Boss As F**k Podcast



The Boss as F**k podcast is a NO bullsh*t approach to business and branding for women who refuse to fit society's standards, want to be successful on their own terms, and may or may not curse like a well educated sailor. Hosted by Katie Seller who is the CEO of multiple companies, one of which she built from the ground up by herself to a 7 figure business. Join Katie each week for an inspiring, no bullsh*t conversation, and to hear from some other babes crushing it in business. This podcast is perfect for those babes who are already in business or aspire to be in business.


  • EP 51  I Wish I Had Known This Before Starting a Business

    16/01/2019 Duración: 33min

    I wanted to do a list of things that I wish I had known before going into business, but then I decided I wanted to also include these answers from babes who are in the trenches with me, across a variety of sectors, but all in business for themselves nonetheless. Everyone has their own experience but there’s always a lot of overlap when it comes to the struggle of owning a business. I agree with all the responses I got, they’re all things I’ve experienced. We’ve got some great responses from the Emily Frisella, Celeste Bonin, Melissa Camilleri, and more, plus some responses from a few Facebook groups. I want to hear YOUR answer. Come join the discussion on Instagram or in the Facebook group! Follow me: For more: Set up your new store + starting selling in 24 hours with Shopify --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 50  How Do I Deal With Being Judged for Cursing?

    10/01/2019 Duración: 17min

    I laugh so hard when I say that because I don’t. I don’t deal with it per se. There will always be someone who doesn’t like the way you speak or look, or talk, or dress, or love, or whatever. That’s their problem, not yours. But I will give you a few ways that I personally deal with it, from personal experience.   Follow me: For more: Set up your new store + starting selling in 24 hours with Shopify --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 49  I Failed. I Didn’t Meet My Goal for 2018…

    02/01/2019 Duración: 22min

    That fucking sucks to say out loud, but my overachieving a** set myself up for “failure.” I didn’t fail though, nor did my business, or anything like that. When you set goals, or at least when I do, I am fucking BUMMED beyond belief if I don’t hit them. This was no different. The only problem was the goals I set were absolutely f*cking ridiculous. So today we're talking about that, other things to focus on in business, what I’m focusing on in 2019, and more because I don't think people talk enough about their losses, only their wins. I GOTCHU! Happy F*cking New Year! Let’s do this!   Follow me: For more: Set up your new store + starting selling in 24 hours with Shopify --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 48 An Impromptu 6 Year Anniversary Episode

    19/12/2018 Duración: 15min

    I recorded this on a whim, on Sunday 12/16, my 6th year in business. Super surreal but I just wanted to record something, to remind you that while it’s tough as fuck, it will all be worth it. Thank you SO f*cking much for your support. Join the Facebook group: Follow on Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 47 Please Don’t Do This, It’s Tacky as F*ck.

    12/12/2018 Duración: 19min

    People say to do this + use bots but I think is a time waste, and tacky. Using bots to like peoples pictures and/or comment. STOP DOING IT. You’ve seen them. You get a random message “nice content!” or something stupid like that. There’s a particular company I’ve probably had 100+ run-ins with because they use bots. I report every profile I’ve come across. They absolutely use bots in an attempt to grow their following, get reps, etc. I don’t find it useful, AT ALL. You can end up liking something or commenting on something that does not align with you or your brand. People have been called out for it. It’s tacky as f*ck, but I tell you more on why I think that in today’s episode. Come tell me what you think! Join the Facebook group: Follow on Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 46 Dating While Being Boss as F*ck

    05/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    Dating when you’re a boss. It’s f*cking tough, let me tell you haha. If you’re anything like me, you’re not willing to settle for just anyone. Period. One of the toughest things when dating as a boss, is the ability to find someone who will understand this crazy f*cking life you're living. Not only understand it but be willing to support you, cheer you, and deal with your sometimes presence (but partial absence because you’re working on your laptop while you guys watch a movie at home haha). The life of an entrepreneur is a god damn roller coaster and some people don’t like roller coasters haha. Of course if you’ve somehow got it made, live a life of luxury with passive income, do you boo. But the rest of us, are hustling our a$$es off, weird or long hours, on the weekend, or all day for a few days in a row. Our businesses require work, which requires us haha. Today’s episode is all about what it’s like dating, why you shouldn’t settle, why I refuse to, and all the other good sh*t when it comes to living this

  • EP 45 Podcast Inception- How I Got Started, What I Use, etc.

    29/11/2018 Duración: 27min

    I was asked to talk about how I got started podcasting, why I got started, the tools I use, etc. Basically like podcast inception, super meta haha. So today I'm telling you how I got started, why I did it in the first place, the things I use to record, the steps I take, and more. As promised here are the links for the items I mentioned: Microphone screen: Microphone:   They also have a less expensive version with good reviews: Headphones: (On sale right now - 11/28)   Join the Facebook group: Follow on Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 44 Your Gut Knows What’s Up, Trust That B*tch.

    21/11/2018 Duración: 18min

    Today we’re talking all about your gut, your intuition that can shape your decisions. While in reality, it’s your brain trying to save you from making what it perceives to be a bad decision, we don’t always listen, do we? I’m talking about trusting your gut, my experience with it, situations in which I didn’t listen and how that turned out and more. I’d love for you to share your experience with me as far as listening to your gut or not listening, and whether it paid off or not. Join the Facebook group: Follow on Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 43 Leaving a Negative Partnership

    16/11/2018 Duración: 15min

    I put out a story question on instagram to see what you babes wanted to hear. Someone asked that I talk about leaving negative partnerships. If you haven’t listened to the earlier episodes, you can go back and listen to the beginning as well as Episode 08 for a little more context on my previous purchase of a business. Today we’re talking about walking away from a negative partnership. How to, the steps to take, how to cover your ass far before this is a thought, and what I did. Have you had a partnership go south? How did you end it? Tell me in the Facebook group or on Instagram!   Facebook group: Instagram: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 42 National Stress Awareness Day

    07/11/2018 Duración: 24min

    I get the National Day Calendar and I died laughing when I found out that it’s National Stress Awareness Day. Not because it’s not serious, but because I know I’m stressed. I’m aware, I’m stressed, most of the time lol.  So I def don’t need a day reminding me. But even I find ways to destress.   When you’re stressed your brain releases cortisol. High levels of it can interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease... The list goes on and on. Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase risk for depression, mental illness, and lower life expectancy.    So today I am giving you my Top 5 Ways to Destress!   Facebook group: Instagram:   Calendar: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 41 Changing My Lifestyle for the Better, for Me.

    31/10/2018 Duración: 41min

    A lot of people have asked me about the meal plan I’m doing since posting about it, mostly on my personal instagram so I wanted to share it with you in a little more detail. You know I don’t bullshit so I will not tell you about anything that I don’t love, use, have tried, etc. There’s no selling you wraps, shakes or any sh*t like that. To date (10/31), I’m down 30 lbs with this meal plan, that’s more a lifestyle change. If you’re interested, listen to today's episode! Update: As of 12/14 I am down 40 lbs. Get it here: 10% off with meal plan + recipe books with code: Katie10 (I earn $5 if you use the code. You totally don’t have to use it but I want to give you the option to save some $) My IG: Tiffany’s IG: Meal Plan IG: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 40 Sharing Your Story + The Value of Authenticity

    17/10/2018 Duración: 41min

    In today’s world small businesses have to compete against big box retailer with access and a f*ck ton of money. How do you do that? Sharing your story, being authentic in your brand, and truly identifying with your customers. Today I am talking all about how you can do that, how I realized my story, how I shared it, and how you can too to lead to success in business. Follow: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 39 The Last Thing You Should Be in Business, is Scared.

    10/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    An overwhelming theme I’m seeing in Facebook groups is women being scared of the decisions they’re making in business, scared of the direction their business is going, and more. Fear is there and relevant but it’s how you use it that can change things. So we’re talking about fear, how I let it help me in business, and how you can too!   Follow: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 38 Is All That You’re Doing Really Worth It?

    26/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    Is working this hard really doing the right thing? Is all of this worth it?    That’s a hell of a loaded question. I’ve touched on it before that my work ethic and drive are engrained in me, but I’ve made some decisions and sacrifices to personal relationships and more to get to where I am today. I truly truly love the and believe the quote, “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”   Not everyone wants the stress level of running your own business, the lack of sleep, the fact that every single tiny thing falls on your shoulders. Nor does everyone want to work 70-80 hours a week. Of course it all depends on your motivation for what you’re doing. How and why you’re motivated is important.   Listen to today’s episode and then come share with me on Instagram or in the Facebook group. I want to know what motivates you + how you’re staying motivated OR how you’re currently struggling with motivation.   Instagram

  • EP 37 Should You Start a Business? You Have an Amazing Business Idea, Now What?

    19/09/2018 Duración: 35min

    I talked in the FB group about setting up my LLC and filing for trademarks and was asked if I had done an episode on the basics. I realized that I really hadn’t. So here we go haha.   First and foremost, should you start a business? You know I’m gonna give you a no bullshit answer. I honestly do not think everyone should start a business. Some people are genuinely just NOT cut out for it. Today I am covering if you should start a business, when it’s a good idea to do so. Also, if you’ve got an idea for this business but now what do you do? Covering that today too.   If you love today’s episode, please leave me a review + share this podcast with anyone who you think would benefit from it.   Facebook group: Melissa’s Instagram Course: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 36 Making Friends in the World of Entrepreneurship

    12/09/2018 Duración: 16min

    Living the life of an entrepreneur can be lonely at times. You tend to be more isolated because you’ve set big goals for yourself + you’re determined to f*cking crush them. So finding like minded individuals that are living the same life, can be a great thing to do.   Today I give you some ways to find babes doing the same thing as you. To hopefully help you get some friends, even if it’s simply texting and chatting, who are doing this same journey, who get the struggles you’ve got, who understand the stresses, and can fully understand the level of your success.   Join my group of rad babes: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 35 What Do You Do When Your Business Hits the Dreaded Seasonal Slump?

    05/09/2018 Duración: 20min

      If you’re in the retail game, it’s likely your business is going to be cyclical, or even seasonal if you’re something that is closely related to a season (ornaments, etc.). So what the f*ck do you do during those down moments?   Well I’ve got some answers for you. I think handling the slump months takes planning in the months leading up to it. I also think it’s the time for you to learn, grow, and better yourself for your business.   Take a listen to todays episode!   Also mentioned the 21 Day Meal Plan. Code: Katie10 for 10% off Buy it here: (She is updating her site right now, so my code MIGHT not work if you want to wait to save 10% off) --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 34 Be F*cking Ethical in Your Business!

    29/08/2018 Duración: 11min

    In today’s world there are so many people who are operating businesses as ghosts and honestly it’s bullsh*t. Especially when you find yourself in situations like I was and you have little recourse because you can’t find any information for the business at all. E-commerce platforms are allowing this to happen without requiring some visible legal business information. This episode is out of frustration from the sh*t I’ve been dealing with the past week and half. It’s also my plea to you do run your business ethically, handle the sh*t that comes with having a business, pay the price of business, and do it all legally. Please leave me a review and subscribe to the podcast! I would love it if you’d share it too with someone who you think would benefit from all my talking, haha. Love ya babes! --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 33 Acquiring a New Business, How to, Where to Start, etc.

    22/08/2018 Duración: 27min

    I was asked to cover this topic when I announced my acquisition of now, Profanity Pillows. I thought it was a perfect topic and perfect timing. I talk about my journey with acquiring businesses, even the failure. Also where to look for businesses to buy and what to think about when doing so, along with the steps you take next.   Follow Profanity Pillows: Join the Facebook Group: --- Send in a voice message:

  • EP 32 Be F*cking Patient!

    15/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    I am back! Woo! Last week was a fucking week. I tell you a little more about why. One exciting thing from last week is… I acquired a 2nd business! I am so excited for it. I will do another episode touching on the acquisition and acquiring a business. For now, I’ll link you below the show notes.   For today’s episode, I am talking all about how you need to have patience. If you’re going to be in business, you need it. I see so many people who are impatiently pissed when they haven’t reached certain sales goals but short periods of time. A major key of business, is patience. Listen to today’s episode right now!   Follow: Profanity Pillows IG: --- Send in a voice message:

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