Christy Wright's Business Boutique



The Business Boutique is a growing community of women who are making money doing what they love. In each episode, business coach and Ramsey Personality Christy Wright takes a deep dive into topics like marketing, selling, social media and profits. Episodes include featured interviews with top experts in each of these areas. Christy delivers motivating and thought-provoking messages while sharing stories of women who have found success that will inspire you on your journey.


  • BB Ep 39: Five Lies You Believe About Business with Annie F. Downs

    23/01/2018 Duración: 01h12min

    Which Lies Are Holding You Back? Many of you are being held back by something you aren't even aware of: You're believing lies about yourselves and about your businesses. See, when you believe something that isn't true, you're living our life based on misinformation. You're missing out on something that could change your life, that could make you happy or even make you a better person and open up opportunities you couldn't even imagine. Recently a woman came up to me at a speaking event and told me she'd been hearing me for about a year on The Dave Ramsey Show. But every time she heard me, she thought, "Well, that's nice. But it's not for me. I could never start my own business." Eight months later, guess what she's doing? She's running her own business! I love her story because it's a great example of how we all believe lies we think are true. And if you don't hear the truth, you're going to continue to live in those lies and you'll never be free to win. So in this episode, I'll talk about five common lies th

  • BB Ep 38: Hitting Big Goals By Winning Small with Chris Hogan

    09/01/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Let's talk about goals for your business-but not big, huge, overwhelming goals. Instead, we'll talk about tiny, baby, daily, micro goals. These are the smaller goals along the way that it takes to get to the finish line. In this episode, I'll teach you how to break down your big goals into weekly and then daily goals so you can actually achieve them! My guest this week is speaker, best-selling author, podcast host and my good friend, Chris Hogan. He'll get real practical with us about how to eliminate excuses and chase down our results so that we can run businesses and lives that we're proud of. And Chris and I will answer your burning business questions together! Our success story this week is Naomi Duncan, owner of Naomi Ruth Photography. Naomi has grown her humble hobby into a business that brings her over $40K per year on the side! 1:08 Hitting Big Goals By Winning Small 12:03 Interview with Chris Hogan 41:22 BB Success Story with Naomi Duncan 52:29 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 64:11 Homework Get Christy's Goal Sett

  • BB Ep 37: Celebrating Your Success in 2017!

    26/12/2017 Duración: 32min

    This episode is all about recognizing and celebrating you, and the hard work you've put in all year long! We'll hear the story of Catherine Cramer's Southern Home Bakery and Kathy Lozano's Parents' Academy. We'll also hear from the incredible women behind businesses like Howdy Honey, Old St. Augustine Gourmet Foods, and more. Here's to another year making money doing what you love! 1:20 BB Success Story with Catherine Cramer 17:20 BB Email Success Stories 44:18 BB Success Story with Kathy Lozano 54:10 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT Click here to use Christy's Profit Potential Tool  To save $5 on any Business Boutique 1-Day ticket, use the code BBWRIGHT. Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy at - If you have a success story you would like to share with the Business Boutique community, email me at New podcast episodes are available every other week.

  • BB Ep 36: Shake Off Your Shame with Lisa Bevere

    12/12/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Shame is the root of so many things we experience in our lives, whether we realize it or not. It may be holding you back in your business, in your relationships, and from believing in yourself. Shame is a powerful, far-reaching force that will keep you from living the abundant life that God has for you! So in this episode, we're going to change what we believe about ourselves. We're going to overcome the mistakes you've made in your past, or maybe the wrong that's been done to you. It's time to remember who you are, and more importantly, Whose you are. My guest this week is my friend, author and speaker Lisa Bevere! Lisa co-founded Messenger International, and she'll tell us how she broke through the limits she thought were on her life to step into the big things God had for her. This is one of my favorite and most powerful interviews ever on the podcast! Our success story is Kasey Hill, founder of the financial literacy program, Growing Wealth From the Start. Kasey began her business while she was a stay-at-

  • BB Ep 35: The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude with Chris Brown

    28/11/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    For many of us, the holidays are a time when it's easy to be thankful. But when the celebrations are over and the decorations are packed, a spirit of gratitude becomes harder to maintain. So in this episode, we're going to dive deep into the benefits of incorporating daily gratitude into your business and life. I'll share my top twelve reasons I'm thankful for thankfulness! My guest this week is pastor, speaker and host of the Life, Money, Hope podcast, Chris Brown. As a businessman, father, husband and pastor, he has helped people discover what it means to intentionally pursue their God-given purpose, and he'll share his tips on how to incorporate gratitude into your daily life! Our success story is Jane VanOsdol, owner of Botanically Me. Jane is taking the concepts she's learned from Business Boutique and is in the process of relaunching her business. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from our Nashville Business Boutique event! 1:06 The 12 Benefits of Gratitude 16:54 Interview with Chris Brown 42:33

  • BB Ep 34: Excuses That Steal Your Time with Laura Vanderkam

    14/11/2017 Duración: 01h10min

    Time management and life balance are a struggle for-I'm just guessing-every adult on the planet. Amen? So in this episode, we're going to go beyond surface-level issues like how to time block your schedule. Instead, we'll dig deeper and I'll teach you how to overcome the underlying issue: Making excuses. I'll share the top five excuses I hear that steal your time, and how to kick them to the curb. When you can overcome these excuses, you make room for actual life change! My guest this week is author and speaker Laura Vanderkam. She's done extensive research on exactly how people spend their time, and she'll share her time management secrets with us! Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:13 Five Excuses That Steal Your Time 21:58 Interview with Laura Vanderkam 54:59 Back to Basics: Your Why 60:14 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 67:35 Homework Get Christy's 25 Ways to Protect Your Time Guide by filling out the form here! To save $5 on any Business Boutique 1-Day ticket, use the code BBWRI

  • BB Ep 33: Is it Fear, or Wisdom? with Patsy Clairmont

    31/10/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    We all know what it feels like in the moments right before we try something new. There's a nagging, persistent voice of apprehension telling us all the reasons we should just stay in our comfort zone! We'd do anything to know: Is it fear, or is it wisdom speaking to us? So in this episode, I'll teach you some of the characteristics of fear and wisdom, so that you can become more confident in your decisions. My guest this week is a good friend of mine, best-selling author and speaker at this year's Business Boutique event, Patsy Clairmont. Patsy's experience with fear is very tangible, so she'll share her personal journey of how she finally disarmed the lies of fear. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:17  How To Tell the Difference Between Fear and Wisdom 14:44 Interview with Patsy Clairmont 49:29 Business Boutique Nashville Event Info 51:33 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 59:14 Homework Get Christy's Fear or Wisdom Filter by filling out the form here! - To save $10 on any Business Bo

  • BB Ep 32: Creating an Amazing Brand Experience with Joseph Michelli

    17/10/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    Your brand is made up of look, tone and feel. We covered the look and tone in episode 31, so in this episode, we'll talk about the tone, so that your brand-and, as a result, your business-feels like you. Plus I'll teach you how to show your customers that you care through your policies, messaging and brand experience. My guest this week is branding expert, psychologist and author Joseph Michelli. Joseph has written several books, including The Starbucks Experience, and has helped companies like Zappos, Mercedes Benz and Starbucks develop their brands. He'll give you practical ways to give your customers an above-and-beyond experience and reveal two big mistakes to avoid when presenting your brand. And I'll give you simple, quick tips to make the most of the upcoming holiday season! Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events. 1:02  The Feel and Experience of Your Branding 21:00 Interview with Joseph Michelli 46:59 Preparing Your Life for Christmas 51:47 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 59:13 Home

  • BB Ep 31: Branding the Look and Tone of Your Business with Donald Miller

    03/10/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Branding is so much more than colors, fonts and pretty pictures-it's about creating an identity. When you make a purchase, whether you realize it or not, you're choosing that brand over another because you feel it represents you. So you may recall in Episode 2 of the podcast, we talked about the look, tone and feel of your brand. But in this episode, I want to take a deeper dive on the look and tone, so that when you're audience interacts with your business, they know it's for them! One of my absolute favorites-best-selling author and CEO of Storybrand-Donald Miller, is back! He'll unpack his Storybrand concept for us, and y'all, this is a powerful way to grow your customers and your profits. If you're dreaming up your brand right now or your existing brand isn't connecting, you need to hear this interview. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:03  The Look and Tone of Your Branding 18:37 Interview with Donald Miller 50:09 Preparing Your Business for Christmas  53:04 #ASKC

  • BB Ep 30: Hiring Great People with Patrick Lencioni

    19/09/2017 Duración: 55min

    Most small businesses make mistakes when hiring, but who you hire is one of the most important decisions you'll make in your business! So in this episode, I'll share the hiring mistakes I've made in the past, and teach you my 7 Rules of Hiring! My guest this week is one of my favorite speakers and authors, Patrick Lencioni! He has written 11 incredible books-many of which are about building strong teams and hiring. Y'all, this is one of my favorite interviews to date! Patrick is a wealth of information and practical advice, and he'll help you avoid the pitfalls of hiring the wrong people. He'll also share the best-kept hiring secrets that some of your favorite companies, like Southwest Airlines, actually use! And our success story this week is Katie Finklea. Katie owns Loving Well Living Well, which she was inspired to start after attending a Business Boutique event. She saw a gap between adoption and foster care advocacy and education, and was passionate about providing a solution to that problem. God is tru

  • BB Ep 29: Creating Passive Income with Pat Flynn

    05/09/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    In this episode, I'll give you four ways to make more money without adding on to your workload.  One way to do that is by creating passive income, which is exactly what my guest this week, Pat Flynn, will teach us about. Pat is a best-selling author and owns several wildly successful online businesses. He's speaking at my Business Boutique event in November, and today he'll tell us about how he wound up creating his first digital product years ago, and where it's taken him. And the success story this week is Heather Salopek. Heather owns Legacy Pecans, which sells delicious pecans and pecan products for retail and corporate gifts. The "Why" behind her business is remarkable, and I love how she got creative and took her family business to the next level. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:10 Creating Passive Income 7:50 Interview with Pat Flynn 44:56 BB Success Story with Heather Salopek 57:38 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 64:08 Homework  Find out how much money your business can ma

  • BB Ep 28: Know Your Worth with Nicole Walters

    22/08/2017 Duración: 53min

    If you don't know your value, you'll settle. You'll undercharge, get pushed around, and dream small. That's why knowing your worth is so important, not just in business, but in life! In this episode, I'll give you three steps to determining the value of your product or service. My guest this week is Nicole Walters. Nicole created The Monetized Life and is one of our expert speakers at Business Boutique. She's taught me so much about selling and about knowing my worth! She'll give us some real talk about why women tend to undervalue ourselves. She'll also her share her best tips for selling, and I promise they're super easy-regardless of your personality style. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:04 Knowing Your Worth 13:00 Interview with Nicole Walters 40:08 Fall Encouragement 43:00 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 50:32 Homework  Find out how much money your business can make with my free Profit Potential tool here! - To save $10 on any Business Boutique Nashville ticket, use the code

  • BB Ep 27: Learning From Your Competition with Amber Hurdle

    08/08/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    Regardless of the type of product you sell or the industry you're in, you're going to have competitors. Competition can make us feel fear, intimidation, and maybe even jealousy. So in this episode, I'll cover the "Dos and Don'ts" about interacting with and learning from your competition. My guest this week is Amber Hurdle, brand strategist, leadership consultant and host of the Bombshell Business Podcast. Amber will challenge us to take the emotions we feel surrounding competition and channel it into something positive. Our success story features the business, Snappy Stitch, created by Janet Wall and her daughter E.V. Bennett. Snappy Stitch provides cute, comfortable clothing for children undergoing medical treatments. Their business idea came out of their personal experience in hospitals. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:10 Learning From Your Competition 18:16 Interview with Amber Hurdle 45:42 BB Success Story with Janet Wall and E.V. Bennett 55:25 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT

  • BB Ep 26: Improve Your Writing to Grow Your Business with Susan Spencer

    25/07/2017 Duración: 56min

    You may be thinking that you don't need to write, but the truth is: if you're a small business owner, you'll need to do at least some writing, whether you've been trained or not. You need to write well to reach your target customer, so in the episode, I'll give you four tools to put in your Writing Toolbox! My guest this week is the editor in chief of Woman's Day magazine, Susan Spencer. Susan has been working in magazine publishing for over 30 years and she'll share what's she's learned along her journey-including three things every successful writer does. Our success story is Anna Doyle, owner of Threefold Boutique. Her day job is working at a law firm, but she's seeing so much success in her own business that she hopes to replace her full-time income soon. She'll walk us through the moment she decided to just go for it, and how she now balances a busy side business with working full time. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from Business Boutique events! 1:08 How To Improve Your Writing Skills 16:30

  • BB Ep 25: The Basics of Being a Great Communicator with Ken Davis

    11/07/2017 Duración: 54min

    Your ideas are only as strong as you're able to communicate them. The skills you need as a professional public speaker are the same skills you need to communicate any ideas, and we are all in the business of communicating ideas! So in this episode, I'll teach you my approach to public speaking and how to become great communicator. My guest this week is a speaker and podcast host-the hilarious and inspiring Ken Davis. He'll talk about how to communicate effectively, compassionately, and in a way that will cause your audience to take action. Our success story is Jenny Melrose, founder of the lifestyle blog, The Melrose Family. The income she made from her blog ended up surpassing her full-time income as a teacher! Today, she's taken what she learned from blogging and sharing her secrets and strategies with other entrepreneurs-and making almost six figures! Plus, I'll answer your top business questions! 1:08 The Basics of Being a Great Communicator 18:13 Interview with Ken Davis 39:06 BB Success Story with Jenny

  • BB Ep 24: Money Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Business with Rachel Cruze

    27/06/2017 Duración: 59min

    When it comes to making money doing what you love, there are pitfalls that can really get you into trouble! So in this episode, I'll talk about four money pitfalls you should avoid. My guest this week is #1 New York Times best-selling author, and one of my best friends, Rachel Cruze. We'll have some girl talk about how we balance work and family, and different ways we set financial goals and save money. Our success story this week features Carol Low, the owner of Creative Windows by Carol. She was resourceful and started her business in the backroom of a fabric store, and now, nearly 25 years later she's a successful business owner and employs her family! She'll share some mistakes she's made over the years and how she came back from them. And I'll answer your top business questions! 1:07 Money Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Business 11:22 Interview with Rachel Cruze 40:43 BB Success Story with Carol Low 47:26 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 56:09 Homework - Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy and get $10 off your first m

  • BB Ep 23: Women and Business with Jean Chatzky

    13/06/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    Here's something that won't come as a surprise to anyone: men and women are different. That means we approach business differently, too! We have unique strengths and also unique challenges. So in this episode, I'll unpack tips on how you can pursue your passions and be successful. Plus, my guest this week is financial journalist, author and speaker Jean Chatzky. She'll walk us through her journey to finding success, from self-proclaimed high school math geek to magazine writer to unexpectedly starting her own company. She'll weigh in on our unique challenges as women in business. Our success story this week features April Perry, a mom who wanted to generate income while staying home with her kids. She found her business idea in a surprising way, and she'll share that with us. And I'll answer your top business questions! 1:08 Women and Business 18:47 Interview with Jean Chatzky 44:41 BB Success Story with April Perry 56:52 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 66:25 Homework - Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy and get $10

  • BB Ep 22: How to Use Storytelling in Your Business with Jeremy Cowart

    30/05/2017 Duración: 55min

    Stories have a way of getting into our heads and our hearts in a way that nothing else can. So in this episode, I'll tell you the three things you need to tell effective stories that will help your business. Plus, my guest this week is world-famous photographer Jeremy Cowart. He'll tell us about how he's now booked countless speaking gigs because of the way he incorporated story into a presentation one time. And I'll answer your top business questions! 1:07 How to Use Storytelling in Your Business 15:15 Interview with Jeremy Cowart 39:09 BB Success Story with Karen Stewart 44:07 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 52:37 Homework - Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy and get $10 off your first month or $30 off your first year by using the code BBACADEMY at This offer is good through through June 30, 2017. Sign up today! - To save $10 on any Business Boutique Nashville ticket, use the code BBWRIGHT. Buy my new book, Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves, and

  • BB Ep 21: How to Win in Your Business with Brian Williams

    16/05/2017 Duración: 43min

    Let's talk about success, friends! In this episode, I'll give you three steps you need to take to win in business. If you do these three things, you'll feel the pride that comes with knowing where you're going and how to get there. Plus, I'm so excited to announce that Business Boutique is launching something brand new that can change everything for your business: The Business Boutique Academy. My guest this week, Brian Williams from Ramsey Solutions, will explain in detail what the Academy can do for you. 1:05 How to Win in Your Business 17:09 Interview with Brian Williams 41:02 Homework - Sign up for the Business Boutique Academy and get $10 off your first month or $30 off your first year  by using the code BBACADEMY at This offer is good through through June 30, 2017. Sign up today! - Buy my new book, Business Boutique: A Woman's Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves, and receive a FREE Marketing Basics You Can't Afford to Miss video, a $40 value for only $19.99. Visit B

  • BB Ep 20: How to Create Engaging Content for Your Business with Beth Ann Schwamberger

    02/05/2017 Duración: 56min

    In this episode, I'll talk about a piece of marketing that is often overlooked: content. The truth is that every business is in the content business, so I'll give you ideas that will help you create trusted, credible content that your followers and customers will actually care about! My guest this week is Beth Ann Schwamberger. She started the Brilliant Business Moms brand and podcast! She'll talk about the steps she took to start it up and turn it into a sustainable business. I'll also talk to Shannon Basso, who created an inspirational magazine called "BECOMING." She curates and edits all of the content in the publication. She'll tell us about how she took her online magazine to print, and how she overcame Imposter Syndrome throughout the process. And I'll answer your business questions! 1:10 How to Create Engaging Content for Your Business 14:17 Interview with Beth Ann Schwamberger 31:34 BB Success Story with Shannon Basso 43:43 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 53:21 Homework - Buy my new book, Business Boutique: A Woman

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