Southern Lights



Weekly Messages From Southern Lights Skye.


  • Excelerate 2020 Induction Service – Pete Ingram

    19/01/2020 Duración: 54min

    Discipleship is a key part of our Christian journey. Jesus instructs us, “as you are going make disciples of all nations”. Today we celebrate as our full time Excelerate classes of 2020 are inducted into their year of intense discipleship training, continuing the call to a lifestyle of discipleship.

  • Burning Ones Engage Overflow – Brad & Maddie Smith

    12/01/2020 Duración: 47min

    We are all called to live a life Burning for God, full of the Holy Spirit, impacting our spheres of influence every where we go. Today we hear from what has been a powerful week in the presence and Word of God at our Engage Young Adult Conference. Choose in 2020 to be God’s Burning Ones

  • We need to be more Fiery then our culture – Peter Nicholes

    10/01/2020 Duración: 01h19min

    We need to be more Fiery then our culture Engage 2020 - Session 7 - by Peter Nicholes

  • Hero’s Calling – Caleb Nicholes

    10/01/2020 Duración: 01h20min

    Every Christian is called by God to be a hero in God’s Big story. Jesus the first hero among many mediated reconciliation between God and humankind. We now live in a period of Great restoration and are called to be the hero of reconciliation in our schools, workplaces, families and communities.

  • Question for God – Dan Paterson

    09/01/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    Question for God sermon by Dan Peterson. - Session 4 of Engage 2020

  • Is the Bible worth reading – Dan Paterson

    09/01/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Join us we hear Dan Peterson share his knowledge and wisdom of the importance of His work

  • Disobedient to all but God – Caleb Nicholes


    In Luke 12:35 Jesus instructs us, “Keep our lamps burning.” The challenge for Christians is to remain, on fire for Jesus, continually full of the Holy Spirit and desperate to outwork God’s will. In this video I outline the key to doing this; Burning ones are Disobedient ones! The Christians who burn for God practice radical obedience to His Word, resulting in radical disobedience to everything else!

  • Keys for an Effective launch into 2020 and Beyond – Andrew Cavanagh

    05/01/2020 Duración: 41min

    Listen in as Andrew Cavanagh teaches on the three Crucial points that all Christians need to live a fruitful life in 2020. 1; How the Bible works and how to read it accurately. 2; We need to understand how to grow in wisdom and spiritual understanding. 3; and we need to know how to do on a day to day basis that will produce fruit in our lives, fruit of Joy, celebration and love.

  • 2020 Vision – Peter Nicholes

    29/12/2019 Duración: 01h02min
  • Appreciation Sunday – Caleb Nicholes

    01/12/2019 Duración: 44min

    We all serve and sacrifice however, what deserves the most recognition? The Apostle Paul in the closing marks of many letters highlights the work of specific people. His honoring of these people is always for their work in serving Jesus' mission, devoting themselves to the Church and sacrificing for others. Those who Serve the Interests of Jesus Deserve Recognition (Phil 2:21).

  • Generation Next – Caleb Nicholes

    24/11/2019 Duración: 54min

    The next generation is the future of our nation. Today we celebrated those who are rising to be tomorrow's leaders, reflecting on another successful year at Australis Christian College and hearing three powerful testimonies from our Ignition Youth Armour Bearer class.

  • What I learned From the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting – Caleb Nicholes

    17/11/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    After 40 days of prayer and fasting, our Church family learned some things. We gathered together each night to pray together and lives changed, our faith grew, children were impacted and our heart for God accelerated. In this sermon, Ps Caleb facilitates a discussion between six people who share their testimonies from the 40 days.

  • Authentic Christianity – Karen Nicholes

    10/11/2019 Duración: 49min

    Our society is in a crisis point in many areas, and it really needs God. Our society really needs to see Authentic Christians with transformed lives living out in the freedom and love of Christ, Unfortunately, shame stops so many Christians from who they are meant to be. Jesus forgives our sin and he also takes our shame, shame which is what the enemy uses to blackmails us with sins of our past, this then causes us to withdraw, avoid and hide from all of our beauty. Tune in us Ps Karen Nicholes teaches us how to let his light shine in our hearts and set us free from shame so we can truly be Authentic Christians.

  • Group Anointing – Caleb Nicholes

    03/11/2019 Duración: 51min

    Why does the power of God increase when we gather together? Why is Church community and meeting on Sunday’s so critical to being a Christian? We know SYNERGY and TEAMWORK create better results for all. Well until you look at Babel! In this sermon I explain what went wrong in Genesis 11, negative synergy, motived by self-glorification. Group anointing is only accessible through Group Prayer. Group Prayer trumps individualism and isolation. It centres the Believers on Christ and His mission. We see this in the revival of Acts 2 and formation of the early Church who began to gather in the temple daily (v42), a positive synergy grew and worldwide evangelism followed.

  • A mantle of prayer is coming upon the Church – Peter Nicholes

    27/10/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    A mantle of prayer is coming to the church! God is shaking everything off our lives that aren’t kingdom. We must put worship first, prayer first, intimacy with God first. He is calling us to pray. Everything must be built on His Kingdom!

  • The Burning Ones – Caleb Nicholes

    20/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    Hebrews 11 the famous faith chapter outlines those who put their trust in God completely. These were the ones that desperately pursued and found God, that sought His face, the Burning Ones. We all approach God in various ways. However, it is those who burn in desperation to find God that always do. If we seek, we will find. The place of prayer is the place to burn for God, it is this truth that has sparked many prayer movements across the globe and throughout history.

  • Why Righteousness – Justin Otim

    13/10/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    "God is looking for a man, and if God can find that one man then the Kingdom of God can come down on earth, so as it is in Heaven so it is on earth because the Kingdom of God comes through a Righteous man." Listen in as Ps Justin Otim from Uganda speaks on the importance of a Righteous man.

  • ANG Overflow – Peter Nicholes & Team

    06/10/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    Apostolic Network Gathering conference brings back the Sons and Daughters from the front lines to share, empower and impart the Apostolic grace that has sent them all over Australia and the nations. Join us as we hear from these Sons and Daughters the testimony and works God has done in these frontline warriors.

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