Kommerce Kings



Kommerce Kings Podcast is the place to go when you are wanting to not only know what is working, but truly explore the successes and failures in business. Everyone out there shows you how they did it (showing mainly only what worked) but we want to show you what didn't work and what not to do as well!


  • Episode 13: Drew Manning - Purposely Gained 75lbs. but what happened next had his phone ringing through the night!

    10/10/2017 Duración: 34min

    Drew took a whole new meaning to "walking in your clients shoes!" To think that he was able to gain 75 POUNDS in 6 months and lose all of that weight in the same amount of time... is CRAZY! What did take a long time for Drew was the cashflow, but it certainly paid off in the end! Now drew has a full Keno diet plan and an amazing story to connect with his clients! Listen in for more of Drew's journey!

  • Episode 12: Sean Whalen - From Divorce, To Famous, To Congressman

    04/10/2017 Duración: 40min

    Sean and I went to war in this episode of Kommerce Kings!... Get ready for some major "bullet" points. Sean Whalen first started in the real-estate business and soon learned the truth to growing a huge following. Honesty. He thought running away from those things he had done in the past was the smart choice, when in reality he should have been speaking about it a long time ago! Listen in to Sean's phenomenal story! 

  • Episode 11: Mikael Yang - The Guy Who Created Many Chat

    27/09/2017 Duración: 44min

    If you are not on many chat...YOU NEED TO BE! Imagine what you could do by simply messaging your customers through Facebook messenger! A LOT right? Many chat makes that completely possible and I thought I new a lot about many chat until this podcast! Get ready to explore the many ways you can use many chat in your business!

  • Episode 10: Dan Caldwell - From Snow Cone Business to $100 Million a Year Called TAPOUT

    19/09/2017 Duración: 01h16min

    Creating a BRAND is essential to growing your business! Without a brand, how are you suppose to grow and scale your business? While you may be able to drag customer in through paid traffic, everyone wants those organic customers that were FREE of charge! Listen in to how Dan Caldwell created a $100 Million business called TAPOUT!

  • Episode 9: Jason Fladlien - From Painting Homes to Launching a $3.29 Webinar

    14/09/2017 Duración: 36min

    In Jason's company he looks for two main things: The overall strategy of the company and conversion.... What does a customer need to hear to do business with you instead of the competition? That is huge! Because it is so important to get one ahead of your competition. When they are taking days off you should be in the office grinding...

  • Episode 8: Garrett J. White - A One Man's Mission Creates a $30 Million Movement

    07/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    TIME FLIES!... When Garrett and I had first started, it was hectic...but we were committed and there is still a lot we hadn't figured out... Garrett threw out an amazing point! He said, "If you ask anyone in my team 'what we have accomplished', They will probably tell you nothing. Because we are always solving problems." And that's amazing because if there aren't problems in your business... then you aren't moving forward. If you shy away from problems...then you aren't moving forward. You have have to be committed to solving problems.

  • Episode 5: Kim Doyal - "Done for You" or "Done with You" Services

    30/08/2017 Duración: 44min

    What is the difference between "done for you" and "done with you" services? Kim gives us the run down on how she changed her whole life by building her OWN business and not other people's business! Think about it... If you are out there growing other people's business, maybe it's time to build a business teaching those people how to do it?

  • Episode 6: Carl White - Meet Carl! He Only Works 8 Days a Week Ep. 6 with Carl White

    30/08/2017 Duración: 37min

    Carl White is an old mentor of mine, and I'm sure you have heard me mention him quite a few times before! He is amazing at what he does! And I'm sure a lot of us entrepreneurs are probably working 50+ hours a week because we are truly passionate about what we are growing and making. Sometimes I have to take a step back and "allow" myself to take a break. I'm sure all of us would like to only work 8 days a month and still make $400,000 a month! Listen in to how Carl organizes his time and keeps his sanity!

  • Episode 7: Tanner Larsson - Shopify Vs. Funnels... The Answer Is Finally Revealed

    30/08/2017 Duración: 36min

    In this week's episode of Kommerce Kings, Tanner and I talked about how you can implement Shopify into your business! While he is still using Clickfunnels, he found a way he could implement a store (Shopify). And Let me tell you...Its crazy! I'm still confused on the crazy routing Tanner is using in Shopify and Clickfunnels! 

  • Episode 3: Mark Evans - Turnkey Real-Estate Investing for Entrepreneurs

    16/08/2017 Duración: 33min

    As an Entrepreneur, we know the true answer to creating a sustainable business is investing. That is, whether we invest time, money, or knowledge into our business. On this Episode of Kommerce Kings, learn how you can invest your money with little overhead as we dive into a deep discussion about Turnkey Real-Estate with Mark Evans!

  • Episode 4: Shawn Lynam - $250,000 in Revenue Selling Trump Hats

    16/08/2017 Duración: 45min

    Politics is huge in our society and anything that can make you a quarter of a million dollars is even bigger! He made it all happen in just a few short months! One thing I always talk about is relevancy in business. Shawn took it to the next level and killed it.

  • Episode 1: James Friel - How to Put Your Life On AutoPilot

    10/08/2017 Duración: 40min

    Welcome to the first ever episode of kommerce kings! I want to start this journey by saying i'm excited to kick-off this podcast with the one and only James Friel! We want to take you thousands of feet up in the air with no interruptions, just spilling what is working now! 

  • Episode 2: Alex Charfen - Becoming An Evolutionary Hunter

    10/08/2017 Duración: 46min

    It would be wrong is I was to say this was the best episode of Kommerce Kings (since its only the second episode), but the discussion Alex and I had was just down right impactful! Grab and Pen and notepad and be ready to fill it up!

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