Insights With Trent Munday



Daily Thoughts and Insights on the world of spa, wellness, hotels, business and life.


  • Supplements - Did You Know About This? #562

    15/06/2019 Duración: 03min

    The Supplements Industry has boomed in recent years. Natural. Healthy. Safe. Or are they? Much of this increased demand is as a result of us seeking out more natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals - but also I think a bit of laziness in terms of eating the right foods. Just pop a few supplements and we'll be all good.  What the body doesn't need, it'll just excrete. And by the way, it's a tightly regulated industry. Right? Maybe not... #supplements #wellness #healthylifestyle  

  • Are You Ready for Workplace Wellness? #561

    14/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    Renee Moorefield and the folks over at the Wellness at Work Initiative have publish a great little guide on preparing your company for Workplace Wellness. There are 15 questions for your organisation to ponder to help assess their readiness and willingness to take on and succeed with a Workplace Wellness program. It's a FREE resource which you can get a copy of right here...    #workplacewellness #wellness #employeewellness 

  • The Question We're NOT Asking #560

    13/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    ISPA has just released their 2019 Consumer Snapshot Initiative. Consumer Insights like this are fine...for those customers or guests who are already going to the Spa. But the question I really want to see answered is... Why are hotel guests NOT going to the Spa? That's the survey I'd like to see.   #hotelspa #consumerinsights #guestsurvey #marketing

  • Are Celebrities Bad for Wellness? #559

    12/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    A recent article in AdWeek suggested that Wellness needed to be reclaimed from celebrities. Wellness is a much more serious thing than a running shoe or a razor blade. So, if you've been contemplating exploring celebrity endorsements to help bring awareness to your Wellness business...maybe you should think again.   #wellness #celebrityendorsement #influencermarketing #marketing

  • Are Hotel Spas A Commodity Business? #558

    11/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    A commodity, in economic terms, is basically defined as... a good or service that is easily interchangeable with and largely indistinguishable from, another Is your Hotel Spa really so unique and special compared to your competitors? Or is it, at least in their eyes, largely indistinguishable from all the other great spas out there? Maybe you are actually in the Commodity Business?   #USP #uniquesellingproposition #productdifferentiation 

  • 3 Tips To Leverage Global Wellness Day...moving forward #557

    10/06/2019 Duración: 04min

    A few years ago I asked the question - Is Wellness a Movement or an Industry?   The Global Wellness Day is a clear example of why maybe we should be striving for Movement status.   Time to start planning now for 2020!   #gwd2019 #wellness #globalwellnessday #movements #movementforgood

  • Culture is Read Only #556

    09/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    A company culture is not emerges over time.   Culture doesn’t happen TO happens AMONG people.   Hmmm?   An interesting perspective to consider for any organisation seeking to change their culture.   #culture #culturechange #changeleadership #companyculture

  • Swarm Intelligence #555

    08/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    So Mother Nature seems to be telling us that the decisions of the collective are superior to those of any individual.   That’s basically the theory of Swarm Intelligence.   Do yourself a favour...go check out   #intelligence #thinkingdifferently #decisionmaking

  • Pokémon Sleep is Coming #554

    07/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    Pokémon Go was a viral sensation. A smash hit.   In 2020, they’re going to try again with Pokémon Sleep.

  • Being Right or Finding Right? #553

    06/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    Oftentimes the leader assumes it’s their job to be Right. To give the right answer to the team.   But the reality is, finding Right is really the objective.   So as a leader, your job is to help facilitate that outcome - regardless of where it comes from.   #leadershiplessons #management #decisions #outcomes

  • Guaranteed Fees - Sensible But Not Sustainable #552

    05/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    Sometimes it makes perfect sense for a hotel to pay a guaranteed fee to the spa operator to run their spa.   Not forever.   But for an initial period, it can actually be a  smart move.   #hotelspa #businessmodels #revenuemodels #feestructure

  • The Complete Collagen Experience #551

    04/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    Collagen is good for the skin.    Everyone knows that.   It’s why we pay so much for those fancy face creams.   But what about foods & exercises that help give us a bit of a collagen boost?   That’s the AMAZING new Complete Collagen Experience!   Take a look...   #spa #skincare #beautyproducts #marketing #promotion

  • Why I’m Making Changes...and maybe you should too! #550

    03/06/2019 Duración: 03min

    Just a quick heads up to let you know there will be some changes coming to the way I’m producing and distributing the content you’ve been seeing and hearing here for the past couple of years.   Why?   Because sometimes fresh air just what’s needed.   #changes #contentstrategy #changemakers

  • Why You Need A 7 Second Story #549

    02/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    Our attention span is getting shorter.   Ever noticed how long those mid-roll ads are in videos on Facebook?    Then there’s this little data point...   “Human attention span is at its lowest ever (thanks to technology!). According to a study by Microsoft, the average human being now has an attention span of eight seconds. This is a sharp decrease from the average attention span of 12 seconds in the year 2000. Jan 22, 2018”   So, time to get your (short) story straight!   #advertising #storytelling #facebookadvertising #yourstory #attentioneconomy

  • Build Up Steam - Release Creativity #548

    01/06/2019 Duración: 02min

    What if instead of posting your thoughts, ideas & Insights on social media every day, you let your steam build up?   Maybe then you could create something really meaningful.   (ps: not to self!)   #contentcreator #contentstrategy #creativity #timeout

  • What If YES Was The Only Option? #547

    31/05/2019 Duración: 02min

    Do your internal systems, policies & procedures maker it easier or harder to say yes?   Yes to Guests. Yes to Customers? Yes to Internal Stakeholders?   My favourite hotel General Manager had a great way to ensure we could say yes.    Listen to this...   #customerservice #customerfirst #customerfocused #guestservice #hotels

  • Hotel App Promotion Opportunity #546

    30/05/2019 Duración: 02min

    If your spa (or any other business unit) is in a major hotel brand’s property, there is a MASSIVE opportunity you’re probably not taking advantage of.   I understand there’s company politics.   I get it. There’s lots of Red Tape.   BUT...if you’re not leveraging the bagingies out of the Hotel App for your’re crazy!   #marketing #promotions #mobileapps #hotelsandresorts #hotelspa

  • What’s Your Default? #545

    29/05/2019 Duración: 01min

    Are you a Listener or a Talker?   Is your organisation a place for Collaborators or Individuals?   Understanding what both your and your company’s default is goes a long way to ensuring success.   That’s according to Aaron Dignan in his book Brave New Work.   #organisationalculture #organisationaldevelopment #selfawareness #companyculture

  • Should You Show The Price On In-House Promotions? #544

    28/05/2019 Duración: 02min

    Some say, leave the price off. That way the guests will come to you to ask. From there you have a chance to close the sale.   Others say, put the price out there. No point hiding it if the guest isn’t willing to pay it.   Here’s the discussion we had internally recently...   #pricingstrategy #promotions #advertisingcampaign #salesstrategy

  • Global Warming is a Marketing Problem #543

    27/05/2019 Duración: 01min

    Atmosphere Cancer!  

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