Enslaved By The Bell



Inter-dimensional existentialism as viewed through Bayside High: a comedy podcast featuring two idiots from Ireland.


  • Enslaved by the Bell #89: Commencement

    08/08/2017 Duración: 29min

    Rob and Conall overcome the dragon of technical difficulties and bring their perilous journey roaring back to life as they cover the hallowed 'Graduation' episode. Where's Tory? What timeline are we in? What is Neal's real name?! The promise of the College Years is tantalisingly close as the lads visit the halls of Bayside with the original cast for the very last time. 

  • Enslaved By The Bell #88: Relics

    23/07/2017 Duración: 14min

    DOUBLE DROP In the run up to grand finale of the original Saved By The Bell, this week we release no fewer than TWO episodes of this podcast. In this quickie we take a look back through our time in Bayside and forward to the frosted-tipped dystopia of 2003! Episode: "The Time Capsule"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #87: Ballad of Bayside

    23/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    DOUBLE DROP To celebrate our amazing audio troubles we have decided to release a grand total of two episodes this week! Sitting in for Conall is the fantastic Saoirse Smith! This week the gang once again let music turn them against one another like ravenous wolves- it never takes much in Bayside! Episode: "School Song"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #86: The Dep-Arty-d

    25/06/2017 Duración: 20min

    Conall is the worse for wear and a lizard dies.    

  • Enslaved by the Bell #85: Sorry Bout the Clip Show

    18/06/2017 Duración: 26min

    Another day, another mediocre clip show bafflingly inserted far later in the season than it has any right to. Rob and Conall use the opportunity to ponder memories of experiences past. Conall marvels at the quick wit of James Bond. PLUS: A look back at the halcyon days of Malibu Sands. 

  • Enslaved By The Bell #84: Quake On Me

    04/06/2017 Duración: 32min

    This week the show delivers pregnancy and the laboured threat of tectonic death.  Episode: "Earthquake"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #83: Nerds With Attitude

    21/05/2017 Duración: 20min

    Hippity Hop meets fairytales, and Big Dick The Bopper Belding giving unsolicited kisses. A grim but colourful week in Bayside High!   Episode: "Snow White And The Seven Dorks"

  • Enslaved by the Bell #82: For the Screech who has Everything

    14/05/2017 Duración: 24min

    Conall and Rob continue drifting through a world where time has no meaning, friendship has no memory and justice has no champion - until now. Screech is given the hallowed task of becoming Bayside's new hall monitor, thanks to Zack's latest scam - which is all caused because they forget Screech's birthday. Conall and Rob forget to mention the coolest part of the episode - the RoboScreech fantasy sequence. Kevin the Robot returns. BONUS: Rob plugs his new 'Saved by the Bell' fanfic. 

  • Enslaved by the Bell #81: Zack to the Past

    07/05/2017 Duración: 28min

    Peter Engel's clumsy assistant drops a tape once again (this time on purpose?) and Conall and Rob are unwittingly, unknowingly transported to the halcyon days of the Zelly and Slessie relationships, when the world was new and love was real. Unlike the watered down pest of the Tori Timeline, Zack is once again the machiavellian mastermind we loved to hate in the days of manipulated Beau Rivere tapes. All is right with the world, which just goes to show how warped a world Bayside really is. 

  • Enslaved By The Bell #81: Debutaunts

    23/04/2017 Duración: 18min

    The gang have a barn dance and it's meaningful and stuff probably.  Episode: "The Senior Prom"

  • Enslaved by the Bell #80: Neilvolution

    17/04/2017 Duración: 32min

    The lads return after a lengthy sojourn, in the desperate hopes of rekindling their dwindling fanbase. Zack gets the hots for Slater's best girl. Mr Belding brings the alpha males of Bayside on a spiritual journey. Neal O'Neill makes a startling and beautiful existential discovery. Rob rants about Power Rangers for eight minutes. 

  • Enslaved By The Bell Special: FATAL DEVIATION

    17/03/2017 Duración: 01h26min

    To celebrate the second birthday of our podcast, we've left Saved By The Bell aside this week to focus on the magnificent low budget crapness that is Ireland's first attempt at making a white guy martial arts movie. Featuring '90s pop sensation Mikey Graham of Boyzone! Movie: FATAL DEVIATION

  • Enslaved by the Bell #79 Strikin' Out

    28/02/2017 Duración: 26min

    The teachers strike, Mr Tuttle slags his own girth and much is made of the continued degradation of Screech's self-worth. Zack and Slater's manipulative scheme goes off without a hitch and the reap the selfish benefits. Conall and Rob despair for the world. 

  • Enslaved by the Bell #78: "Limbo Stickin' it to the Man"

    19/02/2017 Duración: 29min

    Zack engages in a war of the sexes after Zack and Slater are revealed as sexist monsters, much to the shock of the female student body of Bayside. Mr Belding mediates in the only way he knows how - by acting as umpire in an expensive-looking, needlessly elaborate contest. Screech continues to embarrass himself and falls further and further into the labyrinth of his own designed lunacy. Rob controversially debates Leanna Creel's ability to successfully portray a heterosexual teenager. Conall finds his notes at long last.  

  • Enslaved By The Bell #77: The Entire History Of Love

    12/02/2017 Duración: 22min

    Valentine's Day this week for the Bell-Saved and Bell-Enslaved alike. The shallow facade of the Hallmark holiday is matched by the shallow face of network television; time for a clip show! Episode: "Isn't it Romantic"

  • Enslaved By the Bell #76: Zondo!

    29/01/2017 Duración: 34min

    Zack tried to swindle, but gets out-swindled. Screech is forced to choose between insects and a non-existent relationship with Tori.

  • Enslaved By The Bell #75: The Triangle Becomes a Square

    22/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    A lost lover from Slater's past turns up as Jessie throws some shade as well as some headlocks. Times are looking tough for all but Zack who plans to re-programme the Slaterbot to his own ends. Rob dismisses sobriety not one week after announcing to the nation that he has gone dry. Conall celebrates by being tipsy.  Episode: "Love Machine"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #74: Join Me In The Abyss

    15/01/2017 Duración: 35min

    Rob is embracing sobriety for the month of Janus, meanwhile the gang decide to drive under the influence of alcohol.  Episode: "Drinking and Driving"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #73: Sergeant Slater's Army Brat Club Band

    08/01/2017 Duración: 24min

    Pappa Slater returns to pressure his son into going to military college. And some other stuff! Johhny Rico invades Canada and Zack becomes a rapping drug dealer? Maybe! Listen and find out!  Episode: "Wrestling With The Future"

  • Enslaved By The Bell #72: The Enslaved By The Bell Holiday Special

    24/12/2016 Duración: 01h21min

    The boys walk a narrow line between the light and dark sides of the holiday season as they explore the murky world of straight to DVD movies. Mario Lopez and Dean Cain star in the Holiday classic The Dog Who Saved Christmas! 

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