1st Peter (2015)



This epistle focuses on the critical doctrine of how we face adversity and how we are to think about it in our lives. The key word is the word for suffering and its many synonyms. The purpose is to remind all believers that God has a destiny and a future inheritance for them. What we think of as speed bumps interfering with our personal plans are actually Gods training tools and are to be expected, rejoiced in, and not dreaded.


  • 7 - Apostle of Jesus Christ [b]

    12/03/2015 Duración: 56min

    Are there apostles today as some churches teach? Listen to this lesson to get a thorough understanding of the word apostle, starting with its early roots. Understand how apostle is used in the gospels in contrast to its use in the Church Age. Find out three questions to ask when the Bible says someone is an apostle. Learn the connection between apostleship and authority. See that the qualifications for an apostle in the Church Age are ones that make it impossible for anyone to be an apostle today. As you read and study 1 Peter realize that Peter’s description as an apostle means that what the book teaches us is meant to be obeyed.

  • 6 - Who was Peter? Part 3: Peter in the Gospels. [a]

    26/02/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    From cowardly denials to fearless leader with phenomenal courage. Listen to this lesson to see how this transformation took place in the life of the Apostle Peter. See how throughout the early days of the Church Peter takes control, preaching bold sermons even though threatened by the leaders of the Sanhedrin. Find out how he was always present as new groups of people heard the gospel and accepted the message. Hear about the vision he had of non-kosher food coming down from heaven and how he learned that the Gentiles were now included in the Church. See how he is miraculously delivered from prison and continues Jesus’ healing ministry. Be encouraged that, like Peter, when you focus on the end game and the inheritance waiting for you, you can handle the suffering and trials of your own life.

  • 5 - Who Was Peter? Part 2: Peter in the Gospels [a]

    19/02/2015 Duración: 51min

    What are you passionate about? When you have a passion, you’ll arrange your time and money to focus on it. Listen to this lesson to learn that whatever else is said about the Apostle Peter in the Bible, we know that he was very passionate about serving the Lord. Listen to this lesson to continue learning about the life of Peter. Gain a further clarification of what Jesus meant when He talked about the keys of the kingdom. See how Peter insists he will never deny Christ but within a short time he fails miserably. After Jesus’ resurrection see how He meets with Peter first and then find out what Jesus was teaching Peter when He asks him three times if he loved Him. After this Bible class we had a special presentation by Stand With Us and two members of the Israeli IDF. Please click here to view/listen to their presentation.

  • 4 - Who Was Peter? Part 1: Peter in the Gospels [a]

    12/02/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    Was the Apostle Peter the first Pope? Listen to this lesson to learn about the compelling leader of the disciples. See how this impulsive, gregarious, and out-spoken fisherman slowly learned to trust God. Examine the episodes that demonstrate his willingness to follow Jesus from the first time he met Him and how he had to be rebuked several times. Find out why Jesus called him Cephas, or rock, and what it means when Jesus told him he was being given the keys to the kingdom. Just as Jesus called him a tool of Satan on one occasion, see that we are also tools when our priorities are not shaped by Scripture.

  • 3 - Flyover [a]

    05/02/2015 Duración: 01h16s

    The seatbelt lights are on. The wheels are lifting for takeoff. Are you ready for a flyover of the book of 1 Peter? Beginning with the introduction, follow the key words concerning grace, suffering, hope, glory, and inheritance. Learn that Church Age believers are living in an arena being observed by angels. See how holiness is not a synonym for morality and learn its true meaning. As we move into the next three sections of the book, follow the necessity to submit to authority, even if it is unjust and learn about the different roles in marriage. Nearing the conclusion, let the reality of the future determine how you live life today.

  • 2 - Introduction - Part 2 [a]

    29/01/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    If you have an inquiring mind, you’ll enjoy hearing many vital questions answered about 1 Peter. Listen to this lesson to learn whom the intended audience for this book was: Gentiles or Jews. Several supporting reasons for the majority view that it was addressed to Gentiles are discussed but stronger arguments are convincing in the belief that it was intended for Jews, including terminology and the quoting of Old Testament passages. Another question concerns where Peter was when he wrote this book and historical Babylon seems to be the most likely location. Next, we ask, why was this epistle written? Based on the number of times the word suffering and words for adversity are used, it becomes obvious that the audience for the book were undergoing persecution and troubles in their life. Look forward to the encouragement and strength we can derive for our own lives from a study of this book.

  • 1 - Introduction - Part 1 [a]

    22/01/2015 Duración: 01h46s

    If you’re looking for help with how to handle suffering, adversities, and calamities in your life, you’ll find a book packed with answers in this latest study beginning tonight. Listen to this lesson to learn about the authorship of 1 Peter. External evidence verifies that the early Church fathers mentioned the Apostle Peter as being the author in a number of writings and oral presentations. Find out the many internal evidences within the book itself as events, incidents, and stylistic vocabulary are pointed out. Listen to a brief biography of Peter. To get ready for the coming weeks, take time now to read through the epistle several times to familiarize yourself with its many important passages.

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