Voice Over Experts



Voiceover Experts is the industry's most downloaded educational podcast featuring renowned voice over coaches from US, Canada and abroad.


  • Promote Yourself : Voice Over Strategies


    Join Voice Over Expert Rodney Saulsberry as he teaches you how to “Promote Yourself: Voice Over Strategies”. As instructed in Rodney’s book “You Can Bank on Your Voice”, learn how to advertise yourself with the saturation method and get your name on the client’s brain. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/270326119&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”] Download Podcast Episode 09 […]

  • Sounding Clean While Speaking Naturally


    Join Voice Over Expert Deborah Sale Butler as she teaches you about "Sounding Clean While Speaking Naturally". Deborah enlightens us on how to become aware of your speech, discover how it affects your voice over career, and learn how to acquire a range of speech skills.

  • How To Make an A-List Voice Over Demo


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Graue as he shares "How To Make an A-List Demo". Find out what happens behind closed studio doors and get the cold hard facts on what matters, what doesn't and how to grab the attention of prospective clients.

  • The Myth of Rejection


    Join Voice Over Expert Joan Baker with guest Rudy Gaskins as they discuss "The Myth of Rejection". Discover a new philosophy on how you can regard auditions, react positively to rejection, and embrace each audition as a learning experience and opportunity for growth.

  • Making the Most of Your Message


    Join Voice Over Expert Bettye Zoller as she discusses "Making the Most of Your Message". Bettye reminds us that the voice over biz is about more than just having a great voice, it's about branding, marketing and serving your clients.

  • Tips and Tricks for Auditioning


    Join Voice Over Expert Debbie Munro as she explores "Tips and Tricks for Auditioning". Debbie encourages you to use each audition as an opportunity and to have fun while you practice.

  • Coloring Words


    Join Voice Over Expert Julie Williams of Voice-overs.com as she explores "Coloring Words". By learning how to color your words you'll be able to authentically sell a product or service with your voice.

  • Finding The Music in Copy


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Cashman of Cashman Commercials as he discusses "Finding The Music in Copy". By taking a musical approach to copy you'll have a better understanding of the music hidden in scripts.

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