Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran



This isnt your average mindset podcast and shes not your average host. This is Driving for Your Success with Sheevaun Moran. She will help you clear your mind, get rid of roadblocks and achieve ease and success on an open highway to your destination. Anything is possible when you have the mindset to get of your own way!Sheevaun is a business coach, energetic solutions thought leaderhaving struggled herself with more than her fair share of disappointments and even near death experiences, Sheevaun understands the value more than evern of clarity and simplicity. Sit back and let Sheevaun clear that misty, chaotic road while she helps you put the pedal to the metal and drive for your success.


  • Ep 350: Unblocking Your Successes

    18/01/2024 Duración: 06min

    Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions   Explore the podcast   293 episodes Driving for Your Success Sheevaun Moran

  • Ep 349: Prospering When Spiritual

    11/01/2024 Duración: 04min

    Hi everyone, Sheevaun Moran here, and I want to give you one of my famous made-up words Prosperituality. What? Yes, prosperity, eventuality, and spirituality. Prosperituality. So what I have found is oftentimes when people get awakened in their conscious life, they forget how money works. They forget how to play the energy is money game, because the way it was working before you had the awakening isn't this way it's going to work going forward. You actually have to learn a new way to prosperity. You need to blend the prosperity, the eventuality, and the spirituality so that it is more in alignment with who you are. So that's one of the reasons I tend to talk a lot about prosperity because prosperity is not just money. It's time. It's money. It's energy. It's relationships. It's harmony. It's doing good. It's receiving good. It's learning how to sell, learning how to write so that the right things come toward you. Learning, learning how money actually works in a very new way, a very unique way when you have al

  • Ep 348: Taking Inspired Action for Your Ideas

    04/01/2024 Duración: 05min

    Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions     Explore the podcast 293 episodes  

  • Ep 347: Creating More Luck

    28/12/2023 Duración: 04min

    Hi, everyone. Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success. And today's topic is Create Your Luck. And what do I mean by that? There's a story that you may have heard about how there were two groups in, uh, in a college class, and one of the groups was given a newspaper, and the other group was given the same newspaper. But in the first group's newspaper, they had put something in the very beginning that said, the group is lucky. And the second group didn't get that phrase in the newspaper in the beginning. And their task was to find a particular set of words and phrases, uh, inside that newspaper. And the really interesting thing that happened is the persons, the group that got the message that they were lucky, found it much, much faster than the ones who did not. So, you know, whether you believe you're lucky or not, um, put some words of luck in your space, around your space so that you get to maybe bring that forth to yourself again and again. And there's another story of a woman who created so much luck

  • Ep 346: THIS Leadership Energy Will Ignite

    21/12/2023 Duración: 05min

    Are frustration and anger holding back your business's success? Join Sheevaun Moran as she shares insights from successful clients who conquered internal barriers. Discover how to channel your energy positively, achieve your goals, and lead with strength. Don't miss out on valuable tips to transform your business. Visit Sheevaun Moran's website for more resources and support at S-H-E-E-V-A-U-N-M-O-R-A-N.com. Like, subscribe, share, and spread kindness for a brighter future! #SuccessTips #BusinessGrowth #OvercomingFrustration #SheevaunMoran   Unleash Your Stuck Prosperity    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!  

  • Ep 345: Beat Negativity - Tranform the Energy of Negative Vibes

    14/12/2023 Duración: 04min

    Discover how negative energies can spread like a virus in your social and business life. This video dives into the profound idea that we are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. Learn how to identify and shield yourself from negativity, and make conscious choices about your social interactions. We’ll explore strategies to surround yourself with positivity, fostering personal growth and wellbeing. Whether it’s friendships, family or professional relationships, find out how to cultivate a circle that uplifts and supports you, creating a ripple effect of positive change in every aspect of your life.   Unleash Your Stuck Prosperity    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY  Twit

  • Ep 344: Mastering Decisions - The Art if Pressure Free Choices

    07/12/2023 Duración: 06min

    “In this video, dive into the art of making better decisions without the pressure. Join us as we explore practical strategies and insights to enhance your decision-making skills. From understanding cognitive biases to embracing uncertainty, learn how to make informed choices confidently. Whether you’re facing big life decisions or everyday dilemmas, this guide is your key to navigating choices with ease.”   Unleash Your Stuck Prosperity    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY  Twitter    / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ  Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.comEnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt  Blog site http://bi

  • Ep 343: Impact of Positive Thinking

    30/11/2023 Duración: 05min

    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today! Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh

  • Ep 342: Manifesting Tree

    23/11/2023 Duración: 04min

    Hey there I was talking with a client today and she was reminding me because I suggested that she get head shot for her the book that she just got out into the world it's a children's book and so excited for her she's an attorney who would have never thought in her million years uh that she would write a children's book and so it's out there and it's really cool and and I suggested she get a new head shot because her head shot is from when she's an attorney and kind of very stoic and uh so one of the things that she was telling me about the photographer and what he had her do is he had her climb a tree like go figure and I said why would he tell you to climb a tree she said because I told him about your a transformational audio called a billionaire mindset achieving a billionaire mindset and I said wow oh my God that's commitment and so think of this tree as your tree of prosperity I used to have a center called the tree of life and it it was really an amazing place that that we brought people in from all ove

  • Ep 341: Success Scarier Than Failure

    16/11/2023 Duración: 05min

    Hey hey hey there's a thought that crossed my mind the other day when I was having a conversation with a client and they were talking about where one of their main people that they just hired a about a month ago was about to quit and what we unpacked and uncovered around this was that this new hire was in a better position in his mind and in in his space in his house and new environment and he'd hit this okay I've had I'm at my place of success and then the interesting thing is the client my client and I unpacked that this particular person really was stuck at the ability of going to that next level they they were so caught up in needing to run and needing to see what seemed like a more logical path to achieve success than the path that they' embarked on with my client's company so maybe you have this inner voice that has you kind of doing this oh I am worried about succeeding because in order to succeed you have to commit you have to stay the course you have to learn how to Pivot you learn H you have to lear

  • Ep 340: Breaking Upper Limits

    09/11/2023 Duración: 06min

    Everyone imagine for a moment that you have the desire to get to another place financially or emotionally or relationship-wise, yet you keep hitting this ceiling we've talked about. The glass ceiling before in some of our other videos and I want to talk about the way it affects you and how it impacts others um and how you might be doing this very same thing my name is Sheevaun Moran I'm driving for your success and let's get you to break Beyond Break Free Break through into something new and on the other side on the other Shore so you hit a ceiling you get to a place where things are really so friction oriented and in your system that you want to quit you want to leave you want to bail and maybe you contr control a whole lot of things in your life you like control control is good um but then you know that you can get to the other side and you're doing everything to try to keep everything moving and and and under control and it's getting more and more shaky and yet the thing that you want want is on the other

  • Ep 339: Thoughts and Energy

    02/11/2023 Duración: 06min

    Everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and I'm in my office today and I thought I would do a driving for your success video here just for you because thoughts are so powerful I know through the work that I've done with all the folks around the world that I've helped in all different industries that by changing a phrase or turn of words or thoughts or using a different word will Empower you in so many ways so your thoughts matter yeah you may have heard that but thoughts are things and things are energy and energy is the thing that becomes what you get trapped in you may say it's mindset you may say you're in a in a container of energy and trapped in that container but the truth of the matter is um if you're trapped in a container you you have been thinking deeper into a problem so thoughts are things things are energy so thoughts are energy and every thought you have about what your issue problem challenge difficulty resentment anger whatever that is everything that you do to continue thinking

  • Ep 338: Visualize for Success

    26/10/2023 Duración: 06min

    Everyone Sheevaun Moran here and I'm Driving For Your Success and whether you're joining me for the first time or you're wondering what the heck is Driving For Your Success about...  it's a podcast because it's short, why is it so short?  All these things and my unique ability are helping people really dial in the things that they need to work on next. I have this super Spidey high fluting, you know, magical skill helping people get direct success and it's kind of like waving a magic wand is what my clients tell me even friends and so driving for success is some of the things and topics and ideas that are going to get you going in the right direction. So today's topic is about visualizing properly and visualizing in the right direction. So what's the right direction? Most people actually visualize in the wrong direction they look at their bank account they look at the problem they look at the thing that they're in and they don't know how to look beyond it. Visualization is not something that is common and eas

  • Ep 337: Shifts That Make Massive Results

    19/10/2023 Duración: 05min

    Everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and I think a lot about how somebody can get out of their own way get unstuck and really get things moving in the right direction and there are a couple of things that occur in people's thinking and it's kind of I can't do that I couldn't do that that'll take too much time it's too late it's too much or on the other side of it I need to change everything in this one thing I I just need a whole overhaul and if I get the overhaul everything's gonna be fine and the really interesting piece of that is well that could be true and that's what you see in the hero's journey meaning somebody having the ups and downs of of success and business and and growth incomes Etc is the overhaul isn't real the overhaul takes a step and a step and a step so we're looking for the big thing when we actually need to show up for the minor Miracles um we're looking for the massive as soon as I take this pill everything is going to be fine as soon as I implement this in my business

  • Ep 336: Make Peace With This for Success

    12/10/2023 Duración: 07min

    Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and this one thing that has nearly every startup small business owner leader of a business that is thriving uh leaders in business really have issue with and it astounds me how many people have issue with this because it is the backbone of every single business, every single company, every single Spurt of growth or  downturn and growth and what I have found over the many many many many many many entrepreneurs and leaders and small business owners who I've helped that maybe didn't come to me for growing their business however that's where we always end up and it's about sales and marketing and most people have a very ugly relationship with sales and marketing most people actually don't even like sales they think sales is something that is done to people that is taking advantage of people that is something that is horrific to even do and I remember this one particular entrepreneur and his assistant actually uh got him to work with me because their compan

  • Ep 335: Get Unstuck

    05/10/2023 Duración: 10min

    Everyone Sheevaun Moran here usually I start this out by talking about Driving For Your Success and what the topic is but I think that it's important for you to embark on this little exploration of somewhere that I got to be and observe and participate and really see yourself in any of these scenarios. So let me just get clear on this, after many years we decided to do an expo, a health it's a fair and Conference. It's been a while since we've been out there doing that and this was a very different kind of conference it was more toward healthy food and healthy living and we usually attend things that are more business oriented and so this healthy food, healthy living is you know that's how I've eaten I used to own a raw food company that we got successful and then it was getting too big and I had to really focus on my mission and so what we put together was we put together little many energy sessions for one of my companies, where we do Energy Mastery that's the name of the company and what each session entai

  • Ep 334: How to Get Anchored and Aligned

    28/09/2023 Duración: 05min

    Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success. And today's topic is something I've been noticing in a lot of entrepreneurs and new clients, and that's about being anchored and grounded in what is happening. Currently. Most people seem to tend to stay out of their bodies to stay into the future or to hack, ways of the past. And when you were dealing with ways of the past, there's no way to move ahead into the future that you imagined that you wish for, that you desire that is in your visioning. That is the manifestation of what you want to achieve. And being grounded means that you're here, you're in your body, you're in the present. You can feel your breath, you know what's going on. As far as the lakes and the, and the freedom and the flow in your body, they often do to talk about this in yoga. However, when we get into our business, we forget to bring those concepts forth and into our moment in and moment out choices into the multiples of phone calls, we get into the volume of emails into the zoom meeting

  • Ep 333: Weird Side of Change

    21/09/2023 Duración: 05min

    Heads up as this video is sooo messy but the audio is awesome!   Be kind!   Hey everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success and if you're watching this on video and see that I have my Siri on, we should all try something new we often think of not wanting to change something about ourselves or our life or something even that we want. I have a client who is a stylist and she uh works with people who don't want to change the way they perceive themselves and she helps them with clothes and ideas and so change is something we think that happens to us like we have an accident or we break something or something that we don't expect occurs to us and we look at that as a bad thing as a wrong thing as a difficult thing as a problem thing.  I always say that change is something that happens for us and it happens because we have an opportunity to do something better or different and we're resisting change so if you're resisting change and not continually looking to grow and expand and shift you will be sure to have s

  • Ep 332: Success Using Intuition

    14/09/2023 Duración: 02min

    Hey, everyone. Sheevaun Moran here. Normally, I do a little series called driving for your success. I'm not in the car right now. I'm waiting for a call. I thought I'd give you a little tip or a little tidbit, a little hint for the day. It's really about keeping your heart in alignment with your true vision and mission no matter what anybody else really wants you to do. There are certain ways of doing business that feel icky and there are certain ways it feel really good and yummy in your heart. Turn your heart on. Turn the volume up. Say I am that I am. Really give yourself the intuitive hint of taking action or taking inaction, meaning don't take action on something you know you're not supposed to and really just say yes more effortlessly.   Your heart will lead to higher intuition which leads to ease and grace which leads to your epic life. Love to hear from you. Love to catch up with you. Make sure to go to SheevaunMoran.com and there's a little free book there for you if you just put your email address i

  • Ep 331: Having Positive Outcomes

    07/09/2023 Duración: 07min

    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today! Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheevaunm... Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions  

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