Riders Radio Theater



Riders Radio Theater was a half hour, weekly, cult favorite/public radio show performed live by the two-time Grammy Award-winning western and comedy band Riders In The Sky in Nashville and Cincinnati from 1988-1995. Called at the time "the fastest half hour in radio," each show featured western music, wacky commercials, the National Polka Countdown, characters and comedy bits of all sizes and descriptions, and a cliffhanging serial adventure... all liberally sprinkled with country and folk music guest stars and legends. It was the Golden Age of High Yodeling Adventure and it deserves to live again!


  • 1313 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    28/07/2019 Duración: 29min

    Slocum and Charlie have lured Riders In The Sky to Skull Rock and trapped them in a ring of white, hot magnesium fire. The only thing that can save them is a No. 2 Yodel, but will Ranger Doug’s voice be captured by last episode’s yodel catcher? Is this the end of Riders In The Sky?! Featuring Tracy Nelson!

  • 1312 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    21/07/2019 Duración: 29min

    Charlie carelessly dislodged a mountain boulder, which is now barreling down to High Sheriff Drywall. Under the falling deadly stone the Sheriff sits, the muscle of his brawny brain is strong as milky bone. But no bones about it, faith is about to intervene... featuring The Dixie Chicks!

  • 1311 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    14/07/2019 Duración: 30min

    Slocum and Charlie are preparing for the final phase of their evil plot: using a yodel catcher to capture Ranger Doug’s yodel and focus it on Skull Rock! High Sheriff Drywall stumbled onto the villains and was quickly tossed over the side of the mountain down Dead Man’s Cliff…

  • 1310 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    07/07/2019 Duración: 28min

    As part of Slocum’s plot, the evil villain must trick Ranger Doug into performing a pure, clean no. 2 yodel, the most powerful of yodels that can pulverize the rock five miles deep into Mystery Mountain that is keeping molten gold from flowing to the surface. The Riders have figured out that Slocum is behind the monster trouble and are riding to Tumbleweed City for a showdown. Featuring Martin Delray!

  • 1309 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    30/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    The monster has attacked Riders In The Sky, only to be thwarted by Myron Floren and his mighty accordion, knocking the monster off the mountain. The Riders have since deduced the monster is Charlie in a suit, the product of a plan devised by Slocum. It is the morning following the big monster attack, and the Riders are gathered around their campfire on Mystery Mountain enjoying their coffee…

  • 1308 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    23/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    The desperate, panic-stricken citizens of Tumbleweed Valley have sold their land on Mystery Mountain for a fraction of its value to Slocum, causing intervention from Riders In The Sky. To prove that the monster isn’t a threat, America’s Favorite Cowboys have decided to camp out on Mystery Mountain to settle the rumors once and for all… featuring Myron Floren!

  • 1307 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    16/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    High Sheriff Drywall has been pushed off a cliff by none other than Slocum and his mechanical monster! It is now the morning after Sheriff Drywall’s night of terror on Mystery Mountain, and at the famed old Harmony Ranch, Riders In The Sky are gathered in the cozy kitchen drinking coffee and listening to their second favorite radio program…

  • 1306 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    09/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    Tales of the huge, fire-breathing monster have spread across the valley like a prairie wind. It then became the duty of Sheriff Drywall, who wasn’t present to see the monster, to go and search for the creature. The aforementioned Sheriff informed Slocum of this hunt and the specific road he would take to start it: details that would lead to an unfortunate plan… featuring John McEuen!

  • 1305 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    02/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    Slocum has unleashed his robotic monster on the unsuspecting citizens of Tumbleweed Valley during the annual storytelling festival! Unfortunately for Charlie, a leak in the flame-throwing tank turned him into a flaming fireball that is now hurdling towards Riders In The Sky…

  • 1304 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    07/04/2019 Duración: 29min

    It is the day of the Night of 1,000 Terrors on Mystery Mountain, where Tumbleweed Valley prepares for its storytelling festival of hair-raising horror. Speaking of horror, Charlie and Slocum are busy assembling a mechanical monster as part of their big and evil plan… featuring Patsy Montana!

  • 1303 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    30/03/2019 Duración: 28min

    Slocum sent the doofus Charlie on a bizarre shopping expedition to procure a curious array of scientific electronic and household items. Later that night, in a makeshift laboratory underneath the Dry Gulch Saloon, our resident villains are inventing a robotic nightmare the town will never forget…

  • 1302 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    24/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    The villain Slocum was released from prison on appeal. Upon exiting the jail, he bumped into High Sheriff Drywall, stealing his badge and wallet. In no time, Slocum was operating once again out of the Dry Gulf Saloon. As the sun goes down in Tumbleweed Valley, the citizens gather at the Buck Benny Theater for the big fantastic magic show featuring Heff Heff and Mr. Bagwell… featuring The Ohio Valley Rounders!

  • 1301 Monster from Mystery Mountain

    17/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    It’s Saturday morning in Tumbleweed Valley, and all is peaceful and well… except in the kitchen of Harmony Ranch. The Riders are gathering for breakfast while Sidemeat looks for his big bowl to cook a big surprise. Meanwhile, High Sheriff Drywall is bringing breakfast to his current prisoners…

  • 1213 Return of the Evil Empire

    10/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    The Riders gathered a recall petition to stop the big “Elvis Alive Again: Hello from Vostrovia” concert, and Slocum was fired as boss of Vostrovia. But by then he couldn’t have cared less, because he was off with 50 million bucks, a 20-megaton hydrogen bomb, and a getaway jet with the engines running… featuring Waddie Mitchell!

  • 1212 Return of the Evil Empire

    03/03/2019 Duración: 29min

    The Vostrovian skies are turning dark and dreary, the barometric pressure is falling, and the sound of distant thunder heralds the news that soon the monsoons of autumn will pour torrents of rain across the land. But inside the Mud Dome everything will remain dry! It’s the day before the Vorstball playoffs, and Riders In The Sky have gathered to watch the teams practice…

  • 1211 Return of the Evil Empire

    24/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    Using Sidemeat’s secret biscuit bonding catalyst, Woody Paul devised a super mud for which to build the huge domed stadium. Meanwhile, former High Sheriff Drywall has reached Vostrovia in the dead of night, only to be run over by Slocum and Charlie’s armored limo… twice. Now suffering from amnesia, former Sheriff Drywall’s memories are slowly returning… featuring Don Edwards!

  • 1210 Return of the Evil Empire

    17/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    The Vostrovian beet harvest has been delayed due to the vorstball playoffs, the country’s national pastime. Unfortunately, Vostrovia is still in great need of a domed stadium for the playoff games. To remedy the situation, Ranger Doug has given his personal guarantee that if they harvest their beet fields before the games, he will see to it that a 50,000+ seat stadium will be built…

  • 1209 Return of the Evil Empire

    10/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    After being recognized by a storekeeper in Lake Edna, the Riders were informed of a national town hall meeting scheduled for the next day. Meanwhile, former High Sheriff Drywall was canned from the Big Red China Elvis My Way tour and left stranded on a dark, lonely dirt road in the middle of Central Asia… featuring Paulette Carson!

  • 1208 Return of the Evil Empire

    03/02/2019 Duración: 28min

    Riders In The Sky, now running low on supplies and wanted dead or alive by the Vostrovian government, have disguised themselves as Kentucky Colonels and ridden into the isolated village of Lake Edna to buy supplies. Will their cover be blown? Will Slocum capture the Riders at last? Is this the end of Riders In The Sky?! Featuring Great Plains!

  • 1207 Return of the Evil Empire

    27/01/2019 Duración: 29min

    A US plane carrying 30 tons of fine Wisconsin cheese has been forced to jettison its cargo directly over the hidden campsite of Riders In The Sky. As the huge, cheese-shaped shadow looms larger and larger, the Riders finally look up to what might be their dairy demise…

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