Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone



The political podcast for clear-eyed rebels and utopia preppers. ---Subscribe on Stitcher(http://bit.ly/2HgCPvw) or subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes (https://apple.co/2oWPa0c).-- Intro theme by Captain Pablo -- Outro theme by Carol Vasquez (bit.ly/2oUFNyX)This podcast is sponsored by Caitlin's patrons. You can support Cait by becoming a patron here -- www.patreon.com/caitlinjohnstone -- or throw a couple of coppers into her hat on PayPal -- www.paypal.me/CaitlinJohnstone or follow Caitlin on Twitter @caitoz -- twitter.com/caitoz


  • Multiple US Officials Confronted About US Assange Hypocrisy On World Press Freedom Day

    04/05/2023 Duración: 09min

    Wednesday was World Press Freedom Day, and it saw US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and Deputy State Department Spokesman Vedant Patel confronted about the glaring hypocrisy of the Biden administration's persecution of Julian Assange for the crime of good journalism. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Bono Is Doing Illustrations For The Atlantic Now, Because Everything's Fake And Stupid

    03/05/2023 Duración: 07min

    This is what dystopia looks like. Like a bunch of thought-controlled automatons mindlessly marching toward ecocide and omnicide to a beat played out by screens who tell them every day and in every way that there is no higher purpose than this. Like military industrial complex-funded feminist rock operas about drone operators and Cookie Monster helping Samantha Power psychologically colonize Iraqi children. Like Bono coming home from singing a heartfelt number about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr to illustrate a cover for a war propaganda piece in The Atlantic. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • It's Good When Idols Get Knocked Off Pedestals

    02/05/2023 Duración: 07min

    I think it's probably a good thing when our idols get knocked off the pedestals we put them on. Chomsky. Bernie. The Dalai Lama. It's not healthy to elevate others to a lofty status above ourselves instead of seeing them as normal human beings who are as capable of error as anyone else. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The Single Dumbest Thing The Empire Asks Us To Believe

    01/05/2023 Duración: 04min

    The single dumbest thing the US-centralized empire asks us to believe is that the military encirclement of its top two geopolitical rivals is a defensive action, rather than an act of extreme aggression. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • You're Not Deficient, You're Just Ruled By Assholes

    30/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    Some people wonder why mental health conditions are so bad, while I marvel at the fact that they're not much worse. It's actually amazing anyone's functioning at all in a civilization that's ruled by exploiters and abusers who dominate the world using mass-scale psychological manipulation. It's a testament to human resilience that anyone is sane. When everyone's mind is always being pummeled with messaging that you're deficient if you can't thrive under our oppressive systems, that you're flawed if you don't look, think and act a certain way, that poverty is normal and acts of mass military slaughter are acceptable, it's a wonder we don't all snap. When everyone's consciousness is being continually warped and twisted to suit the agendas of the powerful and keep us all thinking, speaking, working, shopping and voting in ways that advance their interests, it's surprising we're not seeing more suicides, more mass shootings, more substance abuse, more clinical depression and anxiety. In a totalitarian dystopia t

  • Reminder: The Media Once Bashed Trump For Transgressing The One-China Policy The US Now Spits On

    29/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    The US has been increasingly treating Taiwan like a sovereign nation with whom diplomatic relationships and alliances can be formed, in violation of its longstanding One-China policy that has kept the peace for decades. And I just think it's worth noting that the western media who've lately been condoning these moves became outraged at Donald Trump just a few years ago for doing the same thing to a far lesser degree. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Australia Pays Washington Swamp Monsters For War Advice

    27/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    Australia has been paying insiders of the US war machine for consultation on how to run the nation's military, a massive conflict of interest given that Washington has been grooming Australia for a role in its war agendas against China. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • US Presidential Elections Are Children's Entertainment

    26/04/2023 Duración: 04min

    No I will not be supporting any US presidential candidate. Not because I don't think Australians have any business involving themselves in US political affairs (we absolutely do), but because the elections are fake and the next president will with absolute certainty be another corrupt imperialist monster. I won't be picking any favorites in the next WWE event either. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • New Defence Review Further Enslaves Australia To US War Agendas

    25/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    So to recap, Australia's foreign policy is being shaped "for decades to come" by an "independent" strategic review that (A) was authored by someone who is compromised by US funding, (B) is being implemented in part by an American former military official, (C) calls for greater and greater cooperation with the United States across the board, and (D) focuses primarily on targeting a nation that just so happens to be the number one geopolitical rival of the United States. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The Empire Of Hypocrisy

    23/04/2023 Duración: 04min

    The US is raging about Russia jailing a Wall Street Journal reporter on espionage charges, while the US is: - Jailing Julian Assange for doing good journalism. - Threatening to imprison Matt Taibbi. - Charging African People's Socialist Party members with "propaganda" crimes. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Today In Empire: War Machine-Funded War Games, Facebook Censors Hersh, And More

    21/04/2023 Duración: 11min

    There's a lot happening in the life of the empire, so we're doing another multi-story article to wrap it all up. Today we're discussing four stories: 1. Facebook is censoring multiple articles by Seymour Hersh. 2. Weapons industry-funded think tank helps Congress discover that Taiwan needs way more weapons. 3. The New York Times really, really doesn't like RFK Jr. 4. Twitter drops its "state-affiliated media" and "government-funded media" labels. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Tech Would Be Fine If We Weren't Ruled By Monsters

    20/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    So many emerging technologies would be cause for celebration if our rulers weren't so damn evil and our systems weren't so damn oppressive. In a healthy society we'd be celebrating automation and AI giving us more and more abundance and free time; instead we're terrified of police robots and technocratic dystopia. The knitting of neurology and technology would have incredible implications if we didn't know sociopathic intelligence agencies would immediately insert themselves into the use of those technologies. Virtual reality would be awesome if it wasn't going to be used to create fake worlds for people to purchase fake goods in so that capitalism can continue expanding while we destroy the real world. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Biden DOJ Indicts Four Americans For "Weaponized" Free Speech

    19/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    The Biden administration's Department of Justice has just charged four members of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) for conspiring to act as agents of Russia by using speech and political action in ways the DOJ says "weaponized" the First Amendment rights of Americans. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Free Those Who Expose Government Misdeeds, Jail Those Who Try To Conceal Them

    18/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    People shouldn't be punished for revealing the secrets of the government, governments should be punished for keeping secrets from the people. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The Totalitarian Dystopia Is Already Here

    17/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    You couldn't design a more effective totalitarian dystopia than the one we're in right now. One where everyone's brainwashed by propaganda without even knowing it, where everyone thinks, acts, votes and shops exactly as their rulers want them to, all while thinking they are free. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • US Moral Authority Is Dead And Buried

    16/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    So when people try to frame Assange's persecution as a matter of public perception and fighting foreign narratives about the US, they are incorrect. The issue is not that Assange's persecution makes the US look bad, the issue is that it proves the US is bad. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The US Needs Separation Of Media And State

    14/04/2023 Duración: 10min

    The US State Department's spokesperson Ned Price is being replaced by a man named Matthew Miller. Like Price, Miller has had extensive prior involvement in both the US government and the mass media; Price is a former CIA officer and Obama administration National Security Council staffer who for years worked as an NBC News analyst, while Miller has previously had roles in both the Obama and Biden administrations and spent years as an analyst for MSNBC. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • Copbots, MSM Compliance, And McCaul's Embarrassing Taiwan Admission

    12/04/2023 Duración: 08min

    Too much interesting stuff happening in the life of the empire to cover in just one article today, so we're doing a three-in-one wrap-up. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The Dalai Lama Is A Creepy Asshole

    10/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    There's a really gross video going around of the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy on the lips and telling him to suck his tongue while an adult audience looks on approvingly. Reading by Tim Foley.

  • The Word "Presstitute" Is Insulting (To Sex Workers)

    09/04/2023 Duración: 06min

    It's one of the most shameful jobs in the entire world to spend your time doing critical reporting on the enemies of your government while ignoring your own government's far more egregious crimes.  People talk about sex work as shameful, and in America they'll even shame you for working a low-paying job like McDonald's, when on all our screens every day we see people selling their own government's ugly foreign policy in a line of work that is entire universes more shameful. That's why I dislike the use of the word "presstitute" to refer to these people. Not because it's insulting to the press, but because it's insulting to sex workers. Reading by Tim Foley.

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