Awakening Code Radio



The Age of Aquarius. The Dawn of a New Era. The Shift. Whatever you want to call it, we are living in a time full of both promise and challenge. Join author Eric Rankin and Community Connector, Michelle Anderson as they delve into any number of topics: From spirituality to energy medicine to dolphin intelligence to ancient aliens, no subject is too far outside of the box to discuss.In 2010, Erics bestselling novel The Aquarians became Amazons 2nd highest rated science fiction title, and he has been a guest on many TV and radio programs discussing humanitys movement into the dawning Aquarian Age. For centuries, this New Age has been regarded as a time when the world will wake up to what mystics and shamans call the Next Level of consciousness.Erics family began visiting Laguna in the early 1960s, and he actually lived in one of the Treasure Islands trailers where the Montage now stands. He vividly remembers having long talks with Eiler Larson, Lagunas official greeter, and continues to enjoy strolling Lagunas beautiful shoreline as often as possible.Michelle has been facilitating gatherings in Laguna for those seeking Spiritual Connection and Conscious Collaboration for over 10 years.  She creates experiences for people to connect with the dolphins and whales, leads groups of people on journeys to sacred places and holds space for people to connect with their true eternal essence.  She is an avid supporter of Indigenous communities and regularly supports events that bring people back to nature and peace with each other and the earth.  As a Sacred Activist, she is passionate about sharing information that brings humanity into greater awareness about important issues taking place locally and globally.


  • Celebrating Women’s History Month


    In this show, we discuss some of the women who have made a profound difference and impact on the world! Our guest, Patty Turrell, founded the Women’s Journey Foundation [] which supports and encourages women of all ages and backgrounds. Also joining the panel along with hosts Eric and ‘Michelle are Dr. Jim Turrell and Leanne DiSanto.  

  • Steal Like an Artist


    In this episode of Awakening Code Radio, we review 10 proactive and inspiring tips from the New York Times best seller “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon. “You don’t need to be a genius, you just need to be yourself. That’s the message from Austin Kleon, a young writer and artist who knows that […]

  • Be the Hero of Your Own Life!


    Swami Chetanananda has played a pivotal role in spreading ancient traditions and practices from India. During the late 1960s, he was instrumental in bringing yoga to America and today leads retreats and workshops in Oregon. With Michelle Anderson, Maura Hoffman and Sofia Marie Balsimelli.    

  • World Sound Healing Day with Jonathan Goldman


    In this show, frequency pioneer Jonathan Goldman [] shares ways that YOU can heal yourself and others using tone and frequency to anchor in your intention.  Guests Edilma and Alfonso Avendano from Matiz Wellness Center [] join the conversation, and treat listeners to a performance of their perfectly tuned crystal bowls.

  • Hinduism and the Krishna Movement


    Although Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, many Westerners are not familiar with its practices and beliefs. And just who – or what – is Krishna? Join us as we explore these topics and more with co-host Jewels Edwards and guests Larisa Stow ( and Caru Das ( |

  • Good Vibes with Shaman Isabella Stoloff


    In this podcast, we welcome back Shaman Isabella Stoloff of the Orange County Healing Center and creator of the Good Vibes positive affirmation card deck.  Tune in as host Eric and Isabella explore how to live an ‘awakened’ life, with the help of tangible tips for creating a clear mind for a conscious lifestyle. “We all […]

  • Treatment Free Bee Keeper & Alchemist Benjamin Pixie


    In one of the most informational shows we’ve ever done, we learn the significant role that bees play in our lives. Few people realize how many of the foods we eat require bee pollination or are aware of the benefits of honey based tinctures, potions and medicines.  In this show, We discuss: Colony Collapse Disorder […]

  • Off-Grid Living


    Considered the last free place in America, SLAB CITY, CALIFORNIA offers people a chance to live simply, economically and free of societal structures. Many people have adopted a nomadic lifestyle, often converting utility vehicles and vans into mobile tiny homes. Join us as we explore this intriguing phenomenon!

  • Divine Love & Sex in the Aquarian Age


    Our talk on Sacred Union and Divine Love continues with Josie Posie of In this show, we field questions sent in from our listeners and discuss sexual healing, tantra, the templates of divine masculine and feminine, twin flames, polyamory vs monogamy, ancient practices of the Magdalene Codes, Heiros Gamos, sexual alchemy, and music as […]

  • Sacred Union and Love Consciousness


    In this heart opening and highly anticipated show, we address Sex, Love and Relationships through the lens of Sacred Union with guests David Hauser, Heather Powers and Jason Michael Powers. David shares his love story of consciousness from his book, “Soul Kiss Tantric Tales Of Mahamudra”. We boldly delve into our discussion about one of […]

  • Exploring the Metaphysical Jesus with Dr. Jim Turrell


    Besides the bible, hundreds of other books have been written about Jesus. Most follow an evangelical storyline, while others delve deep into the mysterious life of the man from Israel known as Yeshua. In this podcast, we’re joined by guest Dr. Jim Turrell and discuss his newest book, “The Way I Am – The Story […]

  • The Mystics Path to Spiritual Maturity with John J. Oliver


    In this show, we welcome back gifted psychic intuitive, John J. Oliver! Join us on this auspicious 12:12 Time Gate as we delve into topics of Mystery School teachings from the Ancient Wisdom Keepers of the Ages with John J. Oliver, one of America’s Premier Psychics and Oracle in Jerhoam’s Mystery School. John J. Oliver’s […]

  • The Changing Climate of Everything!


    Life is changing so fast that we often feel like we can’t keep up with the pace. And that’s just what we talk about on this show with Reverend Danielle Hewitt: the feelings we have toward change. This show is an invitation for you to take notice of your inner compass to see the patterns […]

  • Healthy Solutions for Vibrant Living


    In this show, we welcome back guest, Dr. Tracy Darling, MD []. Dr. Tracy Darling has been practicing medicine for over twenty years — but what’s most unique about her is that she always looks for a natural, homeopathic remedy first before prescribing prescription drugs or suggesting surgery. So many medical questions are answered in this […]

  • Ancient Music: A Bridge to the Future


    In this show, we explore the keys and codes contained in ancient music as well as ancient instruments. In-studio guest Trevor Green shares his musical talent and knowledge of Australian instruments including the didgeridoo, while call-in guest Yannis Pantazis explains how Ancient Greek myths, songs and language hint of knowledge and science far older than is […]

  • Oceans of Reality – Star Knowledge Recap


    In this show, we discuss some of the PROFOUND INSIGHTS and EXPERIENCES we had at the 11:11 Star Knowledge Conference. We will marry the Spiritual aspects of Transformation for our Planet with Science as well, as we speak with NANCY CARUSO, a Marine Biologist who has started a Kelp Reforestation Project with her company Get […]

  • Are We Human By Design?


    Where did we come from? Why are we here? Join us and Five-time New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden as we not only dispel many “facts” regarding human evolution, but step deep into the mystery of why our species exists at all.

  • An Enlightening Talk about Energy


    An Enlightening Talk about Energy with Oil Industry Whistle Blower John Bolenbaugh, Robert Pope of Public Watchdogs and Eric Mellgren of Vigilant Healing Solutions In this show, we have an enlightening conversation with oil industry whistle-blower John Bolenbaugh, as well as San Onofre activist, Robert Pope. We talk about the lighter side of energy as […]

  • Celebrating Five Years on the Air!


    Join Eric, Michelle, Colleen and a host of other guests and musicians as we celebrate five years of raising the vibration on Awakening Code Radio! Special guests: Jewels Edwards, Stacy Pendleton, Greg Friedman and Chris Amodeo.

  • 11:11 Star Knowledge Preview


    This jam-packed show is a precursor to the ’11:11 Star Knowledge Ceremony of Remembrance Conference’ in Laguna Beach! We welcome guests Chief Golden Light Eagle (Founder of the 11:11 Star Knowledge Conferences), Bikbaye Inejnema (Dogon/Kemetic Wisdom Keeper), and Jose Munoz (Mayan Daykeeper). CHIEF GOLDEN LIGHT EAGLE — Check out “New Day – Exodus Army feat. […]

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