On The Brink With Andi Simon

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 51:34:31
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On The Brink is a podcast where the goal is to help you better "see, feel and think" about your business, your job, your personal life and your purpose. There will be great interviews and conversations with people who are deeply involved in changeconsultants, change agents, managers transforming their teams, entrepreneurs just starting out and CEOs running well-established companies.


  • Richard Medcalf—Why Is Strategy So Challenging When Running Your Business? Shouldn't It Be The Best Part?

    06/03/2023 Duración: 36min

    Hear what good leaders should really be thinking about  Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and an entrepreneur into a blender.” In this podcast, you'll hear from an amazing thinker who has tackled strategic challenges in companies all over the world. In his new book, Making Time for Strategy, Richard speaks about the difficulties he has encountered working with high-powered leaders. Far too often, they find themselves focused on the wrong things---from how to respond to emails to how to get tasks completed on time. Instead, Richard preaches that a leader’s mindset should be focused on the future, where the organization is going, and how everyone in that organization needs to be aligned around a core strategy to get it there. Listen and learn! Watch and listen to our conversation here Richard outlines four important ways you can refocus your time and energy to get where you want to go and find pleasure in the journey of get

  • Imogene Drummond—How Can A Brilliant Artist Show You How To Communicate Effectively—Online?

    27/02/2023 Duración: 32min

    Hear how to really hear what people are saying in meetings Imogene Drummond is a woman whose story I love to share. She is bold and courageous about things she wants to do or learn more about. Today's topic is how her new program, ACQUITS, grew out of her interest in helping people communicate better, especially in the virtual environments so many of us find ourselves in these days. Imogene's professional life evolved from her training in psychology to her very successful career as an artist, to filmmaking, and now to working with people to develop their online communication skills. This is so timely. Do enjoy. Watch and listen to our conversation here ACQUITS stands for the 10 essential principles for successful meetings This process is based on how we must: listen before we speak hear what others are saying adapt our thinking to understand what the speaker intended, not what we think we heard do all this without the body and facial cues we use during in-person conversations Meet Imogene Drummond Imogen

  • Britt Titus—Let's Use Behavioral Science To Help People Live Better Lives

    20/02/2023 Duración: 40min

    Hear how understanding someone's culture can improve lives I was so excited to have the opportunity to speak with Britt Titus on our podcast. As you will learn, Britt found her calling when she discovered how behavioral sciences and humanitarian concerns could transform the world, one step at a time. The two of us are crazy about behavioral sciences, so it was such a joy to share our fascination with the difficulties people have understanding others who differ from them. Whether addressing Ebola in Liberia and West Africa or helping mothers in Mali avoid malnourishment in their children, Britt is constantly humbled by the challenges of helping people do things that seem so logical to those of us from the Global North. As she says, nothing is as simple as it might appear. And humility can often be the best way to bring about changes that can have a huge impact on health. Don't miss this one! Watch and listen to our conversation here It isn’t that people cannot understand what you are saying They just have dif

  • R. Karl Hebenstreit—Who Am I? Try The Enneagram And Take A Better Look!

    13/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    Learn what motivates you and others so you can collaborate better While I have used the Enneagram personality framework with clients, I have never had as great a discussion about it as I had with Karl Hebenstreit. Karl is a certified executive coach, organization development consultant, international speaker and author of two books: The How and Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram and Nina and the Really, Really Tough Decision (for younger readers). So what is the Enneagram, you may ask? More than just another personality test or behavior identification technique, this human psychology-based theory opens your mind to how you see yourself, the teams you work with, and the world at large regarding motivation and behavior. Which of the nine personality types are you? Listen to Karl to find out! Watch and listen to our conversation here: Ready to learn what makes you tick?  Whether it is the Enneagram or Myers-Briggs or the Culture Index or Hogan Assessments, there is an abundance of tools available t

  • Naomi Redel—Energize Your Business With Games That Tap Creative Teamwork

    06/02/2023 Duración: 39min

    Hear how games can make your employees' effectiveness soar! Several years ago, Andy (my husband and business partner) and I went to Brussels to train in Innovation Games. IG is a wonderful set of creative tools to help people see things in new ways by playing games. In fact, IG downloads are the most frequent downloads from our website, www.simonassociates.net. Here at SAMC, we integrate IG into many of our workshops and leadership programs. Take a look at some of our IG white papers and PowerPoints which might open up your mind to what gamification can offer you, your team members and your customers as you rethink your organization to face the challenges of these fast-changing times. Today's podcast is with gamification strategist Naomi Redel I was thrilled to recently meet Naomi Redel to discuss how she has become a gamification strategist with her own methods for increasing the effectiveness of organizations through what she calls “Collaborative Emotional Intelligence.”  Our podcast was global. Naomi was

  • Maria Colacurcio—Stop The Revolving Door. Help Your Employees Embrace A Diverse And Equitable Workplace.

    09/01/2023 Duración: 28min

    Hear how to build workplaces where everyone is valued  This podcast interview is exceptional. Just listen to Maria Colacurcio tell you about her journey and think about your own. Her career has spanned many different industries, propelling her to leadership positions in innovative companies. Our conversation took us through those profound experiences and unexpected moments that can transform our lives in new ways. Others often accelerated her career, seeing her talent and advocating for her. She speaks about learning on the job and being excited when new career opportunities opened up for her. She also provides wisdom to other women and men trying to build more diverse, equitable and inclusive organizations, and how women are changing our society, a step and then a leap at a time. Enjoy. Watch and listen to our conversation here Maria's mantra: "When preparation meets opportunity" Today, Maria is CEO of Syndio, a SAS startup helping companies worldwide create an equitable workplace for all employees, regardl

  • 342: Kerry Flynn Barrett—Learn Why So Many Brilliant Women Have Ditched The Corporate Ladder To Start Their Own Business

    19/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    Hear how to refuse to be held back, especially as a woman  I listened to Kerry Flynn Barrett give a marvelous talk recently about burnout for the Westchester Business Council and couldn’t wait to share her ideas and insights with our fans. Careers like hers are common among many women I know who have started in a corporate job, moved up the ladder to higher positions in leadership, and then took off to form their own business. Kerry has done just that, and now she is building an exceptional business serving as a fractional CHRO officer and also a business partner and solutions provider. Do you wish to do this too? Listen in! Watch and listen to our conversation here Faced with a wall? Like Kerry, leap over it! In some ways, Kerry Barrett reflects the tensions women in business and corporations are feeling today. Perhaps exaggerated by the pandemic, women are abandoning the corporate ladder to find their own purpose and passion, much like she has done. Kerry spent her entire career in healthcare as a Human Re

  • 341: Christina Sistrunk—Is There Magic To Excel As A Strong Woman In A Man's Industry?

    12/12/2022 Duración: 57min

    Hear how to make the most of your choices, at work and in life Meet Christina Sistrunk, former President and CEO at Aera Energy. You are going to love listening to her wisdom for thriving in the male-dominated energy industry. As Christina will share with you, she found that the hardest problems to solve usually were the ones around how well people work together, or don't, that made the problems more complicated. She explains how figuring out how to bring people together and enable them to be as successful as they had the potential to be was the most challenging part of being a leader, especially a woman leader. A lot to learn! Watch and listen to our conversation here Your ability to think independently actually creates opportunities One of Christina's main joys at this stage in her career is helping people understand how they can be more effective, not only in their career, but even in their personal life, about seeing the opportunity to make different choices. Better choices create better outcomes, whethe

  • 340: Shayna Bergman—What Could A Great Personal Coach Help You Discover About Your Inner Self?

    05/12/2022 Duración: 29min

    Hear how to identify your values and live them every day Today you will meet Shayna Bergman, a terrific executive leadership coach with big ideas to help you find your way during these challenging times of change. Her goal is to empower you to unlock your personal potential. Shayna specializes in helping people achieve deeper meaning and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives through authentic leadership and clarity of purpose. She believes, as do I, that you have to have a purpose-driven life. There has to be something that really motivates and drives you, a North Star. Need help finding yours? Listen in! Watch and listen to our conversation here What is the purpose that you're living toward? With a focus on parents in executive and leadership positions, Shayna challenges her clients to look deeply at themselves by reflecting on their values, dreams, limiting beliefs and inner critics. She then helps them create an action plan that inspires breakthroughs and leads to sustainable change. Shayna

  • 339: Mark Samuel—Are Your Teams Trying To Find The Winning Game?

    28/11/2022 Duración: 31min

    Hear why it's so crucial for success to build effective teams My guest today is a remarkable individual, Mark Samuel, who's now written seven business books. I interviewed Mark back in June of 2019 and thought he had such a powerful message about how to get people to change, even when they really don't want to, that I had him back. Today's podcast is about his most recent book, Reimagine Teams: The Missing Piece in Team Building to Achieve Breakthrough Results. Our discussion focuses on the vital role of accountability, which makes teams work or fail. With over 30 years' experience in the business world, Mark is a transformative leader, having helped hundreds of companies overcome stagnation, transform their businesses, and eliminate toxic work cultures to increase profits, morale and customer experience. Does your culture need an overhaul? Be sure to listen in! Watch and listen to our conversation here How do you rebuild your company culture as we come out of the pandemic? In our podcast, Mark and I had a w

  • 338: Helen Newman—What Are Your Memories Of Growing Up, And Why Are They So Important To You Now?

    21/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    Hear how memories impact you now and guide your future What are your memories of growing up? Your friends? Neighborhood? Life-changing moments in our society? In today's podcast, Helen Newman, a friend from my elementary school (Davis Elementary School in New Rochelle, NY) and I discuss the power of memories. Although we had different experiences in high school (she was in a sorority, I was president of the Salmagundi Club), we both experienced the good times and not-so-good times of the 1960s. The funny thing about memories is that they're selective. We pick and choose the ones that fit our own story, often one where we are the heroes and we forget what others were struggling with or enjoying all around us. I guarantee that after listening to Helen, you will be amazed at her wisdom and joy. Helen writes about something every month. Sometimes it is about why that month means something to her. Other times, she writes about old friends and new ones. But in today's conversation, we go deeply into the anguish we

  • 337: Vicki Baker—Isn't It Time For You To Power Through To Your Next Career Stop?

    14/11/2022 Duración: 36min

    Hear how to boldly take control of your own career path Dr. Vicki Baker's sixth book in five years solidifies her standing as a nationally recognized expert in the unique issues faced by mid-career faculty in higher education. As she coaches numerous professionals, she has discovered a recurring theme: academicians get their degrees and often their tenure, but then get stuck or stalled in their career advancement. Is it that they need better mentors? Or do institutions need to identify and sponsor their high-performing stars earlier, and coach them along their pathways to career advancement? And this is happening not just in the world of academia. Industry is struggling with the same dilemma. Are you stuck or stalled in an academic position or a corporate career trajectory? Make a point to listen in for Vicki's solutions. Watch and listen to our conversation here Why women academics often get stalled, and what to do about it On an annual basis, I have conducted workshops for Vicki's students involved in busi

  • 332: Byron Reese—How Humans Learned to See the Future, and You Can Too!

    10/10/2022 Duración: 33min

    Hear how telling each other stories helped us evolve My audience knows how much I like to learn about early human evolution and how we continue to adapt to changing times. Thanks to my former PR guru, Sarah Wilson, I was introduced to Byron Reese, who is a futurist, an author and an entrepreneur. He tends to see things through that fresh lens I always talk about. Byron’s new book (his fourth) is called, Stories, Dice, and Rocks that Think: How Humans Learned to See the Future—and Shape It. This is a fascinating book that provides a new look at the history and destiny of humanity. Storytelling allows us to envision the future. Dice teach us about probability, which enables us to try to predict the future. And rocks that think—a reference to a computer’s CPU—enable us to build the future. Listen in! Watch and listen to our conversation here From our very beginnings, we've been a very different type of being. I wasn’t quite sure what Byron's book is about until I opened the first pages and began to wander

  • 327: Liam Martin—The Workplace is Staying Remote. How Can You Lead it Forward?

    30/08/2022 Duración: 41min

    Hear how to make your business better, remotely It should be no surprise to you that as an anthropologist specializing in helping companies change, I loved my interview with Liam Martin. As we've all experienced, the pandemic has dramatically changed what we think of as “normal.” In particular, the meaning of work has changed and continues to, as each generation moves into the workforce with different values, beliefs and behaviors. Businesses, both small and large, are trying to recruit, retain and develop their talent pool, only to find that today's workers have very different ideas about what matters to them, reflecting fundamental societal questions about what “really matters” to each of us. Enjoy. Watch and listen to our conversation here Today’s podcast contains very valuable data, information and insights about how to manage a remote or hybrid workforce Think of it as today’s future way of working. But, as so many of our clients are asking, how do you manage a remote workforce, particularly since wome

  • 326: Rohini Anand—Can Businesses Create Cultures Based On True Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?

    22/08/2022 Duración: 30min

     Hear how to really live diversity, equity and inclusion  This was a very special podcast with Dr. Rohini Anand, a global strategic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) leader. A published author, Dr. Anand’s new book, Leading Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Guide for Systemic Change in Multinational Organizations, sets the stage for her own journey as a pioneer in DEI and a woman helping global companies transform their organizations, one person at a time. You are going to enjoy learning from Dr. Anand. Open your notebooks, iPads or computers and get ready to capture the innovations, the insights and the impact she is making, and which you can as well. I just love women who are changing the world! Watch and listen to our conversation here Rohini's 5 principles for truly bringing about DEI change: The first principle: Make it local. Global change has to be anchored in an understanding of the local context. It has to be rooted in the local particulars informed by the history, the culture, the lan

  • 325: Maria Lizza Bowen—Do You Feel Stuck? Time To "See, Feel And Think In New Ways"

    15/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    Hear how to see through a fresh lens, then embrace the new Today we have Maria Lizza Bowen, a scientist and Oncology Clinical Development Director with almost 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. She has a new book that came out in March that I found very interesting: Reflect: A Perspective on Understanding Your Reality and Becoming Unstuck. If this sounds like something I would like, you are right. You will love it as well. Maria's message is so important: In just about any situation, be it a performance review or co-worker interaction, when you start to get nervous and feel "off," don't run away from it. Face it. Embrace it. Be vulnerable. And then maybe, like Maria, your whole life will change. Listen in, then try it! Watch and listen to our conversation here Some of the key themes Maria and I focus on There is no truth or reality. Our minds create stories, and those become our illusion of reality. We live those illusions as if they are the only options until something happens and we must change. Rem

  • 324: Jann Mirchandani—To Build A Great Presence Online You Must Begin With Your Website

    08/08/2022 Duración: 31min

    Hear how to make your website your best marketing tool We're going to do three things today for my audience as you're listening in or watching. First, Jann Mirchandani will tell you about her own journey as a marketing maven. Then we're going to talk about what Google has done to change the way we search for what we want to buy or answers to what we want to know. For solutions to what you need, you start by asking Google. Have a physical ailment? You ask Dr. Google. Second, do you know why that is so important for your business and its image, identity, brand, presence and what you communicate in the marketplace? And third, what do you need to do to build a brand identity? How can you create the story you want for your business? If you have a company or want to start one, this is for you! Watch and listen to our conversation here Can Jann help you? I have known Jann Mirchandani for a long time, and she has built several websites for our clients. While she was speaking at a Westchester Business Council event,

  • 323: Maura Carlin and Christie Derrico—Isn't It Time For Us To Solve The "Balance Dilemma" For Working Women?

    01/08/2022 Duración: 49min

    Hear how to be bolder and braver at balancing your life Suppose you are a working woman with children. I bet you have experienced the "Balance Dilemma." How can you find the right balance between home life, family, a business or professional career, and even your own self-care? You, your partner or spouse, your friends and your family will enjoy this podcast. My guests, Maura Carlin and Christie Derrico, have an awesome podcast called The Balance Dilemma. Yes, the title is exactly what we want to share with our audience today. Need some help balancing all the different parts of your life? Listen in! Watch and listen to our conversation here How to help women and men have families, careers, and a life to live A little background: Maura and Christie are both attorneys. Maura describes herself as: “Litigation attorney turned journalist, writer, podcaster, still asking questions.” Christie is an entrepreneur, lawyer, podcaster and author who combines her multi-disciplinary talents with her passion for giving ba

  • 322: Paula Guilfoyle—How Do You Manage Your Emotions To Build Better Conversations For Exceptional Results?

    22/07/2022 Duración: 27min

    Learn how to face adversity, change your thoughts, and smile Do you ever wish you could handle your emotions better? In difficult conversations at work or in life, do certain words or attitudes trigger negative reactions, maybe from years ago? We've all been there, which is why I'm so happy to bring to you today Paula Guilfoyle, an expert in change management, a transformational leader, and a wonderful  lady. She will teach us all to PBS: pause, breathe, and smile. Another tip from Paula: when that voice in your head is trying to make you feel bad, just NBC: notice, bounce, and change. Sound simple? It is, and it isn't. Listen to our conversation and I guarantee that afterward, you will be more peaceful, more focused and more productive, at home and at work. Change is hard but you can do it! I know you can. Watch and listen to our conversation here Paula and I talk about the challenges of changing a person, much less an entire organization. Through her company, Claim Leadership, Paula focuses on helping com

  • 321: Patrick Van Gorder—Ready For The Right Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategy To Expand Your Business?

    18/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    Hear how to provide optimal customer journeys for your prospects In this On the Brink podcast, I had an amazing conversation with Patrick Van Gorder, Executive Vice President and Partner of Level Agency. Conversations with strategic marketers is always exciting. The world we used to market in has changed. And marketing is supposed to encourage people not just to purchase but to engage with your products and services. The buyer, however, has changed their journey over the past 25 years. As we know from our own work as HubSpot Partners, the buyer’s first task when considering a solution to solve their problem is to Google it. If you don’t have a digital experience that comes up on the first pages of Google search, you're not a good answer for that person’s problem or question. What does that mean for your business? Patrick has many great answers to that question so listen in, learn and share! Watch and listen to our conversation here Here are some statistics Patrick shared that you should consider: 65% of to

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