Pod Bless Canada



Pod Bless Canada is the Macdonald-Laurier Institute's premier public policy podcast.


  • Ep. 41 - What's Putin up to? With Balkan Devlen and Hanna Shelest

    03/02/2020 Duración: 27min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Senior Fellow Balkan Devlen was joined by Dr. Hanna Shelest, Editor-in-Chief of Ukraine Analytica and one of Ukraine’s sharpest analysts of international affairs. The two discuss last week’s announcement of sweeping changes to Russia’s constitution and their potential implications. Throughout the discussion, Dr. Shelest weighs in on what she suspects Russian President Vladimir Putin is up to as he sets about radically reforming Russia’s political institutions. Dr. Shelest unpacks how the proposed amendments could serve to maintain Putin’s grip on various levers of power in Russian politics, even after he ends his tenure as President. The discussion also extends to the potential impact of these changes with respect to Canada’s relationships with Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.

  • Ep. 40 - Why MLI Chose Xi Jinping as Policy-Maker of the Year with Charles Burton and Brett Byers

    31/12/2019 Duración: 33min

    Every year, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute names the person or institution that has had the greatest impact—for good or ill— on Canadian public policy as Canada’s Policy-Maker of the Year. In this special episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Communications Manager Brett Byers was joined by MLI Senior Fellow Charles Burton to discuss why the Institute named Chinese Communist Party General-Secretary, Xi Jinping, as our 2019 Policy-Maker of the Year. Though his influence and his impact on public policy is hardly in the best interests of Canadians, few can deny that Xi Jinping has forced more policy responses on Canada than anyone else.

  • Ep. 39 - A New NATO to counter Putin's Challenge with Quentin Hodgson and Elliot Tepper

    04/12/2019 Duración: 37min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Research Advisory Board Member Dr. Elliot Tepper was joined by Quentin Hodgson, a senior international and defense researcher at the RAND Corporation focusing on cybersecurity, cyber operations, risk management, and command & control. Their discussion explores how NATO can (and must) update itself to better prepare for 21st century threats. With the recent celebration of NATO's 70th Anniversary and a meeting of NATO leaders in London, serious questions remain about how the Alliance can tackle a myriad of important challenges - both internal and external. Perhaps chief among these is how NATO should respond to "Putin's Challenge" to Eastern Europe and indeed the entire North Atlantic Region. Throughout their conversation, Tepper and Hodgson discuss the future of the Alliance, how it can better prepare for cyber threats, and the role that NATO should play in upholding international rules and norms in the face of revisionist authoritarian actors.

  • Ep. 38 - Understanding The Rising Tide of Populism with Michael Ignatieff and Marcus Kolga

    20/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Senior Fellow Marcus Kolga was joined by historian, political scientist, former Liberal Party of Canada leader, and the President and Rector of Central European University, Michael Ignatieff. The two discuss the seemingly growing conflict between liberalism and rising populism, particularly in Eastern Europe. Throughout their wide-ranging discussion, Ignatieff shares his insights on the challenges posed by populist forces, the role of Russian disinformation, the tensions between climate action and resource development, the burgeoning "Wexit" movement, and many more salient and important topics. Ultimately, Ignatieff argues that while there are worrying elements within populism, it is a democratic response to real problems, and he remains an optimist that the institutions of Western liberalism will continue to hold in the face of mounting challenges.

  • Ep. 37 - Turkey, the Kurds, and the ‘Syria Problem’ with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Balkan Devlen

    04/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar was rejoined by Balkan Devlen, a frequent MLI author and an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. Devlen is a foremost expert when it comes to the security policies of Turkey and Russia. Following up on their discussion from earlier this year, the two discuss Turkey’s recent invasion of Kurdish held territories in Northern Syria and what the situation means for Ankara’s position vis-à-vis NATO and Russia. Majumdar and Devlen explore the complex geopolitical fallout that has emanated from President Trump’s abandonment of the West’s Kurdish allies, and what Canada’s interests are in the region.

  • Ep. 36 - Canada’s ‘Middle Power’ Role in the Indo-Pacific with Elliot Tepper and Stephen Nagy

    23/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Research Advisory Board Member Dr. Elliot Tepper was joined by Dr. Stephen R. Nagy, a leading expert on international relations in the Indo-Pacific region. Their discussion explores how Canada, as a middle power, can better engage with countries in this region to promote both our economic and security interests. Dr. Nagy provides an overview of Canada’s current relationships with significant countries in the Indo-Pacific. In so doing, he distinguishes between our ‘natural’ and ‘necessary’ partners, both with whom it will be critical to engage as the region continues to wield greater global economic, security, and geostrategic influence.

  • Ep. 35 - Canada's "Forgotten People and Places" with Sean Speer and Brett Byers

    11/09/2019 Duración: 25min

    In this latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI communications manager Brett Byers was joined by MLI Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer, who is the author of an important new paper titled “Forgotten People and Forgotten Places: Canada’s Economic Performance in the Age of Populism.” Byers and Speer discuss the paper, which delves into the headline data on employment, labour force participation, income, and other key economic indicators to better understand where there may be economic challenges and who is most at risk of falling behind in the modern economy. As Speer explains, drilling down into the data can better inform the political debate and target policies for vulnerable populations and communities. According to Speer, while headline economic data may seem positive, not all Canadians are benefiting equally. For instance, those without post-secondary qualifications and those who live in rural areas are experiencing far worse labour market conditions, stagnant wages, declining opportunity, and a growing depen

  • Ep. 34 - Mediation and International Conflict Resolution with Elliot Tepper and Andrew Ladley

    16/08/2019 Duración: 31min

    In this latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Research Advisory Board Member Dr. Elliot Tepper was joined by Dr, Andrew Ladley - a leading expert in mediation and international conflict resolution. Dr. Tepper and Dr. Ladley explore a variety of historic crises around the world that have benefited from mediation, touring through the past, present, and future of mediation as a conflict resolution tool. Dr. Ladley cites examples such as the Tamil-Sri Lankan conflict, the Taliban in Afghanistan, as well as the crisis in Syria to illustrate the need for realistic goals in mediation, and how Canada could position itself as a leader in the mediation arena.

  • Ep. 33 - Healthcare, Pharmacare, and the Election with Sean Speer and Shawn Whatley

    02/08/2019 Duración: 40min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer was joined by Dr. Shawn Whatley, also an MLI Munk Senior Fellow, to discuss healthcare and pharmacare reform in anticipation of the upcoming Canadian federal election. Recent polling indicates that Canadians are increasingly prioritizing healthcare on their list of voting issues. As a healthcare practitioner who has sat on local and provincial health boards across Ontario, Whatley is a leading expert on the future of Canadian healthcare. Throughout their conversation, Whatley and Speer discuss the way forward for federal-provincial funding relationships regarding pharmaceuticals and effective healthcare. Whatley and Speer also debunk some myths about regarding single-payer pharmacare plan, suggesting that it is not the most effective model for Canada. With an election coming up, this comprehensive conversation sets the stage for better understanding the debate around healthcare in Canada.

  • Ep. 32 - Putting the Economy in Context with Brett Byers and Sean Speer

    29/06/2019 Duración: 35min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Communications Manager Brett Byers was joined by MLI Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer to discuss the economy and the economic dimensions of ongoing tensions with China. The conversation covered the labour market, economic growth, place-based economic policies, and the China-US trade war. In their wide-ranging conversation, Byers and Speer also explored the apparent disconnect between low unemployment numbers and sluggish economic growth. Given Canada's slow but consistent economic growth, Speer shared his insights on why he believes economic dynamism ought to be on the top of Canadians' minds as consider their vote for the October election.

  • Ep. 31 - Turkey's Geopolitical Role in the Levant with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Balkan Devlen

    01/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    In the latest episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar sat down with Balkan Devlen, an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen and a foremost expert when it comes to the security policies of Turkey and Russia. The two discussed recent developments in the Levant region of the Middle East, with a particular eye towards Turkey’s interests and geopolitical goals in the region vis-à-vis Russia. Other topics of discussion include the ongoing civil war in Syria, what potentially warming relations between Russia and Turkey may mean for NATO, Turkish defence procurement, Iran’s actions in the region, political Islam, and more.

  • Ep. 30 - Hong Kong's Imperilled Freedoms with Charles Burton and Martin Lee

    21/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Senior Fellow Charles Burton was joined by Martin Lee - the founder of Hong Kong's Democratic Party who is known as “the Father of Democracy” in Hong Kong. Burton and Lee discuss the extradition issue gripping Hong Kong in the larger context of democratic rights and freedoms in the region. The recent sentencing of nine leaders of Hong Kong’s pro-democratic Umbrella Movement shows that Beijing’s grip is tightening over Hong Kong’s free society, including the judiciary. Furthermore, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government is trying to put in place measures that critics fear would allow for the arrest and rendition to China of anyone in Hong Kong, whether living there, working, vacationing or just passing through, including Canadians. The passing of this amendment to Hong Kong's extradition law seriously threatens the security of Hong Kong people, and the more than 300,000 Canadians residing and doing business there. On May 7th, 2019, the Macdonald-Laurie

  • Ep. 29 - The World's Largest Democratic Exercise with Irfan Yar and Constantino Xavier

    26/04/2019 Duración: 25min

    In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI counterterrorism analyst and research intern Irfan Yar is joined by Constantino Xavier, a leading expert on Indian political institutions, decision-making processes, and security relationships with other Indo-Pacific nations. This discussion continues MLI’s examination of India’s ongoing general elections, the world’s largest democratic exercise. Mr. Xavier shares his expertise on leading election issues, such as economic growth, infrastructural modernization, and bureaucratic reforms. The two also discuss the electoral implications of hacking and misinformation, growing global populism and extremism, large-scale data governance, and relations with other Indo-Pacific nations—particularly China. Constantino Xavier is a Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at Brookings India in New Delhi and the Brookings Institution in Washington DC. He previously worked as an advisor to the Embassy of Portugal in New Delhi, held fellowships at the Institution for Defence Studies and Anal

  • Ep. 28 - Decoding the Mueller Report with Sean Speer and Ken White

    13/04/2019 Duración: 37min

    In this special episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer is joined by Ken White to discuss the Mueller report and contemporary legal and policy issues in the United States. A criminal defence lawyer, civil litigator, former federal prosecutor, legal expert, and public policy commentator, White has particular expertise when it comes to free speech issues, public corruption, and government fraud. As the world eagerly awaits the public disclosure of further details from the Mueller report, speculation and politicization abound. This discussion helps listeners make sense of what is known, what is unknown, and what can be expected as more details come to light. Additionally, the Speer and White discuss topics of criminal justice, free speech in Canada and the US, and the role of Presidential power in American democracy. Ken White currently practices law in Los Angeles as a partner at Partner at Brown White & Osborn LLP. More recently, he has become a trusted public commentator on all h

  • Ep. 27 - The Geopolitical Challenges Facing India with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Dhruva Jaishankar

    10/04/2019 Duración: 35min

    In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar is joined by Dhruva Jaishankar, one of India’s foremost experts on international affairs. With India’s elections – the world’s largest democratic exercise – fast approaching Majumdar and Jaishankar discuss the top geopolitical issues facing the country. Topics of discussion include the role of China in the Indo-Pacific region, India’s careful but constructive economic engagement with China, the need for macro-economic reforms in India and their role the upcoming election, the recent escalation of tensions in Indo-Pakistani relations, and opportunities for greater collaboration between Canada and India. Dhruva Jaishankar is Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at Brookings India in New Delhi and the Brookings Institution in Washington DC. He was previously a Transatlantic Fellow with the German Marshall Fund (GMF) where he managed the India Trilateral Forum. Before that, he was a David Rockefeller Fellow with the Trilateral Commissio

  • Ep. 26 - "Claws of the Panda" with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Jonathan Manthorpe

    25/03/2019 Duración: 21min

    In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar is joined by Jonathan Manthorpe, a legend in Canadian journalism and international affairs and recent author of the timely Claws of the Panda: Beijing's Campaign of Influence and Intimidation in Canada. The two discuss the central themes and fortuitous timing of Claws of the Panda, which first hit bookshelves shortly after Canada’s arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou cast Canada-China relations into chaos this past December. Mr. Manthorpe argues that this event reveals the true character of China’s Communist Party, the frailty of Canada-China relations, and why—now more than ever—Canada must stand up for our values, international institutions, and the security of us and our true allies abroad. Jonathan Manthorpe has toured the world as a foreign correspondent and international affairs columnist for the last 40 years, heading up bureaus in Europe, Africa, and Hong Kong for several leading newspapers. Based today in Vancouver, he now

  • Ep. 25 – NATO’s Role in the Baltics with Marcus Kolga, Col. Ilmar Tamm & Maj. Gen. Andis Dilāns

    08/03/2019 Duración: 15min

    In this episode, MLI Senior Fellow Marcus Kolga is joined by Col. Ilmar Tamm of the Estonian National Armed Forces and Maj. Gen. Andis Dilāns of the Latvian National Armed Forces, both also managers of the multi-nation Baltic Defence College. They begin by introducing the Baltic Defence College, which just celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Founded to help integrate former-Soviet military officials within the Western defence architecture, the College is shared, managed, and financed by the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The three also discuss present security threats facing the Baltics and the importance of NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in checking Russian aggression. In addition to their military duties, Maj. Gen. Dilāns serves as Commandant of the Baltic Defence College and Col. Tamm as Director of the Joint Command and General Staff Course. Marcus Kolga is an international award winning documentary filmmaker, journalist, digital communications strategist, and a leading Canadian expert o

  • Ep. 24 - Returning to Long-Term Thinking and Sustained Growth with Sean Speer and Tyler Cowen

    27/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    In this episode, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer is joined by Tyler Cowen to discuss his latest book, “Stubborn Attachments: A Vision for a Society of Free, Prosperous, and Responsible Individuals.” A leading US economist and intellectual, Dr. Cowan was ranked among the “Top 100 Global Thinkers” by Foreign Policy Magazine. Dr. Cowen describes Stubborn Attachments as a defence of a free society with a particular emphasis on long-term thinking and the power of compounding economic growth. He argues that decreasing growth in the US economy is largely to blame for the zero-sum thinking that marks today’s political climate. The conversation also touches on the future Canada’s economy, the geography of political gridlock, effective philanthropy, and the current health of civil society. Tyler Cowen holds the Holbert C. Harris chair in economic at George Mason University and serves as Chairman and Faculty Director of the Mercatus Centre. He is also co-author of popular economic blog Marginal Revolution, co-founde

  • Ep. 23 - Huawei and the Future of Canada-China Relations with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Ward Elcock

    15/02/2019 Duración: 20min

    In this episode, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar is joined once again by the venerable Ward Elcock, one of Canada most decorated public servants and a leading national security expert. The two discuss recent developments in Canada’s relationship to China, an issue now receiving unprecedented global attention in the wake of Canada's arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou. The conversation locates this event in the broader context of China’s role as a rising power and the increasingly salient question of just how Canada ought to engage a country that is a key trading partner but no ally. A distinguished public servant of over 40 years, Ward Elcock served as the Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) for over a decade (1994-2004) as well as in many senior advisory capacities to the Privy Council Office on matters of intelligence and national security.

  • Ep. 22 - The Shifting Sands of Middle East Diplomacy with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Ambassador Barkan

    05/02/2019 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar is joined by Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, Nimrod Barkan, to discuss recent developments in the shifting sands of diplomacy in the Middle East. Ambassador Barkan explains the recent cooperation between Israel and Gulf states, an emerging alliance in which Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi also acknowledged membership in earlier this month. The Ambassador points to the threat posed by Iran, now supported by Turkey, as the primary force animating this new diplomatic landscape. This episode also covers several other issues, including how Israel navigates its relationship with Russia vis-à-vis Iran, Hezbollah’s tunnel program to attack Israeli civilians, and Iran’s new strategic position from Syria to Yemen. Tune in for a frank and world-class briefing with Canada’s friend and ally, the State of Israel.

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