Astrologically Speaking With Sheri



Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your souls karmic evolution?Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us allthrough astrological insighthow we may better our relationships, ascertain our true values, & find the courage to be who we truly came here to be...after all, isnt that what life is really all about?


  • EP47:GEORGIA STATHIS & ENID NEWBERG, professional astrologers

    05/04/2018 Duración: 53min

    GEORGIA STATHIS & ENID NEWBERG, professional astrologers, join SHERI HORN HASAN to discuss the Alexandria iBase Project non-profit venture, & their efforts to preserve astrological & esoteric writings & teachings for future generations! Astrological knowledge is power, so join us to find out more about the books & other great learning tools available out there for all! Also, tune in for a Mercury retrograde update, the waning third-quarter Moon, the upcoming April 10/11 Sun square Pluto, & other astro news you can use! #astrology, #nonprofit, #esoteric, #books, #Mercury, #retrograde, #Moon, #Sun, #Pluto,, #writing, #astronews

  • EP46:ERIN SULLIVAN, consulting astrologer, teacher, & author of widely read astrology books

    29/03/2018 Duración: 58min

    ERIN SULLIVAN, consulting astrologer, teacher, & author of widely read astrology books, discusses how her lifelong journey into archetypal psychology, cosmology, astrology, & the classics led to her contemporary astrological philosophy, which she shares with clients, students, and others. Erin’s backgroundincludes 50+ years as a personal consultant astrologer, author, teacher, & mentor, & her reputation proceeds her in serious astrological circles. Her six astrology books are classics read worldwide in several languages, and on the reading list of major international astrology schools. She’s lectured & taught at astrology conferences & events worldwide over the years. Learn more about Erin’s philosophy, how she got started, her major influences, and what she’s up to now on

  • EP45:Alex Miller discusses mythically named asteroids

    22/03/2018 Duración: 55min

    Alex Miller discusses mythically named asteroids (MNA) & personal named asteroids (PNA) & their importance--especially when stationary--in natal birth charts! Thanks!

  • EP49:CHRISTINA CAUDILL, professional astrologer, life coach, & author

    15/03/2018 Duración: 55min

    CHRISTINA CAUDILL, professional astrologer, life coach, & author, joins me to talk about this week’s upcoming Pisces New Moon and its squarealong with Chiron in Piscesto Mars in Sagittarius, and how this energy might manifest in both our own lives and within the collective. We’ll also exploresince we’re a month away from Chiron’s scheduled move into Aries on April 17the astrology of the National Rifle Association (NRA) who’s natal Chiron’s in Aries, & how the Parkland, FL high school shooting deaths of 17 students and adults finally sparked the U.S. national #neveragain movement. We’ll delve into these energies and more on Thursday, March 15, @11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET see you then! #Pisces, #newmoon, #Chiron, #Sagittarius, #Aries, #NRA, #rifle, #Parkland, #shooting, #deaths, #neveragain, #astrology, #Mars

  • EP47:MATTHEW CURRIE, Canadian-based professional astrologer, counselor, & author

    09/03/2018 Duración: 48min

    MATTHEW CURRIE, Canadian-based professional astrologer, counselor, & author, joins me to discuss astrology, relationships, & love! We’ll also tackle current & upcoming astro-energies, such as the Saturn/Uranus earth trine coming up this August & early September, & get Matthew’s longer-term take”on the Saturn/Pluto meet up in Capricorn in 2020! Don’t miss this week’s astro news you can use, including info on the March 1 Virgo Full Moon! See you on Thursday @11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET! #astrology, #relationships, #love, #Saturn, #Uranus, #earth, #Pluto, #Virgo, #Fullmoon, #Capricorn, #author

  • EP48:SHERI HORN HASAN discusses Mercury & Venus'sor

    01/03/2018 Duración: 56min

    Move into Aries, Jupiter Retrograde, & the upcoming Mercury Retrograde!

  • EP46:RONNIE GALE DREYER, renowned professional astrologer,

    22/02/2018 Duración: 56min

    RONNIE GALE DREYER, renowned professional astrologer, returns to discuss the aftermath of the most recent eclipses & to talk about how eclipses may bring to light things previously hidden, a.k.a., help us grow in consciousness! She’ll also touch upon the upcoming Mars retrograde period happening this summer and how this might play into the July 13, 27 & August 11 eclipse energies. Join us to find out more & for this week’s Astro News You Can Use! Hint: there's a whole lotta Pisces goin’ on now & leading up to next week’s Virgo Full Moon on March 1!

  • EP45:P CHRISTEEN SKINNER, U.K.-based financial astrologer who correctly predicted the 2008 housing crash in 2004

    15/02/2018 Duración: 56min

    CHRISTEEN SKINNER, U.K.-based financial astrologer who correctly predicted the 2008 housing crash in 2004, gives us her take on this year’s eclipses and how she feels the upcoming shifts of Uranus into Taurus & Chiron into Aries may affect global financial markets. Christeen’s practice spans 30 years, her clients include retailers, bankers, and stock traders, & she’s written 3 books on astrology & finance. Join us to learn more about where Christeen feels the heavenly-generated energies are likely to take us—economically, socially, & politically--in the future.

  • EP44: ELLEN ZUCKER, professional astrologer,

    08/02/2018 Duración: 58min

    ELLEN ZUCKER, professional astrologer, NCGR Philly chapter president, & cat astrologer discusses what to expect from 2018’s astrological energies! Fresh from her recent NCGR lecture “2018: The Ground Shifts,” Ellen shares with us how the movement from the astrological archetype of fire to earth will shape our upcoming year.

  • EP43: SUE MORRIS, professional astrologer, herbalist, & aromatherapist

    02/02/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    SUE MORRIS, professional astrologer, herbalist, & aromatherapist discusses what the upcoming May 15 Uranus into Taurus energy for the next 7 years might mean in terms of holistic herbal healing & using plants & food as medicine. Join us for this interesting discussion, along with more about how this week’s Leo Full Moon Total Solar Eclipse also a Blue Blood Super Moon--might manifest in your world! Hint: It’s about discovering where your alliance with groups and/or collective thinking may keep you from expressing your authentic, individually creative, solar self

  • EP42: ERIN SULLIVAN, consulting astrologer, teacher, & author of no less than six widely read astrology books

    18/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    ERIN SULLIVAN, consulting astrologer, teacher, & author of no less than six widely read astrology books, joins SHERI HORN HASAN to discuss how Saturn’s transit around your chart represents your own personal Hero’s Journey in this lifetime! We’ll talk about Saturn’s current transit through Capricorn (until March 2020), the specific meanings when he transits your angles, & more! You won’t want to miss this, as correlating Saturn’s transits through your chart to stages of your own personal Hero’s Journey can help provide structure, context, & meaning to your life’s story in unimaginably revelatory ways! Doubly important if you’re a writer, since the Hero’s Journey is a tried & true mainstay of western literature Also, this week’s Astro News You Can Use includes a recap of January 16’s Capricorn New Moon, Venus and the Sun’s entrance into Aquarius on January 17 & 19, respectively, & January 23’s Mercury/Pluto meet up! Join us for this interesting conversation! #Saturn, #Capricorn, #Hero’sJ

  • EP41: JULIJA SIMAS, founder, motivator, designer, and instigator behind the Cosmic Intelligence Agency

    11/01/2018 Duración: 51min

    JULIJA SIMAS, founder, motivator, designer, and instigator behind the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A), discusses with SHERI HORN HASAN the significance of Venus & her Star Points--the point tips of the flower petals she reaches as she engages in her beautiful heavenly pattern over time. These degrees represent important places in your chart that translate into your life’s Venusian themes, including relationship, finances, career, and most of all how we develop our own value system as we learn & grow through our karmic evolution! Known as Agent 12, Julija is all about raising consciousness, global awareness, and unified thought through teaching people more about the fascinating world of Astrology. Join us for this interesting & enlightening discussion, and for this week’s astro news you can use, including Mercury’s move into Capricorn, his serious meet up with Saturn, next week’s Capricorn New Moon, & more! #astrology, #evolution, #Venus, #Capricorn, #NewMoon, #consciousness, #star, #relatio

  • EP40: SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what’s in store astrologically for 2018!

    05/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    SHERI HORN HASAN discusses what’s in store astrologically for 2018! Pluto’s in Capricorn until 2023, Saturn’s in the same sign which it rules until 2020, & Uranus enters Taurus in May 2018 until April 2026. In addition, Chiron the wounded healer, changes signs from watery Pisces to fiery Aries in April 2018 & remains there also til 2026. Finally, Jupiter moves from taboo-oriented Scorpio to optimistic Sagittarius (the sign it rules) in November 2018. What are the likely long-term implications of such energetic shifts? How will they form the energetic backbeat of our lives in 2018? Tune in to hear more about this, along with the repercussions of January 1’s now-waning Cancer Full Moon & the January 2 station direct by Uranus! #Pluto, #Capricorn, #Saturn, #Cancer, #Full Moon, #Uranus, #Chiron, #healer, #Jupiter, #Taurus, #Aries, #Pisces, #astrology

  • EP39: ASTROLOGER SHERI HORN HASAN discusses Saturn’s astrological journey in Capricorn

    21/12/2017 Duración: 56min

    ASTROLOGER SHERI HORN HASAN discusses Saturn’s astrological journey in Capricorn through the astrological houses Thursday, December 21 @11 a.m. PT, 2 p.m. ET! Where is the Lord of Karma transiting in your chart & what might that mean for the next 3 years—between now & March 22, 2020? Also this week, the Sun enters Capricorn December 21, & Venus follows him there on December 24. Both will meet up with Saturn, while Mercury, the messenger of the gods, stations direct in Sagittarius on December 22. Communication should return to “normal”—slowly!--& soon it’ll be time to put into action any plans & ideas you rethought, revisited, reanalyzed, & revised during the Mercury’s retrograde period. Also, Jupiter squares the Nodes December 30—what’s that about? Tune in for more details! #Saturn, #Capricorn, #Jupiter, #Nodes, #square, #Sun, #Venus, #Mercury, #retrograde, #direct, #astrological, #karma

  • EP37: MITCHELL LEWIS, a NY-based Financial & medical astrologer

    07/12/2017 Duración: 57min

    MITCHELL LEWIS, a NY-based Financial & medical astrologer, joins me to discuss the Great Capricorn alignment of 2020, and what the ingress of Saturn into Capricorn and Uranus into Taurus will represent! He’s got a lot to say about the future of the U.S. AND global economies moving forward, and how these upcoming energies are likely to play out financially and politically. Also, this weeks Astro News You Can Use includes the Mercury/Saturn meet ups, Chiron’s station direct, Venus trine Neptune, & Mars into Scorpio! Join us for the discussion! #Capricorn, #Saturn, #astrology, #Taurus, #Uranus, #Mercury, #Mars, #Scorpio, #karma, #evolution, #economy, #financial

  • EP36: MICHAEL BARTLETT, professional astrologer & author of “Astrological Mavericks

    30/11/2017 Duración: 55min

    MICHAEL BARTLETT, professional astrologer & author of “Astrological Mavericks: Do you have what it takes to change the world?” as we discuss the upcoming Mercury retrograde period from December 2-22, and December 3’s Gemini Full Moon! When bombarded with information overload in the form of television, cable, written publications, internet & social media—never mind gossip & fake news!--can the heavens show us how to better process all this information in more meaningful ways? Mercury retro says we’ll be reviewing lots of information during its 3-week backstroke through the heavens in order to determine the truth (meaning what’s true for us each individually and what’s not), while the Gemini Full Moon calls us to be extra discerning right now! Join us for a lively discussion and more astro news you can use to help navigate your way forward through astrological insight! After all, forewarned is forearmed, right? #Mercury, #retrograde, #astrology, #karmic, #evolution, #fullmoon, #Gemini, #fakenews, #

  • EP35: MARINA ORMES, professional astrologer & author of “Cycles of Healing: Personal Transformation

    16/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    MARINA ORMES, professional astrologer & author of “Cycles of Healing: Personal Transformation in Relationship to a Living Cosmos” to learn more about the healing nature of astrology and how her "Manifesting With Moon Cycles" guided meditation series can help you create the life you desire! We’ll discuss the importance of planetary cycles & their meaning on both a personal and collective level, with an eye toward what’s in store with the upcoming movement of Saturn into Capricorn in December (for the next two & a half years) & Uranus’s ingress into Taurus next May for the following 7 years! Also, learn about this week’s astro news you can use, including the upcoming November 18 Scorpio New Moon (& its square to the August 21 total solar eclipse Leo degree), Mars square Pluto, & the Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius! #healing, #transformation, #astrology, #karmic, #evolution, #cycles, #new moon, #Scorpio, #Mars, #Pluto, #cycles, #Saturn, #Uranus

  • EP34: Join SHERI HORN HASAN professional astrologer, lecturer, writing coach & editor

    09/11/2017 Duración: 55min

    Join SHERI HORN HASAN professional astrologer, lecturer, writing coach & editor today as she discusses the recent move of Venus into Scorpio & how it relates to the recent November 3-4 Taurus Full Moon & the upcoming Scorpio New Moon on November 18. While on the subject of Taurus and its relationship to our personal value system—along with Scorpio’s need to evolve and regenerate this personal, individual value system--Sheri will also discuss the import of Venus in Scorpio’s transit (until December 1) to next year’s ingress of Uranus into Taurus on May 15, 2018 for the next seven years! If we can regenerate our belief system around that which we deem to be of “value,” we may stand a greater chance of weathering any changes to our resources that may be on the future’s horizon for us all… also, Sheri will talk about the last Saturn trine to Uranus until 2037!

  • EP33: Join guest JAMES LYNN PAGE, professional astrologer, author, tarot reader, teacher, & lecturer

    02/11/2017 Duración: 54min

    Join guest JAMES LYNN PAGE, professional astrologer, author, tarot reader, teacher, & lecturer as we discuss astrology & how its use and understanding can help us achieve greater consciousness in this lifetime! Author of self-published titles "The New Positive Thinking" and "The Jesus Myth," James’ new book "The Horoscope & The World Soul" will be published in 2018. Co-author of W. Foulsham Publishing’s annual 12-volume "Old Moore’s Horoscope and Astral Diaries," James is also an astrological consultant to Foulsham’s annual "Old Moore’s Almanac" & writes the monthly astrology newsletter for Raphael’s Tune in as we cover science & astrology, karma, and the true meaning of the upcoming Taurus Full Moon! #karmic #evolution, #horoscope, #astrologer, #consciousness, #book, #tarot, #Taurus, #FullMoon, #soul, #positive thinking

  • EP32: RONNIE GALE DREYER talks about the lingering effects of August 2017’s eclipses

    26/10/2017 Duración: 56min

    RONNIE GALE DREYER talks about the lingering effects of August 2017’s eclipses, including the total solar eclipse @28-29 degrees Leo. Sorry, you thought they were OVER? Well, think again! Seasoned professional astrologer & author Dreyer will enlighten us also about what to expect when August’s “twin eclipses” occur on January 31 and February 15, 2018, and discuss the general 19-year Metonic eclipse cycle. Be sure to tune in (or catch the archived podcast!) to hear specific and important future dates when planets will conjoin with (touch) these eclipse degrees, and learn how you can use that knowledge to move forward in your life! Also, the Sun’s in Scorpio, due for a “feel good” rendezvous with Jupiter in Scorp October 26, while Mercury’s already zipped halfway through the sign of secrets AND empowerment! Will we let Mercury’s waxing sextile to Pluto present us with opportunities to positively use any information coming to light right now to strengthen our core values, or will we let Venus’s square to Plu

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