"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™



What is Holding You Back from Surpassing Your Goals?Business. Legal. Life.Courtney Elizabeth Anderson, J.D., M.B.A., M.S., is "The Workplace Relationship Expert" ™ (CourtneyAnderson.com) and practices the "Joyful Art of Business!"™ around the world (media expert analysis including Businessweek, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, FOX News, Cosmopolitan, CNN International, USA Today, CNN - HLN, Christian Science Monitor, HuffingtonPost, and many more..). ”Solutions…with Courtney Anderson”™ is a daily show that delivers pragmatic concepts and tools that will permit you to “Practice the Joyful Art of Business”™ each day! An attorney (Litigation-Mitigation.com is law firm site), Ms. Anderson specializes in serving empowered individuals and entrepreneurs with high caliber, technology based, legal solutions.


  • HELP! SITUATION: “How do I respond to insults and intimidation at work?" (1)

    30/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    In this HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared with me. In this episode, which is Part 1 of a 2 part episode (with a final third part follow-up show), our show title is, “How do I respond to direct, brutal, verbal insults and intimidation at work?” In this multi-part episode we explore the Mental Self-Defense Arts™ and learn what to do when we are emotionally and psychologically attacked at work. The self-defense skills that we employ in these situations are analogous to those in a physical attack. We are going to do everything that we can to be on heightened alert and remain awareness of surroundings and situations to thwart or prevent a potential attack. Remember that predatory attackers are always looking for potential victims and they select their targets based on proximity, opportunity and also their assessment of the likelihood of success. Once that prevention process has been breached, then we will move toward the actual skills we need to

  • SwCA Episode 027: I feel like I will never be successful. What can I do?

    29/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-027-help-situation-spotlight-series-i-feel-like-i-will-never-be-successful-what-can-i-do.html SHOW NOTES: In this HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared with me. These are specific issues that they are grappling with in order to surpass their goals. Our episode title is, “I feel like I will never be successful. What can I do?” What is “success” and how is it measured? How do we know if we have it, we are deluding ourselves into thinking that we have it, or if we are unable (or incapable) of having it? If we have it, how do we hold onto it? Or, is it fleeting like a breeze and it may envelop us for a few moments, hours, or days and then float away beyond our control?  My argument is that if we are internally feeling good (by ourselves, with no feedback or input for any other people), we have attained “success.” If I look in the mirror while getting ready for work and I think to myself, “You loo


    28/01/2014 Duración: 31min

     This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). The act of engaging in professional endeavors, in any capacity (i.e., as an employee, employer, entrepreneur, contractor, volunteer, paid, full time, part time, intermittently, etc.) is an expression of our ideas and creative talents (“art”). In this episode we are exploring the specific topic of “BE OF SERVICE. In work (paid and volunteer). In life (with those you love and who love you, including yourself.)” This show explores the concept of refocusing our thoughts (which average around 70,000 per day) away from the spotlight on ourselves and outward towards others. We are of service anytime we give anything (including, time, compassion, attention, financial resources, etc.). The challenge is to prioritize being of service (giving) with the acts of getting (what we need and some of wha

  • FINANCIAL FIERCENESS! “Always have the ability to support yourself financially!"

    27/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    This episode is part of our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series! In this episode we are examining the issue of “Always have the ability to support yourself financially! Here's why.”  Being an adult is awesome! Our episode today focuses on a serious outcome where an adult is treated like a child and disrespected, controlled or even abused. How could it occur that a capable adult would be told what to wear, where to live, what to eat, who to be friends with, etc.? It is often the result of an adult ceding financial independence to another adult.  When an adult is financially “dependent” on another adult (their parents, other relatives, friends, romantic partners or anyone else), an unhealthy individual can exploit that and engage in controlling and/ or abusive behaviors. The ability to know that we can support ourselves financially frees us of any of these potential negative outcomes. When we support ourselves (either in actuality or we have done so in the past and maintain the ability to do so if needed in the fut

  • SwCA Episode 024: Credit score, who cares?! You should...here's why. (2 of 2)

    24/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-024-financial-fierceness-series-credit-score-who-cares-you-shouldheres-why---part-2-of-2.html SHOW NOTES:  This episode is part of our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series! This series integrates our financial goals into our development plan for surpassing our goals. We deal with the specific issues we need to explore in order to achieve (and surpass) our financial goals. In this episode we are examining the issue of “Credit score, who cares?!” This is Part 2 of a 2 part series. Who? You! This all about you! You are the product in this interaction. Entities pay (and are paid) to share information about you. This is uniquely about you.  What? In the USA, the score range is from a low of 300 to a high of 850. The score is a shorthand method to determine the risk in loaning you assets (money, property, etc.). When? For as long as you are an adult and alive. Where? In the entire world. You are the product (well your data is) and data is accessible everywhere. Why?

  • SwCA Episode 023: John Derr Interview, The LornaDave Agency (LornaDave.com)

    23/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-023-entrepreneur-exposersquo-series-john-derr-interview-the-lornadave-agency-lornadavecom.html SHOW NOTES: In our ENTREPRENEUR EXPOSE´™ series we explore the reality of business opportunities for "non-traditional" individuals and organizations.  In this episode we have the pleasure of interviewing businessman, John Derr. Mr. Derr is the owner of The LornaDave Agency (LornaDave.com) in the Allentown, Pennsylvania area (USA). His agency is a talent representation agency for professionals in the television field. Talent agents identify potential professional opportunities, negotiate contracts and overall work to ensure maximum financial and professional success for their clients. This talent agency has a primary focus on the television news industry yet it also represents television talent in other entertainment fields (hosting, television production, cable series, etc.).  Mr. Derr has been in the television industry for over 20 years. After he earned his Bac

  • SwCA Episode 022: Credit score, who cares?! You should...here's why. (1 of 2)

    22/01/2014 Duración: 29min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-022-financial-fierceness-series-credit-score-who-cares-you-shouldheres-why---part-1-of-2.html SHOW NOTES: This episode is part of our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series! This series integrates our financial goals into our development plan for surpassing our goals. We deal with the specific issues we need to explore in order to achieve (and surpass) our financial goals. In this episode we are examining the issue of, “Credit score, who cares?!” This is Part 1 of a 2 part series. The credit score is fascinating. We are addressing consumer credit scores in this episode but there are also credit scores (or ratings) for businesses and nations. In general, your consumer credit score is a product that is sold by three major private companies in the USA (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian), to entities about you. The fact that it is sold only because it is about you is the really unique and interesting aspect of the situation. Literally, this is one time in life when it

  • SwCA Episode 021: A degree is just a piece of paper!

    21/01/2014 Duración: 26min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-021-myth-warriors-series-a-degree-is-just-a-piece-of-paper.html SHOW NOTES: This is an episode that I feel compelled to do! Our MYTH WARRIORS™ series is about targeting ideas to begin the assessment of whether they are credible or not. As a long time educator, long time student and someone who passionately believes in the benefits of education, I have to explore this target topic of, “A degree is just a piece of paper!” I continue to hear people express this sentiment, so let's go! There are a multitude of studies that express the conclusion that individuals with higher education earn more income than those without higher education. Yet, I am not convinced that there is a consensus among people as to why that fact exists. If you believe that people are “lucky” and some some “get rich” while others simply are “unlucky”, that is a position (with an external locus of control perspective) that negates the belief in higher education. If you believe that people e

  • SwCA Episode 020: Speakers earn $5,000 an hour, no education required! - 3 of 3

    20/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-020-myth-warriors-series-speakers-earn-5000-an-hour-no-education-required---part-3-of-3.html SHOW NOTES: In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. This is Part 3 of a 3 part episode that I feel I need to do in order to address some of the myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions about the Professional Speaking industry. The target for this episode is “Professional Speakers earn $5,000 USD an hour and no education is needed!” (Part 3 of 3) In Part 1 of this episode we addressed what the speaking industry actually is! Is it real? Do some people actually make a living as a “speaker”? In Part 2 we addressed whether speaking is a good fit for what makes you happy in life everyday (if you hate travel and fear public speaking it might not be the best choice for a career). We also discussed what it takes to succeed in the field (if you do want to pursue it). In the final Part 3 of this episode, we f

  • SwCA Episode 019: Speakers earn $5,000 an hour, no education required! - 2 of 3

    17/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-019-myth-warriors-series-speakers-earn-5000-an-hour-no-education-required---part-2-of-3.html SHOW NOTES: In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. This is Part 2 of a 3 part episode that I feel I need to do in order to address some of the myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions about the Professional Speaking industry. The target for this episode is “Professional Speakers earn $5,000 USD an hour and no education is needed!” (Part 2 of 3) In part two of this three part episode, we focus on what it takes to “make it” as a professional speaker. Even more important that how to “succeed” is a pragmatic assessment of whether you want to actually be in the professional speaking industry. Focusing on perceived financial rewards, public admiration, etc., is not sufficient for determining if something is the right field for us to enter into. I would love to be an Olympic Gold Medalist! Was I talented

  • SwCA Episode 018: Speakers earn $5,000 an hour, no education required! - 1 of 3

    16/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-018-myth-warriors-series-speakers-earn-5000-an-hour-no-education-required---part-1-of-3.html SHOW NOTES: In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. This is Part 1 of a 3 part episode that I feel I need to do in order to address some of the myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions about the Professional Speaking industry. The target for this episode is “Professional Speakers earn $5,000 USD an hour and no education is needed!” (Part 1 of 3)  In part 1 of this 3 part episode, we focus on what the speaking industry actually is (I had never heard of it until I stumbled across it in an online job posting). Is it real? Is it a scam? Are there people who make a living as a “speaker”? If so, how? What are the requirements? Is a degree required?  First, the speaking industry is one of the joys of my professional life. I am grateful that I was able to enter it and that I have been able to serve clients

  • SwCA Episode 017: Is my resume keeping me poor? How do I get a high income?

    15/01/2014 Duración: 28min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-017-help-situation-spotlight-series-is-my-resume-keeping-me-poor-how-do-i-get-a-high-income.html SHOW NOTES: In this HELP! SITUATION™ episode, we explore the reality of the power of the resume in obtaining high income professional opportunities. This episode is based on an increasing amount of individual coaching clients that I have worked with who drastically underestimate the “make or break” impact of their resume (and cover letter, etc.). If a person wants a $75,000 USD annual income yet their resume (and cover letter, etc.) convey that they are worth $12 USD per hour, what will be the result? It appears that some people treat the resume as almost an afterthought and proceed in the professional opportunity search as if they can utilize the same type of resume for a high income opportunity that they used to obtain a minimum wage job as a teenager.  The written documentation (resume and cover letter, etc.) is everything in professional opportunity searches

  • SwCA Episode 016: I need a mentor!

    14/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-016-myth-warriors-series-i-need-a-mentor.html SHOW NOTES: In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. We are warriors fighting to establish clarity between what is accurate and what is simply a myth (or falsehood) in life. All of this is in furtherance of our mission to surpass our goals! In this episode we delve into the somewhat deceptively simple concept of, "I Need a Mentor!"  Mentor. Umm…The idea of a protector, supporter, advocate and powerful guide to take us under their wing and lead us toward professional success is alluring. It is wonderful that some individuals were fortunate enough to have been born into (or later joined) a family or group with powerful lifelong mentors (who open doors for elite education, high level employment and exciting professional opportunities). For the remainder of us who were not born into (or have not yet joined in) that good fortune, we can (and should) spe

  • SwCA Episode 015: REGRETS - Possible to have none? Do we all have some?

    13/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-015-joyful-art-of-business-series-regrets-possible-to-have-none-do-we-all-have-some.html SHOW NOTES: This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). The act of engaging in professional endeavors, in any capacity (i.e., as an employee, employer, entrepreneur, contractor, volunteer, paid, full time, part time, intermittently, etc.) is an expression of our ideas and creative talents (“art”). In this episode we are exploring the specific topic of "REGRETS" and what the impact of living a regret-focused life is on an individual. The challenge we all have in deciding whether to live in the present, project into the future or wallow in the past is a difficult one. The experiences of exposure to those who decide to spend the present time mired in past regret (and the pain, shame, disappointm

  • SwCA Episode 014: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    06/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-014-help-situation-spotlight-series-should-i-stay-or-should-i-go.html SHOW NOTES: This HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series addresses challenges, obstacles and problems (real or perceived) that are preventing a person from surpassing their goals! What is holding you back from surpassing your goals? In this episode we examine the issue, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Why am I treated this way? How does this person (or organization) continue to hurt me and not care? I know that I deserve better, how do I get from here (pain, rejection, disappointment) to there (being respected, nurtured, supported)? How do I stop feeling bad and start feeling good? We delve into this topic, "Should I stay or should I go?" by examining three situations with adults who are expressing discontent and/or frustration with not being consulted with or respected by other adults. One is an adult living with their parents, one is an adult that moves in with a romantic partner and one is

  • SwCA Episode 013: Ms. Barbara Largent Interview (TheBaronessSalon.com)

    03/01/2014 Duración: 25min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-013-entrepreneur-exposeacuteseries-ms-barbara-largent-interview-thebaronesssaloncom.html SHOW NOTES: In our ENTREPRENEUR EXPOSE´™ series we explore the reality of business opportunities for "non-traditional" individuals and organizations. By "non-traditional" we are referring to everything outside the traditional concept and stereotype of a person born into a wealthy and/ or powerful family who uses their connections and resources to start a business or join an already successful family firm. No matter where you born, your family of origin, your age, ethnicity or any other characteristic, you are a unique individual who can achieve what you desire!  In this episode we have the pleasure of interviewing businesswoman, Barbara Largent. Ms. Largent is the owner of the Baroness Salon in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (thebaronesssalon.com). The salon is located in Las Vegas, Nevada at: 4401 E. Sunset #1, Henderson, NV 89014. Ms. Largent has been in the beauty industry f

  • SwCA Episode 012: Does a Power of Attorney have any real power?

    02/01/2014 Duración: 28min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-012-law-lovers-lounge-series-does-a-power-of-attorney-have-any-real-power.html SHOW NOTES: Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. We call this series its title because we do love law! Seriously. When laws are absent individuals have no impartial ability to resolve conflict or protect their personal interests (sometimes known as rights). What happens in societies with no laws or no functioning legal system? How do you purchase an item or service (a house, a car, a chicken dinner, a dental cleaning etc.) if you have no laws in place to ensure that the item is safe, functions as intended, or actually is what it purports to be (is that person claiming to be a dentist someone with no education but a teeth fetish, who knows)? This is a lounge because these are general discussions on general

  • SwCA Episode 011: I have 70,000 thoughts per day?! Really?!

    02/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-011-help-situation-spotlight-series-i-have-70000-thoughts-per-day-really.html SHOW NOTES: The HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series addresses challenges, obstacles and problems (real or perceived) that are preventing a person from surpassing their goals! In this series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared. This episode is, "I have 70,000 thoughts per day?! Really?!"  In this show we are exploring the data regarding regarding quantity of thoughts provided by the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at UCLA.  "How many thoughts does the average person have per day? 70,000"  (Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA) One of the foundational principles of individual and organizational change is the concept of changing our thought patterns to increase the probability of better outcomes. If a person thinks to themselves, “I am a loser, no one would ever listen to my ideas at work because they suck,” they will be more likely to experience a death of

  • SwCA Episode 010: Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you...

    01/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-010-joyful-art-of-business-series-be-careful-what-you-pretend-to-be-because-you-are-what-you-pretend-to-be.html SHOW NOTES: This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series wherein we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts (“joy”). The act of engaging in professional endeavors, in any capacity (i.e., as an employee, employer, entrepreneur, contractor, volunteer, paid, full time, part time, intermittently, etc.) is an expression of our ideas and creative talents (“art”). In this episode we are exploring the specific topic of “Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.”  Authenticity is a "buzz word" in business. Is it hype, hyperbole or accurate? The episode title is a quote from author Kurt Vonnegut (who I encourage you to read if you have not previously done so as part of our overall knowledge base in life). Ar

  • SwCA Episode 009: You are the only you (e.g., age, gender, etc.) in the group!

    31/12/2013 Duración: 29min

    SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-009-help-situation-spotlight-series-you-are-the-only-you-eg-age-gender-etc-in-the-group.html SHOW NOTES: The HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series addresses challenges, obstacles and problems (real or perceived) that are preventing a person from surpassing their goals! In this episode we are exploring the reality of being the only person in a group who is “different” (or who appears to be so). It might be that you are (or are perceived to be) younger than everyone else, or older, or the only person of your gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, color, tribe, disability, marital status, etc.. The dynamics of power in both social and professional settings are impacted by perceived and observed authority.  From Eleanor Roosevelt: - "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - "No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within." - "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really s

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