Empowered At Last With Ron Baker

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 22:09:02
  • Mas informaciones



Join in this intimate conversation about life with Ron Baker, a self-mastery coach from New York City who has been sharing practical, nurturing wisdom with thousands of people around the world for the last 25 years. Based on a unique approach of empowerment, Ron will use this weekly podcast to help you create a life of meaning, value and purpose. By introducing a mix of Ron's own practical wisdom with interviews of real people who are doing inspiring things and creating meaningful experiences, you will be introduced to an array of life approaches that can help you create greater intimacy and fulfillment in all aspects of your life. Instead of focusing solely on becoming a top performer, Ron will teach you to bring the quality of your life experiences to peak levels of fulfillment--by getting in touch with the things that matter most to you. We are living in a confusing time of challenge and change. More than ever, we need to learn how to trust ourselves and one another. Ron will offer practical, nurturing tools of transformation in a safe space that allow you to do just that. Whether it is resolving wounded feelings or bouts of depression, creating greater intimacy and connection, or building a sense of solid self-value that you need most, this will be a meaningful conversation.


  • EAL 033: Fitness Can Be Fun and Easy... no, really!

    19/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    Have you found that you have no time or have simply lost interest in staying fit? So many people reach that point, simply because we all live such busy lives and don’t have the energy. It is amazing to think that so many of have become conditioned to creating lives that are so busy, we don’t have time for SELF! Let’s talk about some healthy options to get you motivated again. It is vital that you keep your body nurtured and vital. The quality of every facet of life depends on your physical health and mobility. The good news is that staying fit can be simpler than most people think… really!

  • EAL 032: I Don't Even Know Myself Anymore!

    12/08/2018 Duración: 26min

    So many people are feeling lost, confused and unsure where their lives are headed. There are distinct reason for this and it is all being guided by your soul.  There are things you can do to create a new sense of safety and clarity… but there has to be clear information in order for that to take place. Let’s explore so that you can end the confusion! 

  • EAL 031: Creating Proactive Results in Your Relationships

    05/08/2018 Duración: 20min

    Because so many of us grew up with caregivers who didn’t know how to show up as true teachers and leaders, modeling healthy choices in our lives, many people end up resenting that they have to be the ones to figure out solutions in their relationships. Have you ever resented that you are the one who always speaks up first or comes to the table to address challenges and conflicts?  In a healthy life, we each need to take responsibility for identifying what we want to experience or to improve in our relationships, and then become proactive to model and encourage those choices. Let’s explore…Ron 

  • EAL 030: The Power of Standing Together

    29/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    So many people are wondering what we can do to make a difference in a world that is in so many crises, with so many revelations of corruption and opposition. It is really easy to end up feeling powerless. I am just one person. What can I do? The great news is that there are so many other people who feel like you do, and when we actually come together to stand for things that are important to us, we become exponentially powerful. When we add to that a willingness to listen to others and what is important to them, we can begin a conversation that finally works toward what serves the good of the whole. Let’s explore how that can happen in this week’s episode!

  • EAL 029: The Impact of Teasing

    22/07/2018 Duración: 20min

    In this time of accelerated change and shake up, it is so important that we set ourselves up well. Making choices that build trust in a support system in our lives is an invaluable thing to consider. Today I want to talk about a simple adjustment that many people need to consider—the impact of teasing. All too often in this world of competition, sound bites and technological distractions, we are losing the ability to communicate in heartfelt ways with one another. Sometimes we end up replacing those real investments of ourselves in one another with quips and teasing… without really considering the impact we might be having on our ability to trust and feel safe. Let’s talk about that, so that you can make more conscious choices about what you want to create and experience in your life.

  • EAL 028: How to Let Go and Forgive

    15/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever had someone say to you, “Oh, just let that go.” Only to find that “letting it go” merely boiled down to trying to forget it. Distracting from the situation is a partial solution at best. And it is only as effective as the next time that a similar situation arises. And so, this episode is to help make a new solution clearer for many people. It is so important that we learn how to face this important clue, if we truly want to be free, peaceful and fulfilled.

  • EAL 027: Championing the Children, part 2

    08/07/2018 Duración: 21min

    In this episode, we address the challenge that is facing us at the southern border of the United States, representing issues of inhumane practices being practiced around the world. And our children are paying a price. We all need to show up as adults who stand for what is fair and humane. I share a story of getting to champion a child and how moving that was for me. This is what we need to do on the inside as well, championing the wounded inner child that we all carry. Just ask yourself, do you know how to stand in your own individual truth, trusting that support is actually possible in the world around you?

  • EAL 026: Championing the Children, part 1

    01/07/2018 Duración: 18min

    In this episode, we talk about all of the events that have gotten our attention in recent years that involve children, including the most recent addition of children being separated from their parents at the border. The reason these events get more attention than most of the other events is that we can all relate to children who are confused or wounded or in need. They represent each one of us.

  • EAL 025 Why Is Life Not Fair?

    24/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    Have you ever felt like life is unfair and that your particular challenges are worse than what you see others going through around you?  This episode focuses on the perfect way our lives are set up to serve us as individual souls on a sacred journey. From the perspective of the soul, even our challenges are perfect in the set up of what we need to face and learn. When we honor what has been highlighted by facing these challenges, we literally develop the parts of us that need it the most… and are guided toward our perfect soul path. This, of course, requires tools and understanding. Explore more fully at https://ronbaker.net

  • EAL 024: How to Become Passionate About Your Life

    17/06/2018 Duración: 19min

    To become passionate about your life, you need to become aligned with your most authentic self… clear about what is truly important to you. In this episode I give you some powerful clues for doing just that, so that you can wake up each day, happy to get out of bed and invest in YOUR life, YOUR vision and YOUR fulfillment. Contrary to some old myths about this being a selfish move, everyone wins when you learn how to do these things!

  • EAL 023: Learning to Love Your Body

    08/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    So many people have issues of fear and shame around their bodies and how those bodies are perceived by others. I suggest that this issue has more to do with how we feel about ourselves as individuals on the inside than it has to do with our actual bodies. Find out how you can proactively shift your worries about your body, creating a much more nurturing relationship with yourself as well.

  • EAL 022 Manifesting a Healthy Relationship

    03/06/2018 Duración: 20min

    This Q/A series focuses this week on how to set yourself up well for manifesting a healthy relationship. It is so important to learn how to become proactive as a manifestor and relationships couldn't be more central in all our lives.

  • EAL 021: Proactive Health with Plants (w Sajah Popham)

    13/05/2018 Duración: 01h05min

    In this episode, I introduce Sajah Popham of Evolutionary Herbalism. He and his wife, Whitney, run a school of herbalism in Ashland, Oregon that touches lots of lives. They also offer a remarkable educational website that brings a tremendous amount of knowledge to sustaining proactive health to people all over the world. I hope you will also take advantage of this “once a year opportunity” to receive their Free 3-hour mini course on Vitalist Herbalism (which teaches about what it takes to be in a holistic approach to life with herbs). This is the link: https://dv220.isrefer.com/go/VHP-OP1/ronbcol

  • EAL 020: Why Fear Wins So Often

    06/05/2018 Duración: 20min

    In this episode I am introducing a new format—answering the questions that you have sent in. In todays’ episode, someone asked, “In order to step out in a bigger way in my life, I need to trust myself at a deeper core level. How do I sustain more discipline in my life… following through with the things that are important to me.”   If you want more episodes where I answer your questions directly, please let me know. Comment on YouTube at my channel - Ron Baker (Empowered at Last). or email me at ron@ronbaker.net

  • EAL 019: Meditation Made Simple

    22/04/2018 Duración: 15min

    It is amazing how many people express to me that they are intimidated by the idea of meditation or believe that it is boring or lacks meaning. I suggest to each one of those people that meditation can be quite meaningful and quite simple. In this episode I offer some clear ways to connect to yourself, from the inside. I then guide you through a clear meditation that will allow you to take a powerful first step into this profoundly helpful tool - that allows you to have a clear relationship to yourself. I look forward to sharing this with you.

  • EAL 018: Letting Go of Absolutes

    14/04/2018 Duración: 11min

    This episode of Empowered at Last provides some powerful clues about creating healthier relationships. How we communicate with one another determines plays a crucial role in how well we set ourselves up in our lives. The great news is that there are a few small shifts you can make right away that will make your conversations much more successful. That is what we are discussing today--letting go of absolutes.

  • EAL 017 Worrying About How Others See Us

    08/04/2018 Duración: 15min

    Isn’t it amazing how much of our lives we typically spend worrying about how others see us. It was certainly a big deal in my life until I began to understand why I was trapped in that fear and began to practice the tools that I will be passing on to you today. This is such an important topic to discuss and explore. The deeper truth is that it is simpler than you may have guessed, and when you begin to practice these tools, you will be able to shift the focus back to you—freer and freer to be your most authentic self.

  • EAL 016: The Importance of a Learning Curve

    01/04/2018 Duración: 18min

    It is amazing how often conflict occurs in relationships because people unconsciously want others to be like them—validating who they are and the choices that they make. This will never make for a healthy relationship. When you learn how to make the conscious choices that truly matter to you as an individual, you set yourself up well. When you take the time to become aware of those choices in yourself, you begin to inspire yourself to move toward life in a clear way—rather than being caught up in fearful choices that you think are required or that you think will please others. When you don’t take the time to become aware of self in this way, you will likely find that you give others the job of validating you or playing their part in the game you have set up. Please see me the way I want to be seen. Please tell me that my choices are the right ones. This will never make for a healthy relationship.  Find out in today’s episode what the healthy alternatives are that will set you up well!

  • EAL 015: Four People in Every Relationship?!?

    25/03/2018 Duración: 16min

    Most people are surprised when I tell them this profound key for creating amazing relationships... there are four people in every relationship! I bet now that I've said it, you still don't know what I mean. That's how little most people have understood how to navigate their relationships successfully. I've been sharing an empowered approach for creating amazing relationships for many years. My clients have some of the most intimate, connected, authentic relationships that I've ever seen. Understanding how to consider the four people in every relationship makes all the difference. I look forward to sharing how to begin doing that with you today.

  • EAL 014: Do You Have an Ongoing, Evolving Process for Your Life

    18/03/2018 Duración: 18min

    Most people move through their lives, going through the motions, doing the best they can—but caught on a hamster wheel instead of growing, evolving and enhancing their lives. In this episode I will give you a way to evaluate where you are and why having a clear, evolving process will enhance every area of your life. This will give you a way to make you the centerpiece in your own life!

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