we believe does not impact the world, we will ruin everything. When we return to authentic faith, we will know it. Our community will know it. Our friends and family will know it. We are not just speaking about an individual faith but a church full of people who have an authentic faith that works.

  • When We Shake Like Demons

    23/01/2011 Duración: 58min

    When our Christian walk is defined by our knowledge alone, and/or we lack a life of gratitude, we will ruin everything. James gets right to the point when he says that a faith that has no works is not able to save. The reason being is that a faith without a life of gratitude is not faith at all. James really brings it home when he says that a faith without works is very much like the faith of demons. They believe. It isn't enough to believe. Jesus changes people. Plain and simple. Are we changed?

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