Grace Clarksville



Grace Community Church is a church within Clarksville, TN that is dedicated to biblical truth, spiritual formation, and cultural renewal. Subscribe and don't miss a single Sunday morning message.


  • Rules Of The Game - "Burn" series: Chad Rowland 07/25/2005

    27/06/2006 Duración: 21min

    Rules without explanation equals frustration! That much we know. Understanding why rules have been set in place greatly improves our chances of following them. Has God placed random laws in our lives to keep us in our place or is there something more? Listen and see... Scripture Reference: Matthew 12:1-14 Mark 2:23-28 Romans 3:20 Galatians 3:24 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right. 

  • The Legacy of a Godly Man - "Legacy" Series: Ron Edmondson 06/18/2006

    18/06/2006 Duración: 33min

    As a conclusion to the Legacy series, this sermon considers perhaps the most important legacy of all: your legacy.  What kind of legacy will you have?  Will you be like Stephen, the Godly man for whom Godly men mourned?  Scripture Reference:Acts 6-8To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • The Legacy of Grace - "Legacy" Series: Ron Edmondson 06/11/2006

    11/06/2006 Duración: 36min

    What is grace? Looking at another story of David we see a legacy of grace which helps us understand more of God and His grace available to us. Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 9 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • A Really Big Fight - "Legacy" Series: Ron Edmondson 06/04/2006

    04/06/2006 Duración: 25min

    David and Goliath is more than just a children's story. It's a true story from which we can glean some important truths.  Listen as Pastor Ron helps us learn from a "Really Big Fight". Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 17 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • The Final Chapter - "Legacy" Series: Chad Rowland 05/28/2006

    29/05/2006 Duración: 37min

    All of our lives read like books. As we read our own stories, and the stories of others, we are quick to determine how the story will end. God's perspective is different than ours. He is patient, allowing the whole story to unfold. The best part is that He saves the final chapter for Himself. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Finish What You Start - "Legacy" Series: Chad Rowland 05/21/2006

    21/05/2006 Duración: 34min

    Years ago, Nehemiah left this world.  Before he did, he left a mark on his community and a legacy for us.  The legacy?  Be willing to finish what you start.  How many of us have unfinished rooms in our lives?  Our intentions were good.  We even had a plan to make it happen.  Somewhere along the way, we got sidetracked.  Let Nehemiah's legacy encourage you to get back to work and see it the end. Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 1:5-11  Nehemiah 4:2-5  Nehemiah 4:10  Nehemiah 6:3 Nehemiah 6:11 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Granny & Eunice - "Legacy" Series: Chad Rowland 05-14-2006

    14/05/2006 Duración: 41min

    All of us inherit legacies of faith.  For some, we are thankful.  For some, we are not.  Are you content to live out your faith just as your parents did?  Sometimes the best thing you can do is to start a new legacy.  Whether your a fifth generation defender of the faith or new to Christianity, this message will look at where you've come from and legacy you are already leaving.  The discoveries may surprise you. Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 1:5 2 Timothy 3:14-15 John 5:39 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Still Blue - "Blues" Series: Chad Rowland 04/30/2006

    30/04/2006 Duración: 31min

    Ever get tired of hearing about the miracles God has done in other peoples' lives?  Maybe you wondered when God was going to do something like that in your life!  If this has ever described you, you're not alone ... and this message is for you. Scripture Reference: Psalm 44: 1-26 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • The Blues - "Blues" Series: Ron Edmondson 04/23/2006

    23/04/2006 Duración: 29min

    The Psalms are full of people who suffered the blues.  This week Pastor Ron begins looking at the issue of the blues and some principles we can learn from God's Word to help us through these tough times of life.  Scripture Reference: Psalm 42:1-11 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Rise - "God Man Savior" Series: Chad Rowland 04/16/2006

    16/04/2006 Duración: 27min

    When Jesus's body was palced in the tomb, so where the hopes, dreams, and reputations of all His followers.  On Easter morning, to every heart that had been broken and every dream that had been shattered, God said, "Rise." Scripture Reference: John 20:19John 6:68-69Luke 24:21Matthew 28:17 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Dust and Stones - "God Man Savior" Series: Chad Rowlan 04/02/2006

    02/04/2006 Duración: 29min

    With the first sermon "Dust and Stones" of the God Man Savior Series, Pastor Chad Rowland discusses how God, as he walked with man as Jesus, taught us: How our sins are forgiven (Luke 7:48-49)Nor to condem those who have sins if they leave their life of sin (John 8:11)  To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.  

  • Circumstances - "GodSpeak" Series: Ron Edmonson 03/26/2006

    27/03/2006 Duración: 32min

    Finishing the series GodSpeak Ron Edmonson challenges us to explore the circumstances surrounding the what and why of God's instructions when he speaks to us. Understanding the circumstances will help you fully understand the Will Of God when he speaks to you. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • He Said, She Said - "GodSpeak" Series: Chad Rowland 03/19/2006

    20/03/2006 Duración: 33min

    Since the beginning of history, God has spoken. He has spoken through prophets and priests, visions and dreams, by His Spirit and with Scripture. And at time He speaks through people. Normal everyday flawed biased unspectacular regular people. But how do you know when someone’s advice is more than opinion? How do you when it is wisdom from God? The Godspeak series continues with "He Said, She Said." To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • More Than Words - "GodSpeak" Series: Chad Rowland 03/12/2006

    12/03/2006 Duración: 37min

    Does God still speak to us? If so, what does He sound like? How can people claim that God told them something? In the series "Godspeak," we will examine God's voice. In the first message of the series, "More than Words," Chad Rowland tackles the question: Is God's Word really God's words? To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Dance - "We Will Dance" series: Ron Edmondson 03/05/2006

    06/03/2006 Duración: 45min

    Finishing the series "We Will Dance", Ron Edmondson shares the greatest needs of a husband and wife. Listen for some help for your marriage and other relationships. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Heartbreak - "We Will Dance" series: Ron Edmondson 02/26/2006

    02/03/2006 Duración: 43min

    Ron Edmondson continues our series "We Will Dance" with his sermon Heartbreak. Ron Edmondson brings some helpful tips for a marriage under stress or for keeping a marriage from becoming stressful. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Crowded - "We Will Dance" series: Kent Hughes 02/19/2006

    19/02/2006 Duración: 32min

    Kent Hughes continues our series "We Will Dance" with his sermon Crowded: What happens when kids come in the picture?Children bring both rewards and challenges to any marriage. They raise the stakes in marriage, life, and your community. Explore with Kent how to manage the challenges and reap the rewards of parenthood as explained in Gen. 1:26 & 28:3, Ps. 127:3-5, John 17:21 To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Blending - "We Will Dance": Ron Edmondson 02/12/2006

    12/02/2006 Duración: 43min

    In any marriage a man and woman are to become one (Ephesians 5:31). Ron Edmondson shows that one of the keys to blending two individuals into one is to understand the distractions which can get in the way. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Relationships - "We Will Dance": Chad Rowland 02/05/2006

    06/02/2006 Duración: 40min

    Today Chad Rowland began the new series "We Will Dance" focusing on Relationships, Love, and Marriage. In this message he explains how to determine if a relationship is right by examining the passages of 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 25:28, Ephesians 5:15-16, and Luke 24:32. Also this sermon has a very special treat for the listener's from a single couple, with Grace Community Church, that have been in a growing relationship with each other and the Lord. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

  • Serve: Chad Rowland 01/29/2006

    29/01/2006 Duración: 43min

    Unleash yourself and Invest fully at Grace Community Church. These are the two ways that Chad Rowland encourages everyone on how to Serve the Lord at Grace Community Church. Learn how Lord gives examples of serving in 1 Corinthians and Matthew. To leave or view comments about this post please click on "Comments" to your right.

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