Discovering The Truth W/ Dan Duval



Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program.


  • Marriage, Children and Covenant with John King

    09/03/2017 Duración: 01h26min

    John King joins Dan Duval on another episode of Discovering the Truth to get into the subjects of marriage, children and covenant. Many couples face struggles in the area of marriage. People ask, "How can I better relate to my spouse? Why don't they understand me? How can I submit to someone I don't trust?" These are all questions that John tackles as he relays wisdom from the word of God and 35 years of experience in his own successful marriage. Moreover, as a parent who has navigated the journey with a rebellious child, he communicates wisdom, encouragement, and strategies from heaven for parents. This program will be a fun an exciting journey you won't want to miss. If you would like a copy of the mini-book John mentioned, you can email him at Be sure to check us out at and join us every Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST as!

  • Narcissists, Handlers, and Targeted Individuals with Liz and Dr. Bailey

    02/03/2017 Duración: 01h41min

    Liz is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval and is joined by Dr. Bailey. She is an Illuminati defector that has been working with Dr. Bailey for roughly a decade. Today they are sitting down to tackle Narcissism and how it relates to handlers and abusers. They will be wrestling through the question, "Why do narcissist make such desirable handlers?". There will also be thorough discussion on psychotronic weapons and how targeted individuals are harassed. This is not science fiction, this is science fact. Prepare for another fascinating episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! You can find Dr. Bailey at Be sure to check us out at and every Sunday evening at 7:00 pm CST at 

  • Prayer for Donald Trump

    25/02/2017 Duración: 08min

    There is a lot going around the internet regarding an agenda to target Donald Trump with witchcraft that is to be coordinated with every waxing and waning moon until he is out of office. This is my prayer for our president.   

  • The Garden, the Temple, and Worship with Paul Tothill

    23/02/2017 Duración: 01h29min

    Paul Tothill is the Senior Leaders and Pastor of Gateway Church in Adelaid Australia. He is a powerful preacher and expositor of the Word of God. He is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to get into worship. Prepare to learn as Paul breaks down how worship connect into types and patterns found in the Garden and in the Temple, with the Garden serving as a type of Temple. This program will encourage, equip, and exhort you. You won't want to miss it! Visit Paul at! Be sure to check us out at and join us every Sunday night at 7:00 pm at!

  • Mysteries and Genetics of the Illuminati with Hope Part 1

    16/02/2017 Duración: 01h37min

    Today on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we are joined by Hope. Hope is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and an Illuminti defector. In this episode, she begins the telling of her incredible story. This is the first part of a series we are calling Mysteries and Genetics of the Illuminati. Hope was known as the mixed breed. What does this mean? Hope will take us on a journey beginning prior to her conception in order to explain to us how she was engineered to be exactly what they wanted her to be. She will take us into a descriptive account of the earliest years of her life and how foundational programming was laid down. They thought what they did would work to control her the entirety of her life. What they didn't count on was the intervention of Jesus Christ. This program will be highly graphic and so keep this TRIGGER WARNING in mind. However, this is not a program you will want to miss. Don't forget to check us out at and join us every Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at www.thefire

  • The Spirit, The Soul, and DID with Arthur Burk

    02/02/2017 Duración: 01h35min

    This week we invite Arthur Burk onto Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to tap his brain on a number of subjects relating to the human spirit, the soul, and of course, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Moving on from these subject Arthur and Dan will reach into the mysteries of time and land and even how ministry is accomplished to children in the womb. Arthur Burk is the founder for the Sapphire Leadership Group. He describes himself as a learner and a worshiper. He is also a pioneer in the areas of inner healing and deliverance and has brought a language to the subject of the ministry to the human spirit that many are still just catching up with now. He is the author of a number of books including Blessings your Spirit, Blessing your Soul, and Pure Joy. He also has a number of CD sets covering a broad range of subjects. You can find him at and for German Speakers Be sure to visit us at and join us every Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at www.thefir

  • How to Ruin the Illuminati - The Power of Bloodline Level Deliverance

    26/01/2017 Duración: 01h40min

    In this week's program, Dan Duval goes solo to discuss the latest in deliverance breakthrough's that are being unveiled. He will get into how one successfully renounces Illuminati bloodlines to free themselves of the evil covenants contained in the blood. This is a level of ministry and freedom that has not been understood by the body of Christ, yet is supremely powerful. The link is that when people begin to get free of these bloodlines through the finished work of Jesus Christ, it will reduce the spiritual power that the global puppeteers are operating out of. This program is a revolutionary tool. Don't miss it! Be sure to visit us at and join us every Sunday evening at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • The MAILBAG #2 with Nikki and Dr. Bailey

    19/01/2017 Duración: 01h40min

    After the phenomenal success of our first mailbag program we decided to do a round 2. This time brings Dr. Bailey into the batter's box, Nikki opens up a number of questions from our mailbag that will certainly have you riveted. In this episode, Dan Duval and Dr. Bailey will contend with questions related to marriage, sexuality, and how that relates to alters of different ages and sexual orientations. They will get into why one cannot just "get rid" of their alters and why healing isn't immediate. This mailbag will get into questions related to complex family issues and how one connects to their parts. Some of these questions may make you blush. Whether you agree with the answers or not, it will leave you thinking. Do not miss this program! You can check out Dr. Bailey at Be sure to check us out at and every Sunday night at 7 pm CST at!

  • Unmasking the Accuser with Kynan Bridges

    12/01/2017 Duración: 01h36min

    Gossip, slander, and offense are huge problems within the body of Christ. If you have been around very long, it is unlikely that you have not had your own battles in these areas. In this episode, Dan Duval and Kynan Bridges discuss unmasking the accuser. What is the power of gossip? Who stands to gain the most from slander, particularly against those that advance the goespel of Jesus Christ? This is another powerful conversation that will uplift, heal and convict. Don't miss it! You can find Kynan at Be sure to check us out at and Blessings!

  • Freedom from Human Persecutors

    05/01/2017 Duración: 01h54min

    This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, Dan goes solo on a teaching that will revolutionize your life. This week he will get into how one gets free from the problem of human persecutors. Many people have problems with co-dependency that go far deeper than what traditional therapies are effective in helping. Other people suffer from bondage to spirit wives or spirit husbands. For those that have been through satanic ritual abuse or mind control projects, the problems get much more complex than this. In this episode, Dan Duval presents the prayer that has been used to set hundreds free from bondage to human persecutors. Don't miss this revolutionary program! Be sure to visit us at and join us every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • The Depths of the Illuminati Part 6 with Robert

    22/12/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Sponsored Mind Control projects at the highest levels. In today's program he joins Dan Duval to discuss the subjects of alternate timelines, Atlantis and Lemuria, Ascended Masters, the dangers of New Age, Princess Diana, and so much more. Having had experience with both he brings a lot of insight to the discussion. Please keep in mind that this program will contain some graphic descriptions of rituals and therefore I am giving a TRIGGER WARNING to those of you that have ritual abuse in your background. Please be mindful of small children in your listening vicinity aswell. However, this will be another program that is guaranteed to leave your jaw on the floor.  You can visit Robert's new blog at Be sure to visit us at www.bridemove

  • The MAILBAG #1 with Nikki and Dr. Rob Ruckert

    15/12/2016 Duración: 01h44min

    Questions... you have them, we get them! At BRIDE Ministries we like to think that we stay at the cutting edge of a number of subjects. For this reason we get a lot of email, and the letters and questions that come in can be, to put it in a single word, shocking. So, we figured what better content to use than the very questions you are continually sending into us. In this episode, Dan Duval bring on Nikki, our Executive Assistant, to unload her inbox to him and Dr. Rob Ruckert. Get ready for fireworks as Dan and Rob do their best to cope with the questions you are asking. You will not want to miss this program. It will be the first in a series of programs like it that will be produced throughout the coming year! Be sure to visit us at and join us every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at for our internet church service!

  • The Airplane Model of Dissociation

    08/12/2016 Duración: 01h25min

    At BRIDE Ministries we are continually provided tools, knowledge, and insight into Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociation is a centerpiece of the conversation around how the New World Order is being established and how the powers of darkness are moving in the world today. In this solo show, Dan Duval takes time to get into what he calls The Airplane Model of Dissociation. For those of you that have asked, what is it like to navigate ministry to a person that is dissociated, this program will provide a framework that will shatter the power of confusion. It will connect a lot of dots, and be a resource and tool for those that want to minister and also for those that are themselves dissociated due to traumas. You will definitely be glad you hear this program. You can find us at and be sure to hang out with us every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • Melchizedek and the Book of the Covenant

    01/12/2016 Duración: 01h22min

    The Fire Place Church is the weekly ministry service offered by BRIDE Ministries at After every service we have live internet based moderated discussion groups. One of our moderators, Todd, will be joining Dan Duval this week to discuss the profound disctinction between the book of the covenant and the book of the law. They also get into Melichizedek, and the mystery behind wh Jesus is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. In the process, you will learn about the incredible depth of meaning behind the ministry of John the baptist and why the baptism of Jesus fulfilled all righteousness. This is not a program you will want to miss. As usual, bring a notepad and don't hesitate to press repeat at the end! You can visit us at and don't forget to join us every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • The Depths of the Illuminati Part 5 with Robert

    24/11/2016 Duración: 01h41min

    Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Sponsored Mind Control projects at the highest levels. In today's program he joins Dan Duval to discuss the subjects of alternate timelines and black eyed children. Having had experience with both he brings a lot of insight to the discussion. As with former programs, Robert will be allowing memories to be related to us by one of his alters. You will learn what this alternate personality experienced and encountered on other timelines, not only dealing with earth but also with Mars. This will be another program that is guaranteed to leave your jaw on the floor. You can visit Robert's new blog at Be sure to visit us at and every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • Miracles and the Mysteries of Sound and Light with Jeff Jansen Part 2

    10/11/2016 Duración: 01h36min

    Jeff Jansen is back with Dan Duval to get into a large number of subjects. Jeff Jansen is an internationally recognized conference speaker and crusade evangelist. He is the Founder of Global Fire Ministries International, and Senior Pastor of the Global Fire Church and World Miracle Center located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  This program will be a whirlwind conversation touching on the recent election, the Dimensions of Glory and Kingdom Warfare School, and further discovery into the mysteries of sound and light. This is a program that you will want to bring a notepad! You can visit Jeff at Be sure to check us out at and every Friday and Sunday night at 7 pm CST at!

  • The Mysteries of the Spirit Realm and the Dimensions Beyond with Nikki Part 3

    03/11/2016 Duración: 01h40min

    Nikki is a beloved part of BRIDE Ministries. Not only is she Daniel's Executive Assistant, but she is also a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control projects. She joins Daniel for a third installment of her story this week. She will get into the reality of being a survivor. Daniel and Nikki dialogue about suicidal ideation, desires for self-harm, discouragement, and of course, other topics like freedom from reptilian genetics. This is a powerful program that you will not want to miss. You can visit us at and be sure to hang out with us every Friday AND Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • Realms of Power and Kingdom Living with Daryl Crawford-Marshall

    21/10/2016 Duración: 01h36min

    Hold onto your hats! This week's program will again push the envelope as Dan Duval gets into it with Daryl Crawford-Marshall, a senior leader at Field of Dreams in Adelaide Australia. Daryl is a true seer and prophet that moves mightily in his giftings. Get ready for the fireworks to explode as he and Dan Duval compare notes on the spirit realm and its mechanics and move into a conversation on kingdom living that will undoubtedly leave you speechless. Do not miss this episode! You can check out Daryl and his church at: Be sure to check us out at and join us every Friday night AND Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

  • God's Word on Divorce with Pastor Tim Tyler

    13/10/2016 Duración: 01h21min

    This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval we will be getting into it on the subjects of divorce and remarriage. While this may seem like a deviation from some of the subject matter we are often getting into, it is a subject that is extremely relevant. Many Christian marriages will arrive at a place where divorce seems like a real possibility. Some will go through it. In some cases, people come to God, only to have their spouses walk out on them. There are situations where abuse is the rule of the land, and then there is the shame, guilt, condemnation, ostracism, and loss of opportunity that await those that have been through divorce in certain groups within the body of Christ. The question we are asking today is: What is God's Word on divorce? Do Jesus and Paul have different opinions on the subject? Did Jesus actually change the law in Matthew 19? We are going to be dialoguing with Pastor Tim Tyler about all of these subjects and more. You will not want to miss this program! You can visit Rev. Tim T

  • How to be Equipped with the Armor of God

    06/10/2016 Duración: 01h14min

    Dan Duval was invited to speak at Global Fire Church and spoke on the subject of the Armor of God. It was a very powerful message followed by an impartation for upgraded spiritual armor. That message is the program this week. Listen as Dan Duval goes through a teaching on the Armor of God that will draw spiritual realities and biblical lessons together into a cohesive conversation. The armor of God isn't just good teaching material, it is very literal in the spirit realm. November 4th-6th, 2016, Dan Duval will be back at Global Fire Church to Speak at the Dimensions of Glory and Kingdom Warfare School. You can sign up at Be sure to visit us at and join us every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!

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