The Ted Broer Show - Mp3 Edition

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 200:06:00
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The Ted Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more


  • 10-01-20


    Assange to be put in Supermax prison in USA? Where is Trump? Australia full beta test lock down with biometric computer monitoring? Why was the USA not allowed to own gold in 1933? What happened to family farms during the Great Depression? Why is todays youth so sissified? Global food shortage is on the way. South Park slams Trump and Disney. The Trump Biden cage fight scripted debate shocks the world. Piers Morgan finally makes a true statement! Cult member Claire Bronfman Jailed for 7 years. Plus much much more! This is a politically incorrect must listen show!

  • 09-30-20


    The circus clown crap show debacle of a presidential debate discussed in detail. Totally dysfunctional scripted reality show farce. Austin and Ted discuss the hidden message of the debate. No real statistics of given! 911 and internet failures being tested globally. Is there an internet kill switch? Who runs it? Feminist icon Helen Reddy dies. Why was her music so sacrilegious? So anti christian? What was the true meaning of Jesus Christ Superstar? The Fathom of the Opera? Delta Dawn? Disney lays off another 28,000. Is this the beginning of a total financial meltdown? Giant gator caught in Arkansas. Giant rattlesnake caught in Arizona. High energy must listen show!

  • 09-29-20


    Children obey and respect your parents. Be careful what your children watch and do with social media. Ted gives personal examples of things to avoid. Who really is Judge Barrett? Is she pro forced vaccinations? Is she pro forced lockdowns? Is she a religious zealot? What is Buck VS Bell? What is Jacobson VS Massachusetts? Today’s show was a fireside chat. Great info!

  • 09-28-20


    What does the term Gaslighting mean? Why are the highly educated in many cases so devoid of common sense? Is Trump a billionaire? Who really cares? 48,299 cases at universities two hospitalized no deaths. This is a total psy op! Who is controlling the information?. Is this planned? What is the end game? Governor Desantis lifts Florida restrictions.. All restaurants fully opened! No more mask fines in Florida. What is the technocratic end game? This is an energetic must listen show.

  • 09-25-20


    Today is a show of shows. It is a must listen Green Show! Ted does a super simple explanation on the following topics. Why does Hollywood hate Jesus? Who are the four Horseman of banking and oil. Who owns the world? Why do the world leaders follow the evil one? What is at the heart of black magic? What was the meaning of Stanley Kubrick eyes wide shut movie? Who are the secret societies? Is the universe made of energy? The direct connection between Soros and the Rothschilds. Who were the fallen angels? Why is this important? Who is Jesus? This is a must listen green show primer for the truth!

  • 09-24-20


    Airlines are now begging for restrictions to be lifted. Hotels are closing . Theaters are empty. What is the real state of the economy without stimulus checks? Louisville explodes officers shot. Who really was Breonna? Top Dr attacks the vaccine theory. Desantis and Judd announce legislation to stop rioters. Know your state laws on protecting yourself. Ted reviews new propaganda movie Infidel. Dark skin reduces the ability to produce D3. Thought provoking show today.

  • 09-23-20


    What’s in your water? Why should you ask? Central banks admit using Black Rock for bond buying. Why are we in the Middle East? Trump answers this question at the SC rally. No surprise except that the truth was told. Resistance builds against the shot. Central Banks say we are now on our own. You must remain silent if investigated. Know your rights. Why is Australia in such a mess? This is an informative show!

  • 09-22-20


    Be careful who you listen to. There are wolves among the alt media. Home sales surging. Why? FBI agent told to destroy evidence against Hillary. LA sheriffs office has a gang of rogue officers called the Executioners? Why? Who are they? Who funds them? Ammunition sales through the roof. Who is Ellen Degeneres really ? Michael Moore? Is it all an orchestrated act? Vit D shown to protect against ? Yelp reveals many businesses closed permanently. Always use top attorneys if in trouble. College campuses hire snitches..Stasi communist East Germany is upon us. Today is a Current must listen real news show.

  • 09-21-20


    Ted discusses the blood soaked horrific liberal legacy of Ginsberg. The big banks busted again for drug money laundering. vaccines are not what you think. Democrats threaten to burn the place down if new judge selected. Trump slams Drudge again. Airlines in trouble. Know your state laws in self defense. Syria war escalates again! Why? What is the Treaty of Westphalia? Sad news, Jake Gardner supposedly commits suicide. No note was found. Ultimate non politically correct show today. High energy must listen if you can handle it!

  • 09-18-20


    Is Newt Gingrich anti Semitic because he criticized Soros? Why Social media is dangerous and addictive to children. Must hear segment. Austin stands firm with a friend regarding social media and children. Should you take the same stand? Americans are constantly bombarded with propaganda. What’s really going to happen after the election? The narrative is being fortified. Is Tucker controlled and Compromised? Who controls Fox? Did they apologize to Gingrich? Gingrich responds to the rudeness of Fox! High energy must list thought provoking show!

  • 09-17-20


    Miami Herald slammed for racism and being anti Semitic. Newt Gingrich shut down on Fox for telling the truth about Soros. Why do conservative websites post communist articles? Ted does a full discussion of Q. This is a must hear rant. Today’s show is an expose of compromised alt media and the Biblical truth on who has taken over America. This is an intense politically incorrect high energy must listen green show broadcast!

  • 09-16-20


    Victoria Australia has gone full draconian. Compromised Drudge Report down 40%. Will the first bionic eye soon be available? Why have the Portland riots stopped? Alcohol and your brain. Millions of birds dropping dead? Sexually transmitted diseases on the rise. Who were the fascists who hired Smedly Butler to stage coup of the USA in 1933? Why are these so called elite parasites so evil? is a deep state psy op to condition us for the vaccines. Plus much more. Must listen thought provoking show!

  • 09-15-20


    Is Citibank running the Q psy op? This is a must hear expose. Pastors wake up! Why are cut outs always used? Bezos wealth supposedly over 200B. Fauci says vaccine won’t end the lockdowns. Arsonists responsible for most fires out west. Wahlberg does a pro gay movie? HHS spokesman says buy ammo! What? Why? Why is there suddenly so much racism? This is a high energy to the point must listen show.

  • 09-14-20


    Millions of communists have been allowed to immigrate into the USA this past century. We are witnessing the results. Who was the weather underground? Who was Bernardine Dorn? Susan Rosenberg? Why are so many major social media institutions run by communists? Who are their founders? Why were so many of the communists put into our educational systems. Austin has another mask story in Daytona. What did the 1933 German boycott really accomplish. More children thrown off airlines for masks. Massive blowback against Netflix for child porn? Who founded and funded Netflix? This is a totally politically incorrect show! But it is a must listen.

  • 09-11-20


    This is a must listen thought provoking green show! Is the Antichrist upon us? Is World War Three upon us? Could Jared Kushner be the antichrist? Is Q a deep state pipe piper being used to lead us away from the truth? This is a must listen expose! Why are Israel and Saudi allies? Why is Trump selling Saudi advanced nuclear weapons? Why are the international bankers always involved? How was the Frankfurt school involved ? Was it used to kill Nationalism is the USA and globally? What was the link to MK ultra, Laurel Canyon, rock and roll and LSD?Why was the nuclear family targeted? Is Trump compromised? Why are we still at war? What really is 5G and how will it affect you? This is a high energy thought provoking green show. It is a must listen! Best show in weeks!

  • 09-10-20


    Get some food stored ASAP. Anything at this point. Amazon hires NSA goon. Amazon now hosts 6% of all websites. Airlines beg for more money. Fed spending trillions to buy market. The global police state is upon us. JC Penny bailed out again. USA hemorrhaging tourism dollars. Ammo shortage nationwide. Cohen and Woodward continue to blow whistle on Trump. AP news/Rothschilds pushing Q narrative. Plus much more! High energy show!

  • 09-09-20


    Tylenol numbs the emotions. vaccines causing paralysis. Ex free mason supposedly sounds the alarm. Vitamin D3 must be available for the immune system. Are there explicit photos of Falwell wife? Sick! Why does Trumps DHS hate white people? Are morality pills in our future? Symptom free Female surfer in Spain dragged off beach by hazmat crew. The insanity escalates! Persecution of Christians escalating globally. Why? High energy must listen politically incorrect show!

  • 09-08-20


    Are Trump and Biden using a CIA style psyops on the American people? CDC advises parents of sudden sleepovers for school children. Julian Assange discussed in detail. Is Hillary the current day Jezebel? Why is the FED a rougher institution. UN slams men....surprise surprise! An actual plague would require government intervention the people would do it themselves. Austin tells us his mask story from the truck show. Plus much more! This is a super high energy must listen green show!

  • 09-07-20


    Who really was Woodrow Wilson? Why is this critically important information? What was the real cause of WW1. What was the League of Nations? Who was Henry Cabot Lodge Sr? 48 of top 50 cities having riots. Whose doing all of this? Trump vows to stop planned parenthood again. Why the narrative is so important to the Kabbalists What is an economic multiplier Effect? Why are christian churches so pro Zionism? The importance of vitamin D for the immune system. Happy Labor Day! High energy show!

  • 09-04-20


    Australia goes full draconian. Delta issues no fly list due to masks. United and American having massive lay offs. Why? PPP running out. Wake up! It’s not just a mask. It’s a symbol of tyranny and subservience. Facebook hires a othschild/Israeli censor? Why? Will Snowden be pardoned? Why does alcohol make you fat? Stores say no to gmo salmon. Why? Why is it sometimes necessary to avoid certain people? This is a must hear discussion. Why is the educational communist indoctrination so difficult to break? High energy must listen show!

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