Heidi Harris Show



Covering topics that matter and doing interviews with people who matter.


  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #317: Christians and the vaccine


    In a ridiculous column I came across dated December, a Psychoanalyst and a Religion Professor stated that Christians have a duty to get the vaccine because it’s all about “loving your neighbor as yourself”. or some such tripe. Of course they never mention the duty others have to their fellow man when it comes to […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #317: Christians and the vaccine appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #316: “Prepping” blogger and author Creek Stewart


    I’ve been paying more attention to preparedness, watching videos about food storage, etc. Many people have. I had a chat with Creek Stewart, who blogs and writes books about being prepared. His latest book is “The Disaster-Ready Home”. Good stuff. CreekStewart.com Vimeo: Heidi Harris Show HeidiHarris.com The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #316: “Prepping” blogger and author Creek Stewart appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #315: Guest, Rabbi Chananya Weissman


    Rabbi Chananya Weissman, an Orthodox Rabbi living in Jerusalem, is a prolific writer and filmmaker. His two recent columns,  “31 reasons I won’t take the vaccine”, and “The Covid Cult and the Ten Commandments”, caught my attention, I was able to track him down in Israel and chat with him about how the Israeli government […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #315: Guest, Rabbi Chananya Weissman appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #314: Putting your “followers” ahead of your marriage


    Too many people put anonymous followers ahead of what really matters – your MARRIAGE. I just read about yet ANOTHER “influencer” woman who does “lifestyle” videos announcing her divorce. Why? Who knows. Maybe she put her FOLLOWERS ahead of her husband? Proverbs 14:1 “A wise women builds her house. A foolish woman destroys it with […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #314: Putting your “followers” ahead of your marriage appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #313: Parents need to protect their kids from bullying.


    We are seeing more and more stories of people committing suicide, in many cases from bullying, either online or in person. When it comes to children, it’s the PARENTS’ responsibility to protect their kids. Schools don’t care about your kids, or hadn’t you noticed? Take that phone away, take them out of state. You would […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #313: Parents need to protect their kids from bullying. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #312: Joe Rogan controversy


    This controversy isn’t about one guy. Joe Rogan has the most successful podcast in the world. He makes tons of money, and he deserves it. Jealous people and haters are coming after him now, for simply daring to ASK QUESTIONS and interview experts. Hundreds of doctors have complained about “misinformation” presented by some of his […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #312: Joe Rogan controversy appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #311: China shutting down online churches – are we next?


    China is planning to prevent online churches from broadcasting. That’s a big deal in a country where church attendance is risky. Don’t think it can’t happen here, with godless Big Tech brats in charge. Maybe people would appreciate church more if they couldn’t go, or hear it online? The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #311: China shutting down online churches – are we next? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #310: Headlines for 1/13/22


    #Biden presser was a disaster today, are climate lockdowns coming, and a new push to get Zaon Collins off the hook for killing an innocent man. Our marijuana laws are a disgrace. And more!  The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #310: Headlines for 1/13/22 appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #309: Guest, Alex Berenson, author of “Pandemia”


    Alex Berenson was my guest on my Sunday night show in STL, on 97.1 FM talk. He’s a former writer for the NY Times who started asking questions about the stats being thrown around early in the pandemic. Friends and associates turned on him as they didn’t like the FACTS he presented. Ultimately, he gained […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #309: Guest, Alex Berenson, author of “Pandemia” appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #308: Parkland victim’s father Andrew Pollack on Michigan shooting


    When the Michigan school mass shooting occurred last week, my first thought, other than horror, was the book Andrew Pollack wrote about his daughter’s death at the hands of Nikolas Cruz in Florida. It’s called Why Meadow Died, and it’s a must-read for every parent. He has lived this nightmare. When are we going to […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #308: Parkland victim’s father Andrew Pollack on Michigan shooting appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #307: Dr. Kelly Victory on the Omicrom Variant!


    Dr. Kelly Victory joined me once again, this time to discuss the Omicron Variant! Should we all be TERRIFIED, or this is a big yawn? Board Certified 30 year physician Dr. Victory has the #FactsNotFear. @DrKellyVictory earlycovidcare.org The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #307: Dr. Kelly Victory on the Omicrom Variant! appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #306: Guest, Dr. Kelly victory! #FactsNotFear


    Dr. Kelly Victory  Board Certified Emergency and Trauma Physician, joined me about Covid, the new Pfizer “miracle pill”, kids and the vaccine, and more #Factsnotfear. Follow her on Twitter @DrKellyvictory or check out her website, EarlyCovidCare.org. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #306: Guest, Dr. Kelly victory! #FactsNotFear appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #305: VA and NJ prove Biden’s agenda is OVER.


    Last night was a huge night for AMERICA. The Biden agenda, including defunding cops, insulting parents, needless lockdowns, military weakness, higher prices for everything, scarcity of products, etc, LOST last night. Now watch the Dems back away from anything he tries to push until at least 2022. It is OVER. And Glenn Youngkin didn’t need […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #305: VA and NJ prove Biden’s agenda is OVER. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #304: Guest Gen. Keith Kellogg on his time in the Trump White House


    I was honored to be joined by General Keith Kellogg about his new book, War by Other Means, A General in the Trump White House. We had a great chat about what Trump was trying to do, how his instincts were often better than the entrenched military brass, and the treachery of some of his […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #304: Guest Gen. Keith Kellogg on his time in the Trump White House appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #303: Lincoln Project’s desperate stunt in VA Gov race


    My guest on my live STL show was Joe Thomas, host on WCHV in Charlottesville VA, on the Lincoln Project’s ridiculous and desperate stunt to hurt the Youngkin campaign by having Democrats pose as white supremecists. Joe has the latest. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #303: Lincoln Project’s desperate stunt in VA Gov race appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #302: Guest, Former DEA Special Agent Derek Maltz on the #fentanylcrisis


    Former DEA Special Agent Derek Maltz joined me recently in Washington DC for the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s “Hold their feet to the Fire” event. He spent 28 years in the DEA, and continues to sound the alarm on the fentanyl crisis that is killing people all over America. Famous people, and not-so-famous people […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #302: Guest, Former DEA Special Agent Derek Maltz on the #fentanylcrisis appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #301: Dr. Kelly Victory w #FactsNotFear on Covid


    Dr. Kelly victory joined me on my St. Louis show to discuss Dr. Fauci’s inability to explain to Sanjay Gupta on CNN why Covid-Recovered people should get the vax, and why people are dying in greater numbers than they need to, because they’re not getting proper early treatment. She and some other doctors have created […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #301: Dr. Kelly Victory w #FactsNotFear on Covid appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS podcast #299: Why are Christians wimping out on social issues?


    Too many Believers are more concerned with offending friends or relatives than offending God. No one should be condemning people or judging, but we need to call sin out for what it is, and not embrace any kind of relationship, God honoring or not. We’re just going along with the cultural tide, and Christians are […] The post HHS podcast #299: Why are Christians wimping out on social issues? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #298: Best Selling author Joel Rosenberg on the future of the Middle East


    Joel Rosenberg has written nearly 20 books and sold 5 million copies. His non-fiction books and fiction thrillers have captured the attention of world leaders, which he discusses in his latest book, “Enemies and Allies”. It’s always great to catch up with him and get his perspective on where we stand now that Afghanistan has […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #298: Best Selling author Joel Rosenberg on the future of the Middle East appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #297: 9-11 Ground Zero Reporter Robyn Walensky reflects on 20 years


    Robyn Walensky, a journalist for decades, was at Ground Zero on 9-11-01. She has powerful stories and memories of that day and the weeks and months that followed the 9-11 attacks. It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years. Are we ready for another attack? Have we remained vigilant? Some aren’t so sure. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #297: 9-11 Ground Zero Reporter Robyn Walensky reflects on 20 years appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

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