Woodmen Valley Chapel



Listen to teaching from Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado with lead pastor Josh Lindstrom and other teachers. We seek to Love Well Change Lives Through ChristThis simple statement reminds us of why we exist. It tells us how to live and what we are striving for. Check us out at Woodmenvalley.org


  • Rejoice in Suffering


    What’s the most paradoxical response to suffering? Joy. We can find joy even in the most physical of persecution. 1. The church was growing. (vs. 12-16) 2. The apostles were arrested. (vs. 17-26) 3. The opposition was real. (vs. 27-40) 4. The ministry continued – with joy. (vs. 41-42)

  • Check Your Heart


    In what ways do we pretend to be something we're not? Just because God doesn't seem to be quick to judge, certainly does not mean he won't judge us one day. 1. Power & Grace (vs. 32-33) 2. Generosity & An Example (vs.34-36) 3. Collusion & Deceit (vs.1-2) 4. Rebuke & Judgment (vs.3-6) 5. Opportunity & Fear (vs. 7-11)

  • Ask for Help


    How tempting for us when faced with opposition to pray that it goes away. The early church prayed they would be up to the challenge. 1. Faith > Fear (vs. 5-12) 2. His Power > Our Achievement (vs. 13-17) 3. Our Conviction > Our Circumstances (vs. 18-22) 4. The Gospel > Our Safety (vs. 23-31)

  • Know the Risk


    Our Kingdom victories don't always feel like wins. We need to prepare our hearts for the risk that exists when we engage in Kingdom work. 1. They pointed to Jesus. Vs. 11-16 2. They called for repentance. Vs. 17-21 3. The message was for everyone. Vs. 22-26 4. They were arrested. Acts 4:1-4

  • The Power, Acts 3:1–10


    Do we believe when we engage people that Jesus will do amazing things thru us? 1. The world needs Jesus (vs.1-3) a. The church engaged their world (v.1) b. They did it as a team (v.1) c. It’s in the world we find the lost (v. 2-3) 2. What we offer has no substitute (v. 4-10) a. They engaged the individual (v. 4) b. They knew what they had (vs. 5-6) c. His power is amazing (vs. 7-10

  • The Community, Acts 2:42-47


    The early church committed themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. 1. They were committed. (vs.2:42) a. The apostles teaching b. Fellowship c. Breaking of bread d. Prayer 2. The ministry was powerful. (vs. 2:43) 3. They were generous. (vs. 2:44-45) 4. They were real. (vs. 2:46-47a) 5. It worked. (vs. 2:47b)

  • The Helper, Acts 2:1-41


    The Holy Spirit should make discernable differences in our lives and that difference should direct people increasingly to Jesus. 1. The Holy Spirit descends. (vs.1-4) 2. People are astonished. (vs.5-13) 3. It is all part of the plan. (vs.14-21) 4. He points to Jesus. (vs.22-36) 5. The Holy Spirit gets it done. (vs.37-41)

  • The Team, Acts 1:15-26


    We should be people obedient to God’s Word but not to the exclusion of thoughtful prayer. 1. They believed in God’s word (vs. 15-20) 2. They responded to what it said (vs. 21-23) 3. They sought his direction (vs. 24-26)

  • The Mission, Acts 1:1-14


    All that we do of eternal value is done in the power of the Holy Spirit. 1. God has a plan (vs. 1-5) a. It did not end at the cross (vs. 1-3) b. It did not begin in Acts (vs. 4-5) 2. We play a part (vs. 6-8) 3. The time is now (vs. 9-11) 4. Pray for help (vs. 12-14)

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