Sivana Podcast: Eastern Spirituality, Yoga Philosophy, And Conscious Living



Join us as we explore the rich culture, philosophies, techniques, and stories from the East that have endured millenniums and continue to enrich the lives of billions in the modern world. Mantras, Meditation, Buddha, yoga, alternative healing, and the Hindu pantheon of gods- we cover it all. We promise you'll quickly realize why the East has been beloved throughout history. Lofty ideas and down-to-earth wisdom make our show inspiring, practical, and even life changing! For daily inspiration, be sure to check out our blog: http://www.SivanaEast.comShop our store at:


  • Stealing Fire and a New Revolution in Consciousness - Conversation with Steven Kotler [Episode 101]

    09/03/2017 Duración: 46min

    We find ourselves at an amazing intersection of history. The cross pollination of worldwide ideas, methods, and research for altered and optimal states of consciousness seems to finally be at a tipping point where we can understand more about these states, free from the dogmatic thinking that used to accompany them. Scientists are talking to yogis, extreme athletes, shamans, high powered executives, musicians, and more to find out what they do to achieve these states and how these states effect their lives. Our guest, Steven Kotler, has been on the cutting edge of this revolution for years and leads a new worldwide wave of people seeking to understand these various states of consciousness and the limits of human performance. Steven Kotler is a New York Times-bestselling author, an award-winning journalist and the cofounder/director of research for the Flow Genome Project. He is one of the world’s leading experts on ultimate human performance. His book include Rise of Superman, Bold, Abundance, Small Furry Pra

  • The Law of Karma and Reincarnation - Conversation with Vanamali Mataji [Episode 100]

    07/03/2017 Duración: 45min

    People in the West often think that karma is an impersonal force of judging good and evil. The assumption being that if you do good things, good things will happen to you, and if you do bad things, bad things will happen. But is that what karma really is? Where does reincarnation fit into the conversation? Join us with return guest Vanamali Mataji as we explore the Laws of Karma and Reincarnation. Vanamali has written numerous books on the gods of the Hindu pantheon, including Hanuman, Shiva, Shakti, The Complete Life of Krishna and more! She is the founder and president of Vanamali Gita Yoga Ashram, dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Sanatana Dharma and charitable service too children. She lives at the Vanamali ashram in Rishikesh, India. Special Guest: Vanamali Mataji Creator & Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • How We Can Create a More Integrative Approach to Medicine - Conversation With Dr. Rose Kumar [Episode 99]

    02/03/2017 Duración: 46min

    What might health care look like if Modern Western Medicine included other healing modalities from around the world? How might practices like Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki, Yoga and Massage compliment Western Medicine and what would the world look like if these approaches and insights were more commonly added to western allopathic medicine? Join us with our guest, Dr. Rose Kumar, as we discuss some of the health problems facing people today, and how a more integrative approach to medicine could help millions of people achieve fuller and more optimal health. Dr. Rose Kumar is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine. She graduated from Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City, completed an internship at UC San Francisco, and a residency at Stanford University in Internal Medicine. She is the Founder and Director of the Ommani Center of Integrative Medicine in Pewaukee, Wisconsin and the author of Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife. Special Guest: Dr. Rose Kumar Creato

  • Embracing the Gift of Shamanism - Conversation with Itzhak Beery [Episode 98]

    28/02/2017 Duración: 48min

    People today are more curious about shamanic cultures and practices than any other time in modern history. What do we have to learn from these cultures and are there dangers that come with this new rise in popularity? What role do various plant medicines like ayahuasca play in self realization? Join us with guest Itzhak Beery, as we explore what it means to be a modern shamanic practitioner. Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and author the books the Gift of Shamanism: Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams, and Journeys to Other Realms and Shamanic Transformations: True Stories of the Moment of Awakening. Special Guest: Itzhak Beery Creator & Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • Chakras and Healing Stones - Conversation with Nicholas Pearson [Episode 97]

    23/02/2017 Duración: 38min

    Integrating western science with mystical ideas helps to give us a fuller understanding of how to use gemstones and crystals in healing work and in our daily lives. It's work that our guest, Nicholas Pearson has devoted his life to. In this episode we'll discuss how various gemstones and crystals can be used in relationship to the Chakra systems that so many are familiar with in our current day and age.  Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to the largest mineral collection in the southern United States. A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. He is the author of The Seven Archetypal Stones and the recently released Crystals for Karmic Healing both of which are available an

  • Cannabis and Spirituality - Conversation with Stephen Gray [Episode 96]

    21/02/2017 Duración: 59min

    The United States is reaching a new threshold of acceptance for cannabis with recent legislation in numerous states allowing medicinal and, in some cases, recreational use of the plant depending on the state. It seems as though the US is moving towards national legalization, in large part due to recognition of marijuana's medicinal benefits and to it becoming more socially accepted by people all over the country. While the conversation is usually framed around its medicinal qualities, what about its connection to spiritual traditions? Join us with special guest Stephen Gray as we discuss the use of cannabis in both modern and ancient spiritual settings and how it is being used by people to deepen and expand their spiritual experience. Stephen Gray is a teacher, workshop organizer, public speaker and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines. He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism, the Native American Church, and with entheogenic medicines. He is the author of Returning to the Sacred Worl

  • The Joy of Singing the Hanuman Chalisa - Conversation with Naren Schreiner [Episode 95]

    16/02/2017 Duración: 37min

    The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn written in the 16th century by the poet Tulsidas. People have been reciting the chalisa for hundreds of years and it is a testament to its impact on the life of those who recite it. What story does the Chalisa teach us and how might it change our lives? Join us with return guest Naren Schreiner as we discuss the Hanuman Chalisa in the latest episode of the Sivana Podcast. Naren lived as a monk for fourteen years in the ashrams of Paramahansa Yogananda, before leaving monastic life to continue his spiritual practice out in the world. In 2012, he founded Sangita Yoga, to help spread the yoga of music through lectures, workshops and sacred music. Free Hanuman Chalisa Course by Naren Schreiner and Lopamudra Bose Special Guest: Naren Schreiner Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our

  • Exploring the Brain, Mind, and Self Through the New Science of Consciousness - Conversation with Paul Nunez [Episode 94]

    14/02/2017 Duración: 44min

    Our understanding of consciousness and the mind has changed dramatically in recent years. But what do we even mean when we say consciousness? How does it relate to or differ from the mind? What and where is the mind? What have the latest developments in brain research taught us? Join us with physicist turned neuroscientist, Paul Nunez, as we explore the latest understandings of consciousness from a modern western perspective. Paul Nunez has written multiple books about consciousness and the mind, including his latest work, The New Science of Consciousness: Exploring the Complexity of Brain, Mind, and Self, available anywhere books are sold. Special Guest: Paul L. Nunez Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • Understanding the Basics of Vedic Astrology - Conversation with Kari Field [Episode 93]

    09/02/2017 Duración: 45min

    What is Vedic Astrology and how does it differ from Western Astrology? Join us with Kari Field as we discuss some key ideas in Vedic astrology, dive into ancient stories of demons swallowing the sun, and explore important astrological moments in the weeks and months ahead. Kari Field (Anandashree) is a San Francisco based Vedic Astrologer and spiritual advisor, as well as a professional musician and Yoga/Pilates instructor.  Special Guest: Kari Field Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • Pioneers of Modern Yoga - Yogendra, The First Modern Yoga Teacher - Conversation with Elliot Goldberg [Episode 92]

    07/02/2017 Duración: 36min

    Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, TKV Desikachar. These are all names that many in the yoga community are familiar with and are considered by many to be the pioneers of modern yoga. But thanks to the work of modern yoga scholars like Elliott Goldberg, we are learning about numerous other figures who influenced the modern practice of yoga. Who were these characters and how did they affect how yoga evolved in modern times? Join us with Elliott Goldberg, yoga scholar and author of The Path of Modern Yoga: The History of an Embodied Yoga Practice, as we discuss a figure named Yogendra Ji who paved the way for the modern yoga teacher and set the stage for how hatha yoga would be taught in the west. His sessions lasted about an hour and culminated in savasana, not  meditation. Many of his views, such as his feelings on guru yoga and the practical benefits of Hatha Yoga, echo in many modern yoga teachers today. Special Guest: Elliot Goldberg Host: Ashton Szabo www.anatomy

  • The Bhagavad Gita, An Ancient Manual For A Fulfilling Life - Conversation with Vanamali Mataji [Episode 91]

    02/02/2017 Duración: 59min

    Often called the Hindu Bible, the Bhagavad Gita is considered by many to be the greatest spiritual text from India. What is this story about? When and where does it take place? What are its most important and relevant messages and can we apply them to our modern daily lives? Join us with Vanamali Mataji as we discuss the Gita and why it's more important now than ever. Vanamali has written numerous books on the gods of the Hindu pantheon, including Hanuman, Shiva, Shakti, The Complete Life of Krishna and more! She is the founder and president of Vanamali Gita Yoga Ashram, dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Sanatana Dharma and charitable service too children. She lives at the Vanamali ashram in Rishikesh, India. Special Guest: Vanamali Mataji Creator & Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • Mindfulness In Medicine - Conversation with Dr. Ronald Epstein [Episode 90]

    31/01/2017 Duración: 45min

    What would happen to the practice of western medicine if doctors were taught mindfulness and self-care more often in medical school? What does mindfulness in medicine look like in actual practice? How can patients practice mindfulness and how might it help them in difficult medical moments? We explore these ideas and more in this great conversation with world renowned Doctor Ronald Epstein. Dr. Ronald Epstein is a practicing family physician and professor of family medicine, psychiatry and oncology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is an internationally recognized educator, writer, and researcher, who has been named one of America's Best Doctors every year since 1998 by US News & World Report. In his new book, Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness and Humanity, Dr. Epstein builds on his world-renowned, innovative programs in mindful practice and uses wonderfully human clinical stories that give insight into the challenges we face with modern medical care and possible solutions

  • What Are The Seven Archetypal Stones? - Conversation with Nicholas Pearson [Episode 89]

    26/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    Gemstones and crystals have been appreciated and used by cultures since ancient times, but what uses do they have in our modern daily lives? Is there a way to discuss this topic while including both mystical ideas and science? Join us with expert Nicholas Pearson, author of the Seven Archetypal Stones, as we discuss the practical uses of gemstones and crystals in our every day life. We'll explore major categories of gemstones and crystals, their basic qualities, and how to find out which stones are the best fit for you. Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to the largest mineral collection in the southern United States. A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. Published by I

  • The Science of Yoga, Meditation, and Prayer - Conversation with Dr. Amitava Dasgupta [Episode 88]

    24/01/2017 Duración: 39min

    Most people believe that yoga, meditation, and prayer have positive effects on the mind, body, and spirit, but what does science say? What sort of research is being done in these fields? Join us with Dr. Amitava Dasgupta as we discuss some of the amazing work being done to further our understanding of how meditation, yoga and prayer can affect us, and what we can learn from these ancient and modern practices. Dr. Amitava Dasgupta was born in Calcutta, India and came to the United States in 1980 and received his Ph.D. in 1986 in Chemistry from Stanford University. He is board certified in both Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. Currently, he is a tenured Full Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas Medical School. Dr. Dasgupta has published 214 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is on editorial board of five international journals. Although a toxicologist by profession, Dr. Dasgupta learned yoga and meditation from his teachers in

  • The Mysteries of Kali the Dark Goddess - Conversation with Daniel Odier [Episode 87]

    19/01/2017 Duración: 45min

    She has black skin, severed heads around her neck, blood dripping from her mouth, and a blazing red third eye. She is Kali. She inspires fear in those who don't know her and devotion and love in those who do, but who is she really? How can knowing about her benefit us in our daily modern lives? Why might modern yogis want to know about Kali? Join us with Daniel Odier as we dive into the mysteries of Kali and discuss the Nirrutara Tantra, the Twelve Kalis, and more! Daniel Odier is a teacher of Kashmiri Tantra and a Chan Master from the Chao-chou Lineage. He is the author of numerous books, including Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love, Yoga Spandakarika, and his most recent book, Tantric Kali, is available now from Inner Traditions ( Special Guest: Daniel Odier Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests a

  • Why We Fail And What To Do About It - Story of the Swordsman and the Cat [Episode 86]

    17/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    The Story of the Swordsman and the Cat tells the tale of the swordsman Shoken, who is tormented by a mischievous rat in his house. After attempts by his own cat, the neighbor cats and even going after the the rat himself, Shoken must call for a famous cat, known for its skill in the art of catching rats. After easily capturing the rat, thE veteran cat goes on to explain why the various methods of the other cats and the samurai Shoken failed, and the proper methods of approaching anything in life... The Story of the Swordsman and the Cat teaches us about the different ways we can cultivate the self (or 'no-self') and what ultimately matters most in order to create success. Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests at:

  • Diving Into the Heart of Bhakti Yoga - Conversation with Naren Schreiner [Episode 85]

    12/01/2017 Duración: 37min

    Due in part to the popularity of festivals like Bhakti Fest and the modern Kirtan movement, people all over the United States are familiar with the word Bhakti. But what does it really mean? Is it a feeling, a practice, a religion? And what does it have to do with the modern postural yoga practice that has spread throughout the world? Join us with Naren Schreiner as we explore what Bhakti Yoga is and how it might influence a Hatha Yoga or meditation practice, and how it can affect your daily life. Our guest, Naren Schreiner, lived as a monk for fourteen years in the ashrams of Paramahansa Yogananda, before leaving monastic life to continue his spiritual practice out in the world. In 2012, he founded Sangita Yoga, to help spread the yoga of music through lectures, workshops and sacred music. Special Guest: Naren Schreiner Host: Ashton Szabo Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper Producer: Benn Mendelson Enter to win our weekly contests

  • The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity - Conversation with Dr. Jerry Brown [Episode 84]

    10/01/2017 Duración: 46min

    Many scholars have speculated about the use of psychedelics, also known as entheogens, in the early stages of many religions. Is there any evidence of the use of entheogens in early Christianity? Our guest, Dr. Jerry Brown, author of the Psychedelic Gospels, believes there is. Join us with Dr. Brown, as we discuss his findings and the evidence he and his wife found on an epic journey to dive deeper into the origins of early Christian mysticism. Dr. Jerry Brown is an award winning teacher, anthropologist, author and activist. From 1972-2014, he served as Founding Professor of Anthropology at Florida International University in Miami, where he designed and taught a course on “Hallucinogens and Culture," which examines the use of psychoactive plants by tribal and classical cultures. Dr. Brown is co-author of Sacred Plants and the Gnostic Church: Speculations on Entheogen-Use in Early Christian Ritual in the Journal of Ancient History, as well as the co-author of the recent book the Psychedelic Gospels: The Secre

  • Yoga In Prison: Practicing Non-Violence in a Violent Environment - Conversation with Mike Huggins [Episode 83]

    05/01/2017 Duración: 40min

    Sages of the past have compared the human experience to being a prisoner locked in a cell. Various types of yoga have been taught to help liberate one from this prison. How might these practices help in an actual, physical prison? Often violent stressful places, how would a practice that often encourages concepts like non-violence and compassion be received by inmates, some of which are serving life long sentences for violent crimes. Our guest, Mike Huggins, founder and Executive Director of the Transformation Yoga Project, knows first hand about how yoga can help those in prison. In 2009, he was incarcerated for a strict liability misdemeanor offense as CEO of a medical device company. He practiced yoga as a means of processing his experience and managing the stress of incarceration. When others expressed interest in what he was doing, he began to teach them what he knew. This idea continued to grow, even after Mike served his sentence and it eventually led to the Transformation Yoga Project. A project that

  • Reawakening the Goddess - Conversation with Linda Johnsen [Episode 82]

    03/01/2017 Duración: 37min

    Goddess traditions have been suppressed by the patriarchy for hundreds, if not thousands of years. What treasures were lost with the Goddess? Thanks in large part to living Goddess traditions from India, the sacred feminine is making a huge comeback in the world. What can the Goddess traditions teach us about life and the beyond? How can these radically life affirming traditions alter our experience of every day life? Join us with Linda Johnsen, as we explore some amazing stories and ideas that come out of the living Goddess traditions in India and more! Linda Johnsen is a long time student of religious philosophy. She holds degrees in Eastern and Western Psychology, and has post-graduate training in theology and Sanskrit. She is the award winning author of eight books on spirituality, including The Living Goddess: Reclaiming the Tradition of the Mother of the Universe, Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India, the Lost Masters: Rediscovering the Mysticism of the Ancient Greek Philosophers, and has

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