Addison Street Community Church Sermons



Welcome to the ASCC podcast! Please do not use us as a replacement for being part of a local body of believers, but feel free to use us as a supplement to your church and walk. We hope that our commitment to the Word will be a blessing for you.


  • Paternity Test Gone Bad


    Part 23 in a series on the Gospel of John Paternity tests are telling, helpful and somewhat controversial. In Jesus' continued wrangling with the religious establishment, this time he turned the tables of ancestral suspicion right back on them...

  • Light Pierces the Darkness


    Part 22 in a series on the Gospel of John Jesus is the self-authenticating, heaven-sent and heaven-validated light of the world who as a witness is true and as a judge is right. He is one with his Father. You must welcome the light of the world into...

  • That You May Believe Part 2


    In the Gospel According to John the Evangelist (or Apostle), John is giving a biographical account in order to lead us in asking a very important question(s). The question is not primarily the one that pop Christianity has purveyed “What Would Jesus...

  • That You May Believe


    Is the story of the woman caught in adultery really part of John's Gospel? Also, if you've not been with us in this series on John's Gospel, then listen to this and the next week's talk to come up to speed.

  • The Gospel for Sexual Sinners


    The purpose of this message is to give: an surface exposition of God’s eternal truth about his design for sex (and homosexuality in particular) and hope for the sexually broken. It also is a call to action for Christians and the Church as well as...

  • The Messiness of a Local Church


    The third part in our Fellowship Covenant series answering the question: How then shall we as a church live as a family?

  • The Work of a Faithful Gospel Ministry


    Part 2 in our Series on our Fellowship Covenant

  • What's the big deal with Church Membership?


    WE have a fear of commitment and a bent against authority and accountability. “The basic disease [that]… “courses through my own veins, is the assumption that we have the authority to conduct our Christian lives on our own” (Jonathan...

  • A Faith that Changes Things


    What is a faith that changes things?

  • He is Our Suffering Servant


    In this final week of Advent, we see Jesus Messiah here as our Suffering Servant. God reclaims his unsuccessful servants through a successful, suffering Servant. How do we know that he has been successful? We’re going to see that his success hinges...

  • He is Here! Our Glorious Hope


    “The gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel Isaiah 40 transposed into a new, higher key. And it, too, is far too important to be contained. It must be shouted from the housetops, not just for the cities of Judah, but for all the world to hear” (Barry...

  • He is here! Our Righteous Ruler


    Are we salvageable from our disasters? Isaiah 9:1-7; 11:1-9

  • He is Here! God With Us


    What does the Virgin Birth matter to the Christian Faith? What does it matter for our Mondays?

  • L'chaim!


    Ignorance and confusion about Christ dehydrate us spiritually; while pride and prejudice deaden us to our need for living water. It is an insanity, an irrationality to miss the source of life standing right in your very midst!

  • Reasons to Not Follow Jesus


    One of the major motifs of John’s Gospel is misunderstanding. Misunderstandings usually happen when we make premature or uninformed conclusions about an issue or person. Thus, resistance is growing. We miss the true Jesus who though at times “seems”...

  • Stomaching the Hard Sayings of Jesus


    C.S. Lewis said in his autobiography Surprised by Joy relays the struggle leading up to his conversion: “The odd thing was that before God closed in on me, I was in fact offered what now appears a moment of wholly free choice. I became aware that I...

  • The Governor and the Governed


    Just about two weeks ago, 5 pastors in Houston were selected and projected into the public spotlight because of their conscientious and calm objection to a local referendum for the transgender use of restrooms signed by over 50k people. They were...

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