Rv Navigator



The digital home for RVers. RVing is not camping anymore. It has evolved into a high tech life style that requires maintaining many technology systems. This podcast addresses the myriad issues that arise while traveling in an RV. The podcasters travel extensively in their RV, so they can share their experiences with listeners in a fun and interesting style. Contact us at navigator@rvnavigator.com


  • RV Navigator Episode 50 - A shady story

    02/04/2010 Duración: 59min

    I toyed with making some lame Aprils fools joke this month, but we did not want to mislead our listeners. We make enough honest mistakes so that intentional ones would not be appreciated. The RVIA reports that February RV shipments to dealers is up 95% over last year, so maybe we can be optimistic about RVing next year. Plus have lots more company in the campgrounds. Our travels have taken us to the Gulf beaches of Texas near Houston. As many of your will remember, just 18 months ago they were hit by a major storm, IKE. We found that the area has recovered remarkably well. Yes, there are signs of storm damage, but most tourist sites are fully operational and welcoming tourists. Aside from the Texas state wide spring break, we found most campgrounds and venues uncrowded. Although we did just see a TV report on South Padre (near our January headquarters in McAllen), which looked like a human zoo during spring break time. It is extended here due to its national popularity. We have been spending a wee

  • RV Navigator Episode 49 - Black skies in the night

    01/03/2010 Duración: 53min

    Waiting, waiting, waiting in the RGV for the weather to finally warm enough to hit the road. We have many plans for travel in Texas, but this winter has been cold even here, so we are waiting until El NIno gets through with winter. Mid month we headed off to west Texas and Big Bend National Park. We wanted to give this area enough time - no rushing the itinerary so we scheduled 2 weeks for the NP and associated state parks. In retrospect, this was plenty of time for us. If you were a avid hiker, birder or similar sport enthusiast, then more time might be necessary. Our plans were two camping sites in the park and then on to the Davis mountains to the north. We managed to drive most of the improved roads and some 4 wheelin' roads as well as see all of the major sights in a week. The second week was spent a bit north visiting Marfa, Alpine, McDonald Observatory, and Fort Davis. Our overwhelming feeling was one of isolation and desolation of this area. Small towns (usually less than 1000 population)

  • RV Navigator episode 48 - Exploring the RGV


    After arriving in South Texas in late December, we have spent a stationary month in the Rio Grande Valley. This month, we interviewed some long time fulltimers, attended the local RV show, & did some comparisons of the RGV & other warm weather spots.

  • RV Navigator Episode 47 - From flurries to bugs

    01/01/2010 Duración: 35min

    Leaving home in the winter is always a challenge and this year was no exception. However, 4 days later in Texas, our windshield was loaded with warm weather bugs. This episode made on the last day of the decade, includes some old and some new topics.

  • RV Navigator Episode 46 -This is the life

    01/12/2009 Duración: 41min

    Merry Christmas and Happy Thanksgiving from your RV Navigators. Oh, yes we are on the road again but not in the RV. After a cold couple of weeks in Northern Europe to begin the trip, we have made our way to Rome and points south as we head eventually for Ft Lauderdale and home in mid-December. We landed in Munich just after the last podcast to visit our friend Hartmut and his family. This was a return visit after many years away and a heart-felt reunion. Then via the very fast autobahn, we drove to Vienna (about 5 hrs) for a few day. Then on to Rome where we were to pick up the first leg of our cruise. Rome in November?? It's on the same latitude as Chicago. However the weather was very cooperative with temps in the mid 60s and sunny everyday. This weather has held for the entire month of November so we have been very pleased with our decision to travel at this time of year. This months podcast was made while on our cabin balcony during a sea day. It was an ideal day at sea, smooth seas and warm te

  • RV Navigator Episode 45 - old or new

    01/11/2009 Duración: 59min

    Despite the very cold and rainy October in the midwest, we did get away for a short weekend of RVing with some new friends who have just purchased a new 2009 motorhome. You'll hear about the purchase and their impressions in an interview we conducted while on the road in Indiana. I have had requests for the webpages that we used most often when RVing. I have created a new page on this website that will get you started with some of my favorite links. I am focused on quality rather than quantity, so this list is not comprehensive. However, I think you'll each of sites is best in class for their category. Have you "moded" your RV? We are always looking for step by step mods for customizing our motorhome, so we have revisited the RV Mods website for some ideas. We have also made some hardware updates this month with the purchase of a Kindle from Amizon. The co-pilot is tired of carrying arm loads of books to keep her busy during our travels, so she invested in a Kindle. This is version 2 so has several i

  • RV Navigator Episode 44 - A View of the Mississippi

    01/10/2009 Duración: 44min

    A few technical issues are still outstanding from our comments last month. iTunes downloading seems to be going smoothly since I updated some software. I explain how to actually download our podcast (for listening later) instead of listening live. We also will be posting our podcast on Podomatic.com as a back up to iTunes. We always like to travel in September. If you travel in this month, you know that the weather is usually good, crowds have eased, and the roads are open. We took the month to improve our golf skills at an Elder Hostel in Wisconsin and then see a bit of the midwest. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois were on our itinerary which focused on the Mississippi River towns. We always bring our bikes so finding some nice riding trails was high on the agenda. Sparta, Wisconsin is the hub for several bike trails that were former RR beds. Winding through the picturesque countryside with rolling hills, green farms and few old tunnels makes these bike trails very appealing. Along with the

  • RV Navigator Episode 43 – Renewing Friendships

    29/08/2009 Duración: 50min

    Several readers have emailed with problems with downloading via iTunes. I have tried to fine a solution to the perplexing problem and I must apologize for the inconvenience for those who are experiencing download issues. The problem seems to be the connection from the RV Navigator website and the iTunes software on SOME computers. I really have no connection to iTunes other than the notification of new episodes when they are posted. This happens automatically via their servers talking to the RV Navigator website servers. Some how this process is breaking down with our listeners computers. I don't know how to fix the problem but I have stumbled on a workaround which seems to work for most listeners. If the latest episodes of the RV Navigator DO NOT appear in iTunes, quit iTunes. Open the RV Navigator website (http://rvnavigator.com) and then relaunch iTunes, refresh your podcast list and the new episode will appear and download. How about that - I don't know why, but it works. Listener Debbie poses a

  • RV Navigator Episode 42 – Home at the Stampede

    01/08/2009 Duración: 47min

    Ride em cowboy was our mantra this month as we made our way North to attend the Calgary Stampede. This is a traditional rodeo with major side shows to visitor entertained. We attended with the help of Fantasy RV tours who made all of the arrangements. They did a superior job of organizing our activities. Although you probably could have made all of the arrangements ourselves, we chose to participate in the Fantasy tour Rally. They provided good tickets of all of the major events and gave us advice on other interesting activities surrounding the Stampede. We did several bus tours to see the sights of Calgary and used the metro to visit the stampede itself. Camping, such as it was, was in the parking lot of a sport stadium. We were a bit skeptical at first, but this proved to be an ideal central location for our visit. A metro stop was within easy walking distance and they provided metro tickets in our Rally package. The parking lot had temporary water and electric for the RV and nice bath rooms for

  • RV Navigator Episode 41 – National Parks Revisited

    01/07/2009 Duración: 43min

    After a long drive from our home in the burbs of Chicago, we spent a week in Flagstaff catching up with a town which hosted us for some university classes in 1978. That was the last time we were in this area, so we were anxious to retrace some of our earlier adventures. At that time we were in our green camper van (see our 35 years of camping) and did the national parks on the weekends during the summer session. With the arrival of our friend, Hartmut, from Munich on the last day of May, we headed to the Grand Canyon South Rim. The RV trailer park there is the perfect place to see this spectacular scenic attraction. From there we headed to west Grand Canyon, a fairly new scenic attraction featuring the Grand Canyon. A brief stop in Vegas added to our trip North as we headed to Zion and Bryce for a couple of days each. Hartmut found Bryce to be his favorite National Park, but he found them all to be unique. A long drive to Yellowstone and the Tetons ended our national park adventure. We dropped him

  • RV Navigator Episode 40 - On the road again

    02/06/2009 Duración: 37min

    After only 6 weeks at home the travel bug hit us again so we cranked up the motorhome to head to Arizona and points North. That's the grand plan, but leaving on May 15th with those many days and miles of road between us and Arizona, left us rather road weary. Arriving in Flagstaff, AZ some 1500 miles from home, we took some time for sight seeing and relaxing in the Arizona sun. That just didn't work out as the weather was not even up to Illinois Memorial Day standards. We tried many free campgrounds on this trip west. This has become a standard operating procedure for us both as a money saving opportunity. We include a list of free camping resources. We do of course keep you up to day with the latest in the RVing world. I am always looking for the latest and greatest RVing toys and have some to share this month. Also covered in this episode is water purification and some questions about campground rules. Join us for 35 minutes of RVing banter. Send comments, suggestions and ideas to navigator@rvn

  • RV Navigator episode 39 - To Daisywheel or not

    01/05/2009 Duración: 55min

    After several long flights, the RV Navigator arrived home from 83 days in New Zealand & Australia in early April. This month we are glad to share a new RV song and an interesting interview with another Australian RVing couple, Andrew and Catherine. This interview was conducted in our hotel room on one of the final days in Sydney. They we kind enough to drive several hours to spend some time with us. The efforts of our listeners to spend some time with us is truly gratifying and we appreciate the efforts. As usual we also have been doing some upgrades to our RVing experiences at home in preparation for our upcoming trip to some of our biggest national parks later in May. We upgraded our cell phone data service with a new data card, purchased new folding bikes, and bought new batteries for the motorhome. These and several other new topics are the focus of our discussion in this episode. So what about daisywheeling - our guests purchased their motorhome (a class C by US standards) because they did NOT

  • RV Navigator Episode 38 - 8000 miles around Australia

    31/03/2009 Duración: 45min

    If you tried to download last months episode (March, 2009) and found 20 minutes of silence about a minute into the show, please download it again. This mistake was online for about 12 hrs. Sorry for the mistake, I have no explanation for this gap - but that's technology. As for this month, we have taken a different approach to seeing Australia. After 35 days in New Zealand driving on narrow roads on the wrong side of the road, we are letting some one else do the driving. We joined the Sun Princess in Sydney for a 28 day cruise around Australia. Looking at an Australia map and knowing the capabilities of our traveling in an RV, we decided that it would be impossible to really see Australia in a few weeks in an RV. A comparible 35 days spent RVing Australia would only get us to the East coast of this vast land. The cruise ship however seemed like a logical alternative. It visits the most important ports on the many coastal areas of Australia from Sydney around to Perth and Tasmania. Driving would have

  • RV Navigator Episode 37 - When left is right

    01/03/2009 Duración: 52min

    Have you thought of an RV vacation in New Zealand? Hundreds of RVers are traveling to New Zealand to see the sights and enjoy the wilderness. We don't know how many are Americans, but there are "camper-vans" on every road at every major tourist attraction. Renting an RV is a very popular way to see the country, so we decided to give it a try. Over all our experiences were very positive. Although it may seem daunting to plan an itinerary for a trip in such a distant location, it really is as easy as traveling at home. The campgrounds (Holiday Parks) are good, the roads are well marked and easy to navigate and the attractions world class. Of course there are differences, but that the fun of travel outside the US. Yes, we were driving on the left, yes there are more roundabouts than anyone would believe, yes there are many one lane bridges, yes the mountain roads are narrow, but the experience makes learning these difference worthwhile. Your 4 (for this trip) RV Navigators have driven 3231 miles in thei

  • RV Navigator Episode 36 - RVing Way Downunder

    01/02/2009 Duración: 40min

    This winter we decided to head really far south, crossing the equator, dateline, hemisheres abd multiple time zones, to find a real summer experience. We landed in Auckland NZ for a month of travel via rental RV. In our case we are renting a 21ft Jayco class C, with a left hand drive diesel and manual transmission. The biggest problem with this set up is that the copilot is always getting in on the drivers side. Artie our Garmin GPS has been updated with NZ maps so is doing his usual great job of getting us around in unfamiliar territory. He has not learn how to shout "STAY LEFT" but the co-pilot is handling this job with ease. Over all we have enjoyed some great natural sites and good roads as we travel around the country. More details next month- there are alot interesting RVing details that we'll share later. We thought that many of our listeners might be planning a trip overseas - now that the dollar has finally start to increase in value, travel is more affordable. Traveling outside the US has it

  • RV Navigator Episode 35 - 2008 Wrap-up

    01/01/2009 Duración: 44min

    The end of our 3 season of doing the podcast and it has been rewarding. We now have over 1600 downloads per month plus we hear from many listeners. It is time to say thanks for listening. Year end bring lots of interesting topics for this month episode. After unsuccessfully searching for RV themed carols for last months episode, listener Don from Texas suggested "Livin' in a Mobile Home" by "Riders in the Sky" as a theme song with no holiday significance. An a joy it was to listen too after spending quite alot of effort to obtain the out of print CD from 1990. Then it is on to Homer Simpson and his trails with buying the "Ultra Land Behemoth" ultimate motorhome, from Bob's RV. We spend some time talking about new products introduced at the national RV show in Louisville in early December. Besides the interesting new RV configuration including a slide within a slide, there was a fuel cell electric generator. These and many more topics are on our agenda for this podcast so give it a listen and keep in t

  • RV Navigator Episode 34-Gifts for RVers

    01/12/2008 Duración: 36min

    A warm holiday greeting from your RV Navigators is the first order of business. We have heard from so many listeners about their RVing hopes and dreams this past year. It has been very rewarding for us. We are homebodies for the holidays. Since retiring we don't travel over the holidays, so we spend the time getting caught up on projects and seeing friends. Out of this busy schedule (oh, ya, very busy :-) we take time out to make the monthly podcast. Our thoughts are about the holidays, so we are doing our annual RVers gift guide in addition to a few other topics. How about a 32 foot diesel class A motor home that gets nearly 15 miles per gal? Damon has introduced the Avanti which is just that. We offer some great gift ideas - and we look to you for more. So send us your greatest hits for RVers list. One of our projects has been the creation of a photo book of our New England Fall Colors trip. There are many choices, but we have settled on Blurb as our printer. For a few dollars they will print a

  • RV Navigator Episode 33 - Fall foliage in review


    It has been quite a month on the road for us. With falling prices of diesel, we feel more like hitting the road and that is exactly what we did. We left you on the coast of Maine eating Lobster. We headed inland to take in the fall colors of New England. After a rainy and cold beginning, the weather turned perfect for leaf peeping and we got to working taking what turned out to be 24 gigs of digital photos. The crystal blue skys combined with the rich color of the foliage really made our photos pop. The website contains a link to some of the best examples. We also spent 5 days at a digital photo workshop sponsored by Elder Hostel. We took several field trips - some in the early morning - to get the perfect shots. On the RVing side, although gas prices are down, sales of RV are not up, Why? We have an explanation. We also stayed a a couple of interesting campgrounds which will be interest to many listeners. Our trip to Speedco for an oil change proved enlightening and we share some of our digital ph

  • RV Navigator Episode 32 - The POI Story


    This month has been full of great experiences from interviewing two of our listeners to eating many lobster dinners in the RV. A week on Cape Cod in the off season was a great way to introduce us to the best of New England via some great beaches, scenic campgrounds, bike paths, good eateries, and new friends. This is RVing at it best. Leaving was hard, but we headed up the Maine coast to see some of the picturesque fishing harbors for which this state is famous. Boothbay was one of the most interesting but we found many smaller towns full of fishing boats just waiting to be photographed. With the trees beginning to change, we headed off to NH and Lake George (NY). Unfortunately the weather has not held out so our enjoyment has been diminished as the rain falls. The POI (point of interest) file that I purchased for my GPS last month did not pan out. This file for a cost of $49, was supposed to give our GPS new power by installing a huge number of new searchable points of reference like campgrounds, state

  • RV Navigator Episode 31-September, 2008-The perils of travel

    01/09/2008 Duración: 38min

    Labor day finds us in Boston, MA at a very nice campground. You'll remember that the weather in the Northeast was perfect this year and we made the most of it. We don't travel much on Labor day, but this year we wanted to be ready to see the fall colors a bit later in the month so we left a bit early. After a 1200 mile trip where we saw the price of diesel drop significantly (only about $4.10/gal), we'll be in this area for a couple of months. In the podcast we describe our 2 week trip to this area with a few nice stops in PA. Our listeners have contributed to the podcast with both audio comments and a nice description of a TV install. This is an update to my efforts at swapping out our TVs earlier this summer. Over all our transition to all digital tvs has been very successful. Nearly every location has several digital channels now (several months before the mandatory change over) that are easy to received and excellent quality. This even when the old signal is questionable. At one campground in PA

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