Ltt Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon



We cant make this stuff up. Theweird side of life offbeat newsfrom around the world. Online at


  • 93: The dangers of eating Ghost Peppers - #LTT Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon

    17/11/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) From our weird news file..this guy thought he'd be a hero and chow down on a Ghost Pepper...the consequences were dire say the least! Listen to the story. Subscribe, rate and review #LTT at all good podcatcher apps...including iTues, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play and more. Follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+ for even more strange, weird news. #weird #offbeat #news #peepers #eating

  • 92: Your weird news round-up - #LTT Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 64

    11/11/2016 Duración: 11min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). Hi everyone...Sharon with the Show Notes for this episode...and our usual reminder...all of these stories are true....we couldn't possibly make this stuff up. Stories in this episode: *Cliff let's us in on his favorite thing about Christmas. You may be surprised...maybe not. *Muscles make you smarter. And there's scientific proof....hmmm *Man flu...say no more... *We have a woman who's had enough and is suing KFC. We say good on her... *Road rage....who's responsible...these findings of course will lead to even more arguments.Such is life... Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatcher apps, including iTunes, Stitcher, audioBoom, Pocket Casts, Podbean, iHeart Radio, Tunein etc. Liking what we do?...then please help spread the word by sharing and telling your family and friends. The best recommendation we can get is yours. Thank you... #weird #offbeat #strange #news #truestories #roadrage

  • 91: Weird, Weird, Weird (True) News - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 63

    26/10/2016 Duración: 10min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). In this episode we fill you in on what happens if you try vacuuming up gasoline. Yes, it really happened. How about checking up on a family members welfare by pizza...this is brilliant! We have a fool who thought he could hide something rather large and unusual up the back of his jacket. You will scratch your head. There's now a smile predictor for the election...we kid you not. And what about the lady who gave birth in Wal Mart...but made sure she did the right thing first. A reminder...we simply report these stories...we do not make them up. We couldn't...:) Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at any good podcatcher including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHearRadio, Google Play (US only) etc. For more strange, but true news, follow us on Facebook, twitter, Google+ and Clammr. If you're enjoying the podcast, please share and tell your friends. Your recommendation would be much appreciated. T

  • 90: Tattoo's and more - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 62

    19/10/2016 Duración: 09min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatcher apps such as iTunes, audioBoom, Google Play, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Tunein Radio etc. In this episode...a focus on tattoo's....including a mystery tattoo story...would you be game? For more, follow us Facebook, twitter, Google+ and Clammr. Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: @lttpodcast Google+: Clammr: If you're enjoying #LTT - Listen To This, please share and tell your friends. After all, the best recommendation we can get is one from you. Thank you... #weird #offbeat #funny #odd #news #tattoos #radio

  • 89: Siri, Should I take weight supplements? #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon

    15/10/2016 Duración: 02min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) We turn to our favorite advice giver for answers to one of life's burning questions....should I be taking weight supplements? Well...should I?? Subscribe, rate and review LTT - Listen o This at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play or any good podcatcher app. #weird #offbeat #news #siri #radio #humor #comedy

  • 88: Siri - Am I too old to learn the guitar? - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon BitesSize

    13/10/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes on demand at (mobile friendly) Some tough love from's query....Am I too old to learn guitar? Subscribe , rate and review #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play or any good podcatcher app. For more, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+. Please share and tell your friends. Thank you... #siri #technology #weird #offbeat #humor #radio

  • 87: Warning! Don't wear this at the beach... #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon BiteSize

    13/10/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) This guy tried something a little different at the beach. It didn't work...probably not his smartest day. Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatacher apps including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only) etc. #weird #offbeat #odd #news

  • 86: The worlds biggest nutcracker - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 61

    11/10/2016 Duración: 09min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) Welcome to the latest #LTT podcast...5 news stories with a difference...they're all strange! All these stories are true...we couldn't possibly make these up. * Ban the bun! Our new campaign to better the world... * The strange story of a woman who stole 70 cents worth of gas...then there was more... *Google protects the identity of a cow on google maps...really.... *Want a killer way to get rid of those painful kidney stones? We have the latest advice...and it could even be fun! *The worlds largest nutcracker...a real title. Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at iTunes, stitcher, pocketcasts, podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only), Tunein or any good podcatcher app. Email: For more silly news, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+: Facebook - @lttpodcast twitter - @LTTpodcast Google+ - Enjoying #LTT - Listen To This? Then please share

  • 85: How to fight a bear with your bare hands...and other weirdness. #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 60

    05/10/2016 Duración: 10min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) Hi everyone, Sharon with the Show Notes for Episode 60...and have we got some weirdness this week. Remember...all these stories are true...we couldn't possibly make this stuff up. It sure is a strange world we live in.... Or Top 5 this week: *Ewww...don't do this on a plane...please.... *A special Japanese treat for Fall...if you must. *The baconator... *Listen and learn from this Japanese man who took on a bear with his bare hands...and lived to tell his story. We can all learn something from this guy... *Are you guilty of any of these The funny things people have put on their resumes... Please subscribe, rate and Review #LTT - Listen To This at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play or any good podcatcher app. Got an odd story you'd like to share? Email us at For more strangeness, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+: Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: @LTTpodca

  • 84: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon - Tough love from Siri - On being a weather anchor

    28/09/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes from (mobile friendly). Have you ever considered a career as a TV Weather Anchor person? It may not be as glamorous as you think. We asked Siri for her advice... #LTT #siri #weather #TV

  • 83: #LTT - Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon - This cat can skate board way better than you can...

    23/09/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) We have a record breaking skate boarding cat...and he's way better than you are.It's official... Subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatacher apps including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only) etc. #weired #offbeat #odd #news #cat

  • 82: #LTT - Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon - Mt Everest cheats don't prosper...

    23/09/2016 Duración: 02min

    Stream on demand from So...what happens when you claim you've climbed Mt Everest and haven't? Subscribe to the full podcast at all good podcatcher apps...including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only) etc. #weird #offbeat #odd #news #mteverest

  • 81: #LTT - Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon - Tough Love From Siri - Make-up Contouring

    23/09/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). We had a question about make-up we thought we'd ask our favorite adviser, Siri, for her opinion. Maybe we shouldn't have.... Subscribe, rate and review at all good podcatcher apps including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iEartRadio, Google Play (US only) etc. #weird #offbeat #odd #news #siri

  • 80: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon - Forget snakes on a plane, we've got crickets and worms on a train

    22/09/2016 Duración: 02min

    Stream episodes on demand from Want to freak out a New Yorker? A true story... Subscribe, rate and review #LTT- Listen To This at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean. iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only) or any good podcatcher app. #weird #offbeat #odd #news #NewYork

  • 79: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 59

    21/09/2016 Duración: 11min

    Stream on demand from (mobile friendly). Hi everyone, Sharon with the Show Notes for Episode 59..and the usual reminder....all of these stories are true....we couldn't possibly make them up! *This is ridiculous...attack by corn cob. One way of settling a dispute I guess... *A story of great ingenuity from Australia. Mind you...the police didn't see it that way...but still... *According to a recent study kids do better at school if they have good looking teachers. As I say...we don't make this stuff up...we just report it. *Back to's how some moms celebrated. Probably not advisable... Subscribe, rate and Review Listen To This at iTunes, audioBoom, stitcher, pocketcasts, podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only) or any good podcatcher app. Email: (got any story tips?) For more odd news, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+: Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: LTTpodcast Google+: If you're en

  • 78: #LTT - Listen To This - Bite-size - Make sure you're not eating when listening to this story...

    17/09/2016 Duración: 02min

    Stream on demand from (mobile friendly) You have been warned...make sure you're not eating when listening to this story...but here's a guy who went above and well beyond his duties as a best friend. Subscribe to the podcast at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, iHeartRadio, Google Play or any good podcatcher app. #weird #offbeat #odd #news #yuck!

  • 77: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 58 - 'That's not a sausage...'

    13/09/2016 Duración: 11min

    Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). Hi everyone..Sharon with the Show Notes for Episode 58. And a reminder...all of these stories are true...we couldn't possibly make them up. We really do live in a weird world at times... Want some proof? Then check out the these stories... *How not to impress a date...oh dear... *Feel good - paralyzed woman walks down the aisle (so it's not all weird but this is such a heartwarming story...) *Guy 'accidentally' gets hemorrhoid surgery ---ouch! *Warning - hickeys can kill you! * And finally from Germany...'That's not a sausage - THIS is a sausage!' Subscribe, rate and review at iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, audioBoom, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US only...sorry), Tunein, or any good podcatcher app. Email: For more weird news, follow #LTT-Listen To This on Facebook, twitter and Google+: Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: @LTTpodcast Google+:

  • 76: #LTT - Listen To This With Cliff &Sharon - Tough Love with Siri - The Girlfriend Tattoo

    20/08/2016 Duración: 02min

    In this bite-size story from the #LTT - Listen To This podcast...we get some tough love from Siri. A query from listener Ryan with a dilemma leads us to asking Siri a very important question ...'Should I surprise my girlfriend with a tattoo of her face on my arm?' As usual...Siri gives a very forthright answer... Subscribe, rate and review #LTTListen To This on iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, iHeartRadio or any good podcatcher app. Stream episodes from #Siri #advice #humor #life #tattoos

  • 75: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon - bite-size - Donald Trump's Plans To Become 'More Presidential'

    19/08/2016 Duración: 01min

    Stream on demand from (mobile friendly) As the presidential campaign unfolds, critics have accused Donald Trump of not being 'Presidential' here are his plans to improve. Subscribe, rate and review at iTunes, audioBoom, Pocketcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, Podcast Addict, Google Play, iHeartRadio or any good podcatcher app. If you're enjoying our weird news coverage..please share and tell your friends. Thank you... #weird #offbeat #news #humor #election2016 #gop

  • 74: #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon bite-size - Beer and Dancing Robots

    17/08/2016 Duración: 02min

    Stream on demand from (mobile friendly) Hi...Sharon with the Show Notes... A beer festival, dancing robots and a world's all going on in China. Subscribe, rate and review at iTunes, audioBoom, Pocketcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, iHeartRadio, Google Play or any good podcatcher app. #weird #offbeat #news #China #technology #humor

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