Beth Ariel is a Messianic Jewish Congregation in the greater Los Angeles area of Southern California. We are a spiritual home for Jews and Gentiles who have embraced Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah and Lord.
Why the Resurrection Must Be True
31/03/2013 Duración: 36min(John 20:24-29)Skeptics and historians cannot explain the uniqueness of what has been written about the resurrection because there is no basis for the pre-existence of the concepts.Send us a text
The Testing of the Messiah
24/03/2013 Duración: 42min(Matthew 21:1-11)Messiah's entrance into Jerusalem as Israel's King is meant to ignite Israel's faith in God through exhibiting faith in Him; Messiah is "inspected" as the Passover Lamb of God and is found to be without spot or blemish, therefore qualifying Him to give His life as a ransom for many.Send us a text
Setting the Foundation for the Good Work
10/03/2013 Duración: 32min(Nehemiah 3:1-32) (Series: Nehemiah)Growth comes through service and by each one doing the part that God has given them the grace and apportioned them to do so that the work goes forward and the ministry is effective and the lives of others are transformed.Send us a text
Preparation for the Coming Challenges
03/03/2013 Duración: 41min(Nehemiah 2:1-20) (Series: Nehemiah)Work is the result of God's creation. Work is valuable. Work is the exertion of energy for a specific task. Sharing our faith is work. There is no work that is menial if we do it for the glory of God with passion.Send us a text
Purim 2013: Megillah
24/02/2013 Duración: 20min(Book of Esther)Reading the story of Purim from the Book of Esther.Send us a text
Purim 2013: For Such a Time As This
24/02/2013 Duración: 35min(Esther)In order to know the will of God: 1) you need to know that you are a servant of God; 2) you need to care about others; 3) you need to be concerned for the glory and honor of God; 4) you need to be in persistant prayer; 5) you need to allow circumstances to be God's revelatory device.Send us a text
Facing Imppossible Circumstances
17/02/2013 Duración: 15min(Nehemiah 1:1-11) (Series: Nehemiah)When faced with difficult situations, the first step is prayer: come to God in prayer with an attitude of humility; show your Adoration for God; Confess your sins; give Thanks for all God has done; Supplication - make your request; pray persistently.Send us a text
Until Messiah Comes
10/02/2013 Duración: 30min(Daniel 12) Series: Daniel)Go your way! Live your life faithfully before the Lord, moment by moment; Walk in His ways and do what He has enabled you to do through the gifts and talents he has blessed you with; Seal up the truth of His Word in your heart; Build your life on God Himself; Embrace God's Son whom He sent; Trust in the sovereign Lord.Send us a text
The Final Conflict
03/02/2013 Duración: 49min(Daniel 11-12) (Series: Daniel)God's Word can be trusted implicitly; we need to read it regularly; God is trustworthy; Our work in the Lord is never in vain, for it leads people to righteousness, and His blessing will rest upon us.Send us a text
Work as Service
27/01/2013 Duración: 28minServing God is a partnership with God that provides care for others while giving glory to God. Ministry work is an offering of thanksgiving for all that the Lord has given to us. Send us a text
The Last Battle
13/01/2013 Duración: 18min(Daniel 11) (Series: Daniel)Be aware of the spiritual battles at work between the forces of evil and the angels of God. Battle the enemy by being strong in the Lord.Send us a text
First Things First
06/01/2013 Duración: 32min(Romans 1:16)Messianic congregations do not need to apologize; we are called like missionaried to bring the gospel to the Jewish people, for the gospel is preeminently Jewish in nature. Do not be ashamed (disgraced) of the gospel. Go into your community and sacrifice yourself for the witness of Yeshua. Through outreach, prayer, gifts and serving the Lord, you can have an impact on the lives of peoople.Send us a text
The Promise of Messiah's Coming
23/12/2012 Duración: 43min(Daniel 9) (Series: Daniel)This passage tells us the very precise time when the Messiah would come. It also shows that even for a prophet of God, a revelation from God Himself is not a substitute for the study of the Word of God, or the need to pray and confess one's sins. The prophecy of the "seventy sevens" focuses on the Jewish people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.Send us a text
Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts
16/12/2012 Duración: 51min(Daniel 7) (Series: Daniel)Daniel's vision again shows God's control over the events of our world. Only one kingdom will last forever and crush all other empires - the Kingdom of God. "One like a Son of Man" describes the image of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua. God provides gifts to each of us so that we may utilize who we are to glorify Him.Send us a text
Hanukkah and the Little Horn
09/12/2012 Duración: 39min(Daniel 8) (Series: Daniel)Daniel's vision of the ram with two horns and goat with one horn reveals the future events that lead to the story of Hanukkah. The main themes of Hannukah are 1) the messianic hope of deliverance; 2) Miracles; and 3) Dedication. Be wary of the evil one who will try to dilute the significance of Messiah's death, and will try to tear down the body of believers. Hold fast to your faith, maintain self-control, be humble, cast your anxieties on the Lord, always be alert.Send us a text
Headship of Messiah
02/12/2012 Duración: 40min(Ephesians 4:1-16)The body of believers is the visual manifestation of Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah). His life should be expressed through us. Yeshua is Lord, the Head of the Body. We need to listen for our calling, learn our gifts for ministry, live in fellowship, unleash our testimony, and launch towards outreach.Send us a text
The Story of Salvation
25/11/2012 Duración: 29min(Luke 15:11-32)The parable of the prodigal son reveals the definition of salvation: We were lost, and then we were found. Even the 'second' son in the story is 'lost' in his self-righteousness. God, our father, invites all who are lost to come back home to Him. Believers need to remember how God redeemed us and brought us back. We rejoice in the blessing of salvation.Send us a text
Too Busy Not To Pray
18/11/2012 Duración: 33min(Daniel 6) (Series: Daniel)Daniel's character shows his love for God as he continues his spiritual routine of praying in public view despite King Darius' decree prohibiting such behavior. Daniel trusts God's Word and prays for his people's return to Jerusalem. He trusts in God's sovereignty to deliver him from the den of lions. His enemies could not thwart the will of God, who promises to protect and defend His people.Send us a text
The Danger of Mishandling the Things of God
11/11/2012 Duración: 46min(Daniel 5) (Series: Daniel)The writing on the wall at Belshazzar's party. Stolen vessels from Temple defiled. Belshazzar resists Daniel's message. God's judgment on Babylon. The effects of sin are not static, or momentary; sin is a process that destroys over time; sin makes us blind and deaf to God; sin will be judged.Send us a text
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride and Punishment
04/11/2012 Duración: 33min(Daniel 4) (Series: Daniel)God is mighty to save. Nebuchadnezzar is punished for the sin of pride. If you look up high to God with joy, you will become more like Him; if you look to the things of the world, you will become like the world. Discipline is not meant to destroy, but to bring life, restoration, repentance, and to unite with God. Whatever we go through, God is always in control.Send us a text
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