Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:14
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Being the first to pave the way for others is a unique calling for many of us striving to live a life of purpose and integrating that purpose into our business. I started Fresh Tracks because I don't believe in building cookie-cutter businesses. As individual as each of us are, I believe you are most successful when you listen to your intuition, honor your unique gifts, and create your business your way. And that often means not doing things the way everyone else does. This podcast was created to share ideas, best practices, and bring thought leaders together to help you create fresh tracks in your life and business.


  • Invisible in Plain Sight: the Role Branding Plays in Being Seen

    28/09/2017 Duración: 40min

    In episode 57 of Fresh Tracks I speak with personal branding coach Jessie May about what it means to be seen. Seen by the right people. Seen by your tribe. Being seen as your authentic self. Being truly seen as your authentic self entails both how you are being energetically, and how you present yourself to the world as a business. Jessie May shares what a brand is and why taking the time to define yours early on is an important step to your small business success. You may be blogging, sending an e-zine, speaking or publishing articles and taking other marketing actions but not getting the results you desire. I call it being invisible in plain sight. Jessie May shares how easy it is for this to happen and provides tips for overcoming this common and frustrating struggle. Jessie May also shares her branding tree with us - a visual for how branding, marketing and you fit together. What happens when you show up as the authentic you to your tribe? You may be feeling vulnerable, but your tribe is feeling connectio

  • Bold Betties -- The Niki Koubourlis Story from Employee to Entrepreneur

    04/09/2017 Duración: 34min

    In this week’s episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with Niki Koubourlis, founder of the women’s outdoor adventure company Bold Betties. Niki shares her journey of bold adventure, entrepreneurial success, and cutting Fresh Tracks. Niki’s journey begins with her making one bold move after another, including a move across continents to Colorado where she knows no one and has no job lined up. Within a few short years Niki has established an outdoor adventure community for women, over 42,000 strong, that reaches all corners of the world. We discuss the role drive plays in personal success and why being bold is often required to cut Fresh Tracks in your own life. Niki shares insights into the role community plays in the ‘chapter B’ phase of life and how community can help you through a transformation or tough life event. Using the outdoor experience Bold Betties provides to push your boundaries, many gain the courage to walk into a scary situation in other aspects of their lives that had been holding them back. Be bold

  • You are a Badass at Making Money

    08/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    In episode 55 of Fresh Tracks I speak with Jen Sincero, NYT bestselling author of You Are a Badass at Making Money. Jen talks to us about creating wealth and steps to take if you truly want to have it all. Jen specifically shares some common blocks many of us have to making money and provides insights on how to become aware of what our individual blocks are. Becoming aware of our unconscious judgements and shame around money is one of the best places to start! In her famously funny style, Jen also discusses how being unaware of our own excuses is, in fact, killing our success. We also examine the role gratitude plays in making money and how your lack of gratitude is unknowingly sabotaging your money making efforts. In this episode Jen goes in-depth on how powerful our thoughts are and how they shape our income potential. She also discusses the ways in which our bank accounts are mirrors for our bugaboos about money. Jen helps listeners find clarity on their financial goals, debunks the fear, loathing and guil

  • The Role of Communicating Strategically in Cutting Fresh Tracks

    27/07/2017 Duración: 34min

    In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with best-selling author and speaker Dianna Booher about the important and yet often neglected act of communicating strategically. As leaders in our life, business and community, speaking strategically plays an instrumental role in our outcomes, how others perceive us, and our ability to manifest what we desire. Dianna shares best practices for answering important questions when you are caught off guard and teaches us a structure you can always follow to be concise and cover what you need to cover without advance preparation! Dianna also teaches us a 6-step process to becoming a strategic communicator – it’s something all of us can master. What happens when you walk into a room? Do you command a presence or are you mostly ignored? Dianna shares expert advice on what it means to have a personal presence and helps us evaluate where to spend our time improving our presence. Finally, in this week’s show you’ll learn the number one complaint of senior executives and how to o

  • The power of embracing life’s beginnings and endings – and how that helps you create Fresh Tracks

    27/06/2017 Duración: 33min

    Do you LOVE starting new things – the adventure, the newness, the fun just gets you so excited you can hardly stand it? You jump in to your new endeavor with enthusiasm and motivation and are ready to rock the world. The thing is, that excitement only lasts so long. In no time at all the fun adventure becomes routine and before you know it, it’s ending. How do you handle things as they are ending? From relationships to projects to businesses, how you handle endings effects how you handle your next beginning and it effects how you experience yourself. How does it effect you when you avoid endings? When you drop things quickly and move on, unfinished, to your next exciting adventure? In episode 53 of Fresh Tracks I speak with Shaman and author HeatherAsh Amara about the role beginnings and endings play in creating Fresh Tracks. She shares how important it is to recognize beginnings and endings as they are happening and gives us tips on how to be conscious during our transitions. HeatherAsh tells us that we can

  • Listening for Success

    05/06/2017 Duración: 36min

    In episode 52 of Fresh Tracks I speak with communication expert Leslie Shore on the topic of listening for success. The truth is we can ALL be better listeners and it’s important to recognize this in order to continue to expand your communication skills. Did you know there are things you can do to help the person you are speaking with listen better so they are more likely to hear what you have to say? There are things you say and do as a speaker to invite people to open up (or shut down) and they are more likely to listen to you. Leslie shares that our goal as speakers is to learn how to speak in a way that matches the person listening. Ready to cut some Fresh Tracks but scared to share with your loved ones? Leslie teaches us how to discuss touchy topics in a way that is less likely to make the listener shut down. “Honey I’m quitting my job and starting a new business” has been known to bring up a few listening barriers as folks embark on their Fresh Tracks journey! Listen in on this week’s show to get the sc

  • A Simple Morning Routine to Prime Your Brain for Success

    01/05/2017 Duración: 40min

    In episode 51 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins I speak with May McCarthy. Serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and author of The Path to Wealth, May explains the 7 steps she takes each morning that help her activate her subconscious to help her achieve her goals. Like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein, May teaches us that we can learn to rely on intuition to achieve more of what we want in all areas of our life. May shares specific examples of ways to grow your business with clarity and insightfulness. Her wisdom on conscious capitalism, what it means and how to use it as a powerful tool for the growth and success of everyone involved in a transaction is a must for anyone in business. From attracting the right employees to maximizing profits and financial goals, May’s lifetime of experience both running and selling profitable companies is invaluable and shared in this week’s show! Show Notes 2:30 – May’s path to using words, thoughts and emotions to achieve goals 7:50 – The morning

  • Beyond Goal Setting

    20/04/2017 Duración: 33min

    In episode 50 of Fresh Tracks we discuss three simple habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to more easily get things done, grow your business with ease, and create with intention.  Many of us struggle because we work towards our goals haphazardly and start off our work day by getting done what we ‘have to’ first. We prevent our success in our business by unconsciously blocking our happiness, not feeling whole as a person and spending our time trying to fit in rather than appreciating what makes us unique. In this week’s show we review what happens if you spend just a few minutes focusing on what’s important before starting work each day. Taking a few moments to focus on your goals and move forward with intention can change everything. You will ultimately find you spend less time achieving more. Learning to love who you are and honoring your distinctness, stopping unsupportive patterns that block your happiness, consciously choosing and clearing your relationships, and caring for your work space

  • The Art of Voice

    21/02/2017 Duración: 38min

    In episode 49 of Fresh Tracks I speak with voice coach Hilary Blair about the power of our voice. Hilary teaches us some best practices so you can you best use your voice to both communicate your message and be in your power center so you are heard. In this week’s show you’ll discover the three distinct areas of your voice and understand why they are important as well as the role of each. Hilary also shares the important role of your breath when you speak and the different types of breath that support conveying your message adequately in different situations. Did you know that your voice is connected to you and your emotions? In fact, your voice is a vulnerable place because it’s connected to your breath and we can unconsciously hold back when we are afraid or nervous – undermining the message we are trying to share. Understanding our bodies built-in coping mechanisms and how to work with them rather than against them is a valuable tool Hilary shares in the show. Are you using your voice as a wall to hide beh

  • Interview with Jessica Barron, VP &GM for

    31/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    In Episode 48 of Fresh Tracks I speak with Jessica Barron, VP & GM of We cover a wide range of topics from personal health for busy professionals to the hot new marketing to trends for 2017! Jess discusses the challenges in adding voice to a large brand and balancing that with giving everyone a voice…all the while recognizing that you can’t please everyone. What’s the key to Livestrong’s success of over 27.5 million unique monthly viewers? Always looking to the future and invigorating their brand. On this week’s show Jess discusses tips for moving your business forward and always staying on top of the times as well as the role trending topics plays in growing your brand. She also had some interesting insights on the different interests on today’s popular mediums such as Facebook, snapchat and twitter. Jess also shares her advice for any Fresh Trackers wanting to get into the health and wellness space. Truthfully her tips can apply to all of us in any industry so be sure to listen in! Fro

  • The One Thing

    01/11/2016 Duración: 34min

    In episode 47 of Fresh Tracks I speak with author and business owner Jay Papasan about the ONE Thing: the surprising simple truth behind extraordinary results. Jay poses this question for us ask ourselves: What’s the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary? By focusing on your ONE thing, you can accomplish more by doing less. Jay shares why discovering this surprisingly simple truth is the difference between achieving extraordinary results vs consistent struggle and shares how to implement these truths in your life. The results you get are directly influenced by the way you work and the choices you make. In this week’s show Jay provides tips for both discovering your ONE thing and the pitfalls to avoid when we have a lot to do, recognizing that the distractions we face each day are unlimited! Jay shares personal stories of how he and his wife built their multimillion-dollar real estate business while raising their two kids, and kept their priorities of family

  • The Secret Ingredient to Scaling a Business

    12/09/2016 Duración: 38min

    In Episode 46 of the Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins show we feature author, entrepreneur and mom Kimberly Alexander, founder of The Results Map Experience. The show begins with Kimberly sharing her experience rising the corporate ladder and how it rapidly led to the deterioration of her health and family relationships. Standing strong in her power, Kimberly’s transition from employee to entrepreneur is a perfect example of one woman cutting Fresh Tracks in her life and business! Kimberly shares how empowering it can be to use the strong lessons we’ve learned in life to fuel our passion moving forward in sharing our purpose with the world. Kimberly also candidly discusses why she has written two books, and openly provides tips for all of us on how to use a book as a platform for building a brand, a scalable business as well as creating foundational programs in our businesses. Show Notes: 2:25 – Kimberly’s journey from corporate executive to entrepreneur 5:30 – Insider tips for building the business of your dr

  • Finding the Gift -- A Lesson in Mindfulness

    24/08/2016 Duración: 37min

    On episode 45 of Fresh Tracks I speak with mindfulness expert Angela Howell. Angela found herself in an incredibly stressful situation when she had to recreate herself after experiencing a work injury that ended her highly successful corporate sales career. Angela shares how practicing simple mindfulness strategies can help you turn life’s obstacles into opportunities. By being mindful we can become aware of how our being uncomfortable is often actually what transmutes us into becoming who we are meant to be. We don’t have to be trained in meditation or have a daily yoga practice to grow in mindfulness and experience its calming benefits. In this week’s show Angela discusses tips for overcoming common obstacles to embracing mindfulness practices every day. Exploring negative beliefs about yourself, learning to see the blessing rather than the trial in experiences, and recognizing the gift in each situation are all opportunities to renew your passions in life. Show Notes: 1:30 – How and why Angela created a da

  • Selling in a Skirt

    26/07/2016 Duración: 36min

    In episode 44 of Fresh Tracks I speak with author, iHeart radio show host and sales expert Judy Hoberman about sales. Judy shares insights on her brand, Selling in a Skirt, and teaches in-depth on her S.K.I.R.T philosophy. There is no getting away from sales as an entrepreneur, yet many of us struggle because we don’t feel comfortable selling or we feel we aren’t being in integrity with ourselves by ‘selling’ to others. Judy busts those ancient sales myths and that yucky salesy feeling and shares how bringing some old fashioned relationship building to the conversation changes everything. Don’t let ‘the triangle’ intimidate you, it’s not in Bermuda – Judy’s simple ‘strategic triangle’ will help everyone that suffers from bright shiny object syndrome stay on track when new opportunities present themselves! From being realistic in your goal setting to creating a one-page business plan, Judy helps simplify making money and connecting with clients on this week’s show! Show Notes: 2:10 – Why selling the selling in

  • The Sustainable Edge: How 15 Minutes a Week Will Lead to a Richer Entrepreneurial Life

    12/07/2016 Duración: 33min

    Episode 43 -- Finding Your Sustainable Edge NYT best-selling authors of The Sustainable Edge: Fifteen Minutes a Week to a Richer Entrepreneurial Life, Ron Carson and Scott Ford share best practices to helping you achieve a fuller, more rewarding work-life balance. On this week’s show the duo inspire entrepreneurs to define and sustain a competitive edge in the complex, fast-changing world of business. Striving to integrate your passion, your business and your personal life? Ron and Scott will teach you how to achieve your goals across four key areas: your business, your teams, your clients, and your personal lives. Discover easy-to-perform exercises that can be completed in as little as 15 minutes a week to help your company boost its Business IQ. Achieving balance and sustainable business growth are possible and in fact important for entrepreneurs to be truly successful as these incredibly successful wealth advisors share on this week’s show. Show Notes 4:00 – Tips for living your life by design and not d

  • Is Your Worrying Manifesting Disaster?

    21/06/2016 Duración: 31min

    Episode 42- Is Your Worrying Manifesting Disaster? Did you know that the history of the word worry means to choke or strangle? How much of your time do you spend worrying – about anything? And how is that worry ‘strangling’ any good you are creating? In this week’s Fresh Tracks show Kelly Robbins delves into the inner sanctuary of our mind and examines the effect worrying has on our lives. From the relationships we manifest to how much money we make, worrying plays a significant factor in our overall health, happiness and success. Kelly also goes in-depth on the topics of wealth and abundance to help you examine the roles debt and dependency play in worrying. With tips to help you derail repetitive worrying and taking control of your thoughts, after listening to this week’s show you’ll easily be manifesting your dreams rather than repelling success! How do gratitude, responsibility and patience play a role in not only manifesting the life and business of our dreams, but creating anything we want from a health

  • Lemonade Stand Selling

    08/06/2016 Duración: 37min

    In episode 41 of Fresh Tracks I speak with author, speaker, and radio show host Diane Helbig on the topic of sales. Author of the book Lemonade Stand Selling, Diane shares best practices for understanding what sales is really about…matching a solution to a problem and how to be authentic when selling. Sales is quite simply unavoidable when you own your own business. On the show we discuss what your job really is when you are in a sales conversation. It’s quite simply discovery. Have you not sold before or feel uncomfortable selling? Diane shares with us the best place to get started learning how to sell as well how to determine your value. Knowing who values you and what you have to offer is a key component to successfully serving others. Do you complicate sales with head games, fear and psychology? I know I have! We read books, become stressed for money, and aren’t able to relax and be our true selves in sales conversations because we are trying so hard. Diane provides tips for breaking through some of these

  • Create Consistent Cash Flow and Feel Financially Confident

    16/05/2016 Duración: 36min

    Karen Russo – Create Consistent Cash Flow and Feel Financially Confident In episode 40 of Fresh Tracks we have author, speaker and money coach Rev. Karen Russo. Karen shares her insights on making money and reveals why some of us struggle to accomplish our financial goals and others don’t. Did you think starting your business would change your financial picture? Karen’s says tapping into your unlimited abundance calls for a little bit of courage and recognizing the importance of being able to give and receive. Understand that each person is a center for prosperity – even you – and your job is to know this and remove beliefs that prevent that flow of money from coming to you. You may have heard that you have to be a generous giver to be a generous receiver. Karen shares that giving includes giving your attention to your money and not hiding from it and shares some best practices on how to incorporate this into our daily lives.  In this week’s show we talk about the importance of including money in your spiritu

  • 5 Tips to Gain More Media Exposure

    18/04/2016 Duración: 43min

    In episode 39 of Fresh Tracks entrepreneur, publicist, and publisher of Strictly Marketing Magazine Kerry Heaps shares her insights on how you can grow your business with publicity. Kerry shares that experience with the media is a journey and you don’t usually start at the top! There are, however, some places where it’s easiest to get started and build your experience and confidence. Kerry shares the 5 steps everyone should follow when building their brand with publicity. Finding media to feature you can easily become a major time suck! Kerry shares several best practices to help you make the most of your time and make the experience good for both you and the media outlet. The goal of publicity is not just to get interviewed or to have your article/blog post picked up. The goal is leads and have business results. Kerry shares insider secrets to getting the most from each interview you do – and even provides tips on how to get asked to come back! Show Notes 2:20 – Best place to get started4:40 – How to come up

  • The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity:

    28/03/2016 Duración: 41min

    In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with author and spiritual teacher Edwene Gaines about money and prosperity. Money plays such an important role in our ability to cut Fresh Tracks that it’s presence, or lack of presence, in our life is often the place we make decisions from. Lack of money is often the excuse we give for not stepping into our dreams, for creating those Fresh Tracks in life. Most of us are not aware that there is more to making money and creating a prosperous life than hard work. Edwene Gaines shares her wisdom and personal experience on how each of us can create prosperity in our lives. From living your divine purpose to understanding the powerful role discontent has in our lives, Edwene shares that trusting our own personal guidance system and understanding Universal Law is what it takes to live a prosperous life. Edwene’s charm and humor motivates and empowers all of us to be the master of money and enrich our lives. All you need to do is give yourself permission to do something diffe

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