Tj Morris Et Radio



347-945-7207 - .RETURN JANUARY 2018. Catch the Cosmos Connection on Saturday 6-8 E on on Studio B. Skype me at TJMorrisET. We are updating our equipment to doa live stream and larger audience for 2018. TJ Morris ET Radio Show with Theresa J Morris Ministries. Spirituality about Universal Life Topics. TJ began the ACO for trusted friends interested in spiritual science, metaphysics, truth, research, mysteries, history, cosmos connection, Life, frienship, book authors, video makers, and webmasters. ACO is about US and alien civilizations exist .Share peer review journals as we learn about each other in radio. Donations welcome to become a part of our listener supported radio shows. magazine. ACE American Communications Online Information on Self-Help. Spiritual Path Journeys, Life & Death, Open Mind Exploration, Super Natural Unexplained Phenomena, Consciousness, Phenomenology,Metaphysics, paranormal, near-death experience, climate change,cosmology, quantum physics, remote viewing, hauntings, contactees,extraterrestrials, psychics, ESP, remote reading, metaphysics, world religions, cultures, habits, conspiracies. Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, magic to mysteries, UFOS. Ancient Cultures Origin (, Earth hypothesis, science fiction literature, integrative medicine. Archaeology, Astronaut Clues & Views, Ascension Age, ERA COP, Time Travel, Time, TV Shows - Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, Culture, Education Entertainment, Expanse Alternative ET Realities,Dimensions. Quantum Metaphysics, Mystic Minds Matrix, Authors, Researcher Theresa J Morris,,,, Call 850-738-5136 to book an interview .Spiritual Educational Entertainment Supporters.


  • Guest drop in -The war of 34. Sagel18 preview of Sunday show.

    10/10/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    I will have a speacial guest going to drop in today. (Sargel18). We will start what will be talking about on Sunday. The future, the war, end times, New times, Angels and demons. The way life  is and the way it will be.     We will go beyond all the stories, all the lies, but get to the truth about aliens. Why are they here. What can they really do.     You hear over and over if aliens wanted to take us they could.  People say that about Russia and China. Really who can take who out? We had many wars with aliens in the past 50 years. They are what could of ended life as we know it.     The oly thing missing in all the UFO stories is the truth why they are even here. They were here before we were.     Sargel and I spent many years in one of the most important Vortexs on the planet. I know everyone says here a veortex there a vortex every where there is a vortex. Sorry to break your bubble that has never been proven until now.     There is No one in the US that have filmed and taken pictures more pitures t

  • The Truth of the Truth part 2

    07/10/2018 Duración: 01h58min

        After a lifetime of studing about spirit, aliens, God  and Love I have found very little truth about any of them outside my own experiences. We all look for love and then think the planet will get better. If people cannot find human love they will usualy have a pet to fill that gap.    I started with Truth a few days ago. Finding the truth in the lies. It is really not that hard.  i will you the most important technique to work with. It is very easy to use. If you are a person that like to hide from the truth you will need to watch TV for a few days. They you will need to go on line and check out the daily earth quake chart. Check out  the weather  as well.      Now, all you need to do is pull up a few records of certain things on-line. Number of death daily. The number of sex crimes as well. You will see all the programming people telling you that everything is ok are all lies.      Then  when people tell you your going into sith Dimesion. Compare that to what you know you are in. I call it fifth diem

  • The Truth of the Truth and the Truth about the Lies.

    03/10/2018 Duración: 02h03min

    Right now man has decided to follow their truth then make everyone else follow it too. When someone tries  to tell you what God is and what It wants comes from ego. When one thinks God has the same thing for everyone of us and it is the same.    Lets go beyond the programmed accepted ideas. Life is not about love. It is not about fame. It is not about fortune. It is not about time. It is not about having children.     You can take them all apart why people give them so much energy. It has nothing to do with why soul came here. All the speakers are telling you lies. Giving you false hope about being here. Telling you are important and making you feel important.     Truth changing everything you believe into what it really is. Two people MAKE love and then produce a child. It allows as well as forces a soul to come into it. The people that talk about fear is dangerouse. Because without people think they can do what ever they want.    Highly involved being do not exist in the lower realms.  People thinking o

  • Creating a way to ascend. Understanding ascension. Theresa J Morris

    01/10/2018 Duración: 02h02min

    Ascension  Psychic Show also known as Theresa J Morris, Cosmos Ambassador with tuning into the divine consciousness we call the universe inside many others with the Host. If you want to be a part of this LIVE radio show please join our ACO CLUB and pay dues. We do psychic readings for our members we teach in our Ascension Psychic Reading Shows. My name is Theresa J Thurmond Morris, also known as Theresa J Morris, and TJ Morris Media Agency Publishing. I have been teaching Ascension Age Psychic Awakening Classes since 1990. My first introduction to the blog talk radio was when I was asked to be a guest for others who were wanting me to share my ET experiences then found out part of being a CE5 was about being clear and in tuune with higher beings. I share my way of being me with those who desire to have some type of communication with someone outside their own selves while on their own spiritual path. Many seek out spiritual advisers, precognitives, and psychic-mediums. I am considered a reader due to being a

  • How many people believe their God will win in the end? Dare to listen

    30/09/2018 Duración: 02h02min

      How many people believe we can have world peace? Did you ever sit and even think about it? What could 7.4 billion people have in common? One- The same idea about marriage, Two- the same idea about age of it. Three - the age of drinking and smoking. Four- the right to do drugs. Five-the right to fight. Six- the right to bar arms. Seven- the right to marry as many people as you want. Eight - the right to make drinking illegal. Nine- the right kill. Nine - the right to live. 10- the right die. 11- the right pray any where and any way they want. 12.- the right to prostitution. 13- the right to eat anything. 14- The right to dress anyway you want.    People love the word  freedom. Do people understand it is impossible to live in a world of total freedom. We have very little freedom being in one of the only country that has much more them most other countries.       What does Freedom mean to you? Do you think I would write the same things down? Many people feel that freedom would make things better.Like what.

  • American Dreams TJMorrisETRadio, Theresa J Morris Host

    28/09/2018 Duración: 02h02min

    Learning that there is more to life than what we share with our senses on an every day basis is so apparent that people are beginning to tune into their own sixth sense. We all share that which is universal life. We can now know that the way we conduct ourselves on a daily basis does matter. We all matter and how we sinteract with gravity-space-time can have an effect on the critical mass mind. I have been doing my part to find a place that allows us to discover more about each other. I have I am expanding my world as with my writing in the paranormal world of co-creation. ACO Club Founder Theresa J Morris is going to ask people who want to share their opinions in response to topics to discuss in a radio show to join the ACO Club. Live and learn while we prepare to share eternity together. ACO Club is going to share the floor with ACO Members. Want to discuss morals, integrity, politics, and share your opinions with the host TJ Morris? If you want to join donate at http://acoas

  • Facing Life- Love, Sex ,Relationships and Truth

    27/09/2018 Duración: 02h02min

        After all the things we go through people still hide behind the lies so they don't have to deal with the truth. PLEASE- the topics is hard core. Facing the truth and dealing with your truth. Man needs to open their mind on the truth not the lies. I say that in a way because men do it much less then woman do.    Woman have much more to deal with then most men. The programming stops here. Woman have many different car-actor feeling and emotions. They are usually much more loving and caring. In man's ignorance try to abuse  and use them as a toy, puppet,slave, sex object, lover and because of all that most woman get physical abuse as well as mental abuse more then not.    II have been sexually abused and mentally abused much of my childhood. I was in three relationships and marrages. I spent part of my time searching for truth about love ans sex as well as spirituality and aliens and the main thing God. I can most surly say that I have much more info then most people put together do. I searched it out at e

  • UFO Talk - ACO Club TJThurmond Morris Returns GravitySpaceTime CE5

    25/09/2018 Duración: 01h30min

    Recognizing  Dec 88 thru April 89 Theresa J Thurmond was already trained in investigations, and by U.S. Navy training. Bob Lazar worked for a short time and was sharing information that was going to change the  way we share emotional stability. Bob Lazar worked at S4 and Area 51 which became known thereafter his work he did in New Mexico and Arizona. We began a relationship for President Ronald Reagan from 1980 -1993. TJ met Thomas R Morris and had asked to meet him while she was in Hawaii over other incidences that happened in the past regarding extinuating circumstances in the military. A Z number and clearances were set with a need to know basis in the psat to work in certain areas of government with a secure job. Clearances were needed and information was based on a need to know basis. Fear pushed Bob into going public with what he knew.  We have a history with the Reagan years and why people wanted to know about UFOS and especially in Las Vegas. I began going to Las Vegas from 1989-1994. T

  • Getting the truth where ever you can. God and aliens.

    23/09/2018 Duración: 02h01min

      So many stories and so many religions. How many paths do we need? We have over 2,000 and that is still not enough. Why? Because someone else's story sounds better. Does truth have anything to do with it? I would say not. Do people need truth not really. Should they have it yes definitely.     Then you are dealing with people that say that is your truth. I have to say and what is yours? They usually cannot answer with anything, or anything important. They will say over and over I have my own truth. It will not include anything about a real God. It will be filled with any and many programmed ideas given to them when they were young or in H.S.     Yes I could bring a hundred speakers on and hear many stories. BUT that will just mean that more stories. I can only deal with what I know is the truth. I have proven it over and over again. Which is what you need to do as well. AS we keep moving in a direction is it what we want. I doubt it. More and more people see that. BUT are they going to do anything? Voti

  • Do you know your Guardian angel or Spirit guide? Why Not?

    19/09/2018 Duración: 01h57min

    After all the Bible stories and ancient myths people now are saying they talk to angels, deities, Aliens and inter-dimensional beings.  Let's not forget Jesus and God. If that was so the world would be a different people would at a higher level. We would be at peace with ourselves as well as everyone else. Why would an angel came down to say everything is OK?  Many people use the word miracle as their proof. That is what the mind calls it. The other words that go with that are luck, chance, gifted, wishful thinking, dreaming, they are all ideas the brain creates when something happened or is happening. The mind can create images when something is happening that are not really happening like False memories. Or you can call them programmed ideas.   The mind only has certain number of words to deal with and each has it's pwn programming even the word Jesus.     Do people have time to sit down and try to understand what an Angel really is. Then what is their real reason they would even work with you? That all de

  • The True Teaching of Jesus- not what people believe. This is not a religion

    16/09/2018 Duración: 02h02min

    Lets start with what do you blieve? Do you believe in a God? If you do, do you have any idea of what It looks like or what IT thinks? Do you except the ideas put on you all your life about it?     I will try to show you how to think and go beyond ego when it come to God. If you follow a religion do they believe in a God. How many Beings were excepted as Gods?  Then what makes a God? Do you have a clue.? First step do people know what the truth is. It is easier to find the truth then listen to all the lies. But then again people like what lies say over  the truth.    The idea of religion is false. They are programes that try to make a person feel good about what ever he does, even killing.   When ever a religon was created is was not half as bad as it is now. Because man just kept changing the things he wanted to make himself feel better they became what he wanted it to be. It had nothing to do what it really is.  The Bible is filled with many great stories but not real.      What ever you think you know,

  • The day the earth stood still. Will that ever happen? By Tommy Hawksblood

    12/09/2018 Duración: 02h01min

    Tommy Hawksblood of the Big Island, Hawaii, USA shares:One- are people really caring beings? Two- Are people aware of any kind of a real God? Three- Do people accept they have Karma? Four- Do people really think their Truth is important?  Are people really going out of their way to be a good person? Are they more concerned about being happy and high? Do they really think that many of the speakers out there in the UFO and religion world are helping make this world better? Do you have a clue to the separation between the rich and the poor?    Do people believe in underground cities? Why not, if not, you better do a little research on it. Then you can ask yourself WHY? Do you understand FEMA camps? Do you have a clue that there are two Governments inside the US alone? Then, which countries are really working with each other.    Anyone with any intelligence do you understand what is really happening to the planet , the food and even the animals on it? Do you realize how much money is going to a secret weapons of

  • Aliens, Angels, Spirit Guides, Inter-dimensionals, ET do Exist!

    09/09/2018 Duración: 02h01min

    Ascension Center Church an Internet Church Online as Universal Life Ministers.   Theresa J Morris Ministries is my business permit.  We have many ways of sharing knowledge about spiritual ideas, scriptures, stories, We can share what is written such as what tithing means and what the light means. Thomas A Sinisi will begin his talk he planned for this Sunday 9-9-18. There are millions of stories about people leaving their bodies. Learning to understand what you are working with is not easy. What is an angel? What is a spirit guide? Can some things take on different images? Can aliens pass off as a spirit guide?    Determine what you are working with and know what it really is. If something looks like something does that mean it  is really what you think?  Angels and demons take different forms. Does size matter?   Do you believe everything you were told? Why? Do all angels and spirit guides have the same agenda for you? Do they all have the same awareness? We at ACO share "Do what is Right!" Prepare for the w

  • Cosmos Connection Psychic Awakening with Theresa J Morris ACO CLUB

    08/09/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    Understanding life and it's purpose is important to share in a learning process. We are now going to be more open with  spiritual news and spiritual community.. I also share a paranormal interest with many in our universal life as Theresa J Morris. We want to understand communication is important. What I am going to share is about the Cosmos Connection to the Critical Mass Mind. I am going to speak about our own psychic awakening. There are many people who follow me in cyberspace and social media. Not as many as there could be so I am going to ask for donations to help me spread the information that I understand on my own spiritual journey. I am now considered a senior spiritual journalist and also because I collect money for what I write and share in radio, I can now truly share that I am a professional speaker because some of you are sending me money and have only recently primed the pump. My company is all about American Communications Online and that means also our spiritual and intuitive side of all of u

  • Debate a Conspiracy Theory - #2 good and bad abductions with Tommy Hawksblood, ACO Club Topics

    05/09/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    ACO Association  is in support of radio, television, digital news associations. United States-based membership organization of radio, television, and online news  maintenance of journalistic ethics and the preservation of the free speech rights of broadcast journalists supporting .Abductions allegedly by Aliens? Let’s start with Good abductions. There are none. Sorry, people believe they are good. Look up the word abduction.  Being taken without permission. Many people want - to justify it and say they gave them permission in another life time. We will talk about that.Bad ones. people are usually very disoriented and feel different afterwards. They talk about being completely unable to move. Then usually say they are doing things to their body.  2 – Experiencers allegedly by Extra-Terrestrials Today there are people that like the word experiencer. Meaning met with a race and they talked with each other.  We will talk about the various levels CE1, CE 5 etc. as levels of CSETI. Animals Abducted Linda Moulton

  • What is Spirituality? Difference in being religious and spiritual. Creating a way to ascend. Underst

    02/09/2018 Duración: 02h02min

    As a race of people which there are many different ones. We define ourselves by color - well at least we did for a long time. Now we are trying to hide our color to say we are all the same. So when other races come here what are they going to call them? There are five root races here. Black, brown, red, yellow and white. They will become one soon enough. But they will have a hard time with the blue race, green race, light race/ crystal race, purple race come back. Sadly no one will ever admit they each came from different worlds. So why ascenion? If you learn to leave this world will be much closure to seeing the truth.  Most souls ascend to the astral world when they die.  There are exceptions.  One: are the ones that stay here for they have no clue to what to do or how to do it when there body dies. Two: some souls that became aware can go past the astral plane to the next realm.    Most get to stay on the astral plane for a few years before reincarnating.  Most will lose everything they worked for many li

  • Ascension Psychic Awakening and Area 51

    01/09/2018 Duración: 01h53min

    John Tenayuca ACO Association- ACO Events Managers.Tommy Hawksblood and Theresa J Morris,, John Tenayuca  Shares Joseph Campbell symbolism and dreams. Dreamland.In 1949 Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) made a big splash in the field of mythology with his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces. This book built on the pioneering work of German anthropologist Adolph Bastian (1826-1905), who first proposed the idea that myths from all over the w We need your help to build ACO Association, UFO Association, and, Begin Dream Life - 

  • Cosmos Connection Psychic Awakening

    01/09/2018 Duración: 02h39min

    Theresa J (Thurmond) Morris of TJ Morris ET Radio of ACO Club. Radio shows since June 2012 with two friends Janet Kira Lessin and Tommy Hawksblood. Began with Ascension Center Organization and Psychic Network in Hawaii where Michael Jackson came to see me. I became a spiritual adviser or psychic reader to assist him as a consultant in business. He gave me permission to use his name anytime in my business which became my Ascension Psychic Awakening. Now ACO Cosmos Connection Psychic Awakening classes. Tommy and Janet both live in Hawaii I ask them to assist me in our Spiritual Community. Ufology, Alienology, Cosmology and Phenomenology. Bill M Tracer of Tennessee and Mid-South Conference and our Authors Book Club. Phil became my producer on Amad Painter also known as Thomas Becker spoke to my husband while he was alive. I would like to keep up my ACE Folklife Group and my ACO Association Group. We have many social media groups, clubs, and pages now I cannot keep up with them all. People have

  • Debate a conspiracy theory #1 Evolution

    29/08/2018 Duración: 01h56min

    I will debate ideas on Evolution. Good and bad ones. Dive into the truth and the lies around it.  Why? People have a religon based on man's thinking of what he wants not what is really going on.     A life of programmed ideas creates a false idea of where man is really heading. Space really? How mnay people can move into space in the next ten years?    When do people realize what they really came here for? Why do people think living longer helps anything. The world attachment keeps man locked into a program so outdated. 

  • Prejudice, Forgiveness, Compassion and Human. Then the word past-lives and love

    26/08/2018 Duración: 01h53min

      A short note a important word to a good soul that has left us, John Mccain. Leaving children and His wife. One person who stood by his morals not someone else's. He even went against his own party when he felt he had to. A real Hero that Trump had to attack. We are in a sad state.    I want to piece all these words together from all my experiences with them in this lifetime and all my other lives. Then show what man did with their own translations of them. Why after 30,000 years man still needs to work with ego then oneself as soul.     Why we are bringing ourselves to to the lowest level we have ever been in while all you hear by brainwashed people we are the most spiritual we have ever been. Sadly that has not been true in about 25,000 years. Time is another thing man makes fits into his ego and not reality.  To understand time one would have to know the truth of the past. You cannot make up a story and then try to put it into a new story and then say it is real. The story  of Evolution  is so far from

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