Knowledge Fight



Dan is a gentleman who holds an unhealthy obsession with InfoWars. Jordan is a good friend of his who knows next to nothing about InfoWars. On each episode of Knowledge Fight, Dan plays Jordan clips from one day of the Alex Jones Show, and the two try desperately to make sense of it.


  • #14: February 17, 2017

    20/02/2017 Duración: 02h47min

    Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the what was going on in the world of Alex Jones on Feb 17, 2017. Topics covered include: Are chicken bones "the cleanest bones?" Dan and Jordan conceive of the best sitcom idea ever Does Alex Jones low-key try to drop a rap verse? Does Trump have a super power that involves phones?

  • #13: February 14, 2017

    16/02/2017 Duración: 02h31min

    Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened with Alex Jones on Feb 14, 2017. Topics include: Did Alex recently read Dracula? Is Gen. Flynn's issue that he's just too great? Can Globalists reproduce? Is science fiction a conspiracy?

  • #12: Jon Rappoport

    15/02/2017 Duración: 02h02min

    On today's show, Dan tells Jordan all about a SPECIAL REPORT from sometimes guest host of the Alex Jones Show, Jon Rappoport, about "mind control on college campuses." Topics covered include: How many years of research does it take to take a quote or statistic out of context? How hard is it to hang a picture? Is Jon Rappoport Batman? Is "safe space culture" a real thing?

  • #11: February 10, 2017

    13/02/2017 Duración: 01h55min

    On today's episode, Dan explains what went down on the Feb 10th episode of the Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include: What percent of blackface is done "reverently?" Was the Civil War a false flag? Has Alex gotten any better at media criticism? Did Alex just commit a crime on air?

  • InfoWars Roulette #1

    10/02/2017 Duración: 52min

    Today, Dan and Jordan go in blind for a special mini episode of the podcast, where they are going to listen to a randomly selected video from InfoWars YouTube channel. Do they get lucky and stumble into some insanity, or does life decide to be cruel and end up dishing them a David Knight video? Only one way for you to find out.

  • #10: February 6, 2017

    08/02/2017 Duración: 01h55min

    Today, Dan explains to Jordan all about what happened on the Alex Jones Show on February 6, 2017. Topics covered include: What news makes Alex Jones physically sick to read? How long can Dan and Jordan listen to Milo Yiannopolis without turning him off? Does Alex have any historical regrets about WW2? Is George Soros cool, or super uncool?

  • #9: Joe Rogan Appearance

    06/02/2017 Duración: 03h10min

    On today's episode, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened when Alex Jones got really drunk on episode #911 of the Joe Rogan Experience. Topic covered include: Does Alex have excuses for his Y2K episode that actually make his actions worse? Does Alex believe what he believes the elites secretly believe? When discussing Paragraph B, does Paragraph C matter? Who, other than your least favorite uncle, calls whiskey "apple juice?" How much Isaac Asimov has Alex read?

  • #8: January 26-27, 2017

    01/02/2017 Duración: 02h28min

    Jordan has returned from his work-cation in London just in time to have Dan explain what's been going on in the world of Alex Jones for the last week or so. Topics covered include: Does Mexico have an invisible southern wall? Can Alex Jones do a decent Optimus Prime impression? How long can Alex watch CNN without losing his shit? If you torture people, do you have to kill them?

  • #7: January 23-24, 2017

    26/01/2017 Duración: 01h35min

    Today, Jordan is on a work-cation to London, so Dan tells "Fill In Jordan" (and fantastic comedian) Tyler Snodgrass all about what's happened this week on The Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include: Is Alex Jones a hypocrite about the right to choose? Is Alex super defensive about how he wasn't drunk over inauguration weekend, despite very clear evidence that he was? How not gay is Alex? Is the universe really just a "spiritual spider web?"

  • #6: Inauguration Speech Recap

    23/01/2017 Duración: 02h02min

    On today's show, Dan tells Jordan about Alex Jones' breakdown of President Trump's inauguration speech.  Topics covered include: Did Obama really tell 3rd World Countries they couldn't have cars? Did God put Trump into power, and does that make Alex fake cry? Was Alex Jones drunk for most of inauguration weekend? Alex was almost certainly drunk for most of inauguration weekend

  • #5: January 19, 2017

    20/01/2017 Duración: 01h48min

    On today's episode, Dan tells Jordan about what has happened in the world of Alex Jones in the last week, particularly on January 19, 2017. Topics covered include: Why aren't you mad that clones don't have rights? Does a tape of Trump saying the N-word exist? If it does exist, what should Trump do about it? Is kissing your wife sexual assault?

  • #4: Research and Stand Up

    18/01/2017 Duración: 01h28min

    On this episode, Dan reports back to Jordan about some research he was inspired to do after listening to some of Alex Jones' special reports, filed while he was on the road.  Topics covered include: What do statistics really look like for Infowars? How many radio stations in Kane, PA is Alex broadcast on? Does Alex hate that he is being forced to talk about pee? Should Alex give it all up and become a stand up comic? A couple citations for the research done: List of stations Alex Jones is broadcast on Infowars' affiliate contract Infowars' press packet FFS LLC's press packet

  • #3: The Secret of 2017

    16/01/2017 Duración: 01h29min

    On today's adventure, Dan tells Jordan all about a report Alex Jones posted purporting to explain the Secret of 2017.  Topics covered include: Does Phish have one good song? Would Alex Jones be fun to hang out with late night at a dive bar? Can an external observer read the mind of Megyn Kelly? The declining quality in the food at Luby's Diner

  • #2: December 31, 1999 (Y2K)

    10/01/2017 Duración: 01h46min

    On this episode, Dan fills Jordan in on all the happenings on the December 31, 1999 edition of The Alex Jones Show. They touch on: Does Alex believe that the Y2K bug is going to strike? Are there concentration camps in Austin? How easily is it to convince Alex that a power plant has been blown up? Did we all survive Y2K?

  • #1: January 2, 2017

    07/01/2017 Duración: 01h41min

    On this pilot episode, Dan explains the happenings on the Alex Jones Show for Jan 2, 2017. Topics covered include: Was George Soros a literal Nazi? Are China and Saudi Arabia working together? Who listens to InfoWars? What, specifically, is a "digital dropbox?" When, exactly, should a person pray?

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