West Bridgewater Community Church



Sermons preached at West Bridgewater Community Church in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts.


  • On Preaching

    02/11/2016 Duración: 47min

    Pastor Brian Watson presents a message on preaching. What is preaching? Why do we do need it? What should be preached? What does preaching do? These are questions that are raised and answered.

  • On Music

    28/10/2016 Duración: 48min

    Pastor Brian Watson presents a message on music, particularly singing in church. He asks and answers four important questions: Why do we sing? What do we sing? How do we sing? What does music tell us about God and his people?

  • On Discipline

    20/10/2016 Duración: 42min

    Pastor Brian Watson presents a message on church discipline. Correcting each other, holding each other accountable, and even confronting each other is good for us as individuals, it's good for the church, and it's good for Jesus' reputation.

  • On Giving

    12/10/2016 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message on giving to the church. He asks and answers the following questions: What does the Bible say about money? Why should we give to the church? How much should we give to the church? What is our motivation for giving?

  • On Baptism

    03/10/2016 Duración: 45min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message on what the Bible says about baptism. He talks about the origins of baptism, what Jesus says about baptism, the meaning of baptism, and who should be baptized and why they should be baptized.

  • Striving Side by Side

    21/09/2016 Duración: 43min

    Pastor Brian Watson drew from Philippians 1-2 to talk about the importance of being involved in the local church. If all Christians marched side-by-side and contributed their talents, spiritual gifts, and everything else that God has given them, each local church (and the universal church) would be stronger.

  • And so We Came to Rome (Acts 28)

    13/09/2016 Duración: 45min

    Pastor Brian Watson finished preaching through the book of Acts with a message based on Acts 28. He talked about Paul's arrival in Rome and how Paul, though in chains, was free to preach the gospel. Learn about true freedom in this sermon.

  • There Will Be No Loss of Life among You (Acts 27)

    06/09/2016 Duración: 43min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message based on Acts 27 titled, "There Will Be No Loss of Life among You." The apostle Paul's journey from Caesarea to Rome was dangerous, but even though his ship went through a great storm, he reached safety. Our lives are a lot like that. We sail through uncertain waters, but we're able to make it to the other shore because of Jesus. Listen to this sermon to learn about how Acts 27 is a picture of Jesus' sacrifice, and how the life of faith is like a journey.

  • True and Rational Words (Acts 25-26)

    31/08/2016 Duración: 44min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message based on Acts 25-26 titled, "True and Rational Words." In this passage, Paul is on trial before the governor, Festus, and he presents the case for Christianity to Herod Agrippa II. When Christianity is on trial, we see that it is true because it is the fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament and the resurrection of Jesus is supported by eyewitness testimony.

  • A Clear Conscience (Acts 23:12-24:27)

    26/08/2016 Duración: 46min

    Pastor Brian preaches a message titled, "A Clear Conscience." The message is an exposition of Acts 23:12-24:27, in which Paul is on trial, falsely accused. Pastor Brian explores the gospel, accusations, hostility towards Christians, and how we can have a clear conscience.

  • Let the Will of the Lord Be Done (Acts 21:1-23:11)

    16/08/2016 Duración: 46min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message based on Acts 21:1-23:11. This passage is about what happens to the apostle Paul when he returns to Jerusalem. He faces opposition from non-Christian Jews at the temple (much like Jesus had). We can learn from Paul how to follow Jesus no matter the cost.

  • Declaring to You the Whole Counsel of God (Acts 20)

    09/08/2016 Duración: 47min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message on Acts 20 titled, "Declaring to You the Whole Counsel of God." In this message, we see the importance of preaching and teaching the whole truth that God has revealed to us. The word of God brings life and health, but there are false teachers who are "speaking twisted things." Leaders of churches need to protect the church by teaching truth and refuting lies. They also need to practice what they preach.

  • The Way of God More Accurately (Acts 18:24-19:41)

    02/08/2016 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Brian preaches a message based on Acts 18:24-19:41. This long passage features several episodes that stress the need to know God accurately. We need to know God more accurately for teaching and evangelizing and for living as Christians. We also need to avoid manipulating the name of Jesus to serve our purposes and idolatry.

  • Do Not Be Afraid, but Go on Speaking (Acts 18:1-23)

    25/07/2016 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Brian preaches a message on Acts 18:1-23. The apostle Paul's place, God's promise, God's provision, and Paul's perseverance were vital to Paul's task of telling others the good news about Jesus. These things (our place, God's promises and provision, and our perseverance) are needed for evangelism today and they are important to our lives.

  • Be Transformed by the Renewal of Your Mind

    20/07/2016 Duración: 47min

    Pastor Brian preaches a message on Romans 1:18-25 and 12:1-2. We need to know the truth about the human condition. We need to know the right way of looking at the world and interpreting reality.

  • The God Who Made the World and Everything in It (Acts 17:22-34)

    12/07/2016 Duración: 44min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message titled, "The God Who Made the World and Everything in It," based on Acts 17:22-34. He demonstrates the truth of the Christian worldview and how it accounts for important things like human rights.

  • The City Was Full of Idols (Acts 17:16-21)

    04/07/2016 Duración: 45min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a message based on Acts 17:16-21 titled, "The City Was Full of Idols." We see the apostle Paul identifying false gods and false beliefs, something we need to do in our own time and place.

  • Examining the Scriptures (Acts 17:1-15)

    29/06/2016 Duración: 43min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches on Acts 17:1-15 in a message titled, "Examining the Scriptures." The way people react to the Bible is the way they react to Jesus: People who follow Jesus use God's written Word, the Bible, as their standard of truth.

  • All the Doors Were Opened (Acts 16:16-40)

    29/06/2016 Duración: 43min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a sermon on Acts 16:16-40 titled, "All the Doors Were Opened." When God closes a door, he opens another. And when he opens a door, he closes another. Find out how God opened doors for the gospel to be proclaimed by Paul.

  • God Had Called Us to Preach the Gospel to Them (Acts 15:36-16:15)

    17/06/2016 Duración: 45min

    Pastor Brian Watson preaches a sermon on Acts 15:36-16:15 titled, "God Has Called Us to Preach the Gospel to Them." God sovereignly directs the apostle Paul's mission. He directs our lives and the mission of the church today, too.

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