Job Search Podcast By Amy L. Adler, Five Strengths Career Transition Experts

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 7:47:40
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Amy L. Adler, MBA and Certified Master Resume Writer, challenges what you think you know about executive job search. Thinking about making a career move? Listen here first. Each episode focuses on a specific job search topic, exploring need-to-know tips for your executive resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interviewing, networking, and more.My unique approach to marketing executive clients delivers the right message to hiring executives in their industry-specific language and proves beyond a doubt that the candidate has the proper experience to serve the executive team. I capture executive job seekers career histories using their goals as the lens through which I focus their talents and expertise, ensuring the hiring team learns exactly what it needs to know, via the executive resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and strategic career coaching, to call the candidate for the interview.


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  • Checklist to Proofread Your Resume | The Job Search Podcast

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  • 6 Reasons to Go Public with Your LinkedIn Profile | The Job Search Podcast

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  • 4 Easy Steps to Preparing for Your Interview | The Job Search Podcast

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  • Why Does Your Resume Drive Your Interview | The Job Search Podcast

    16/08/2018 Duración: 04min

    You’re probably thinking that the relationship between your resume and your interview is obvious. A resume gets you the interview, right? Certainly, in some cases, and expertly prepared resume that a hiring leader cannot ignore will generate the interview you need. However, in every well-conceived job search strategy, your interview is actually a reflection of your resume, not the reverse. Listen in to learn why your interview strategy depends on your resume strategy. Topics covered in "Why Does Your Resume Drive Your Interview": - Executive job search - Resume - Interviewing - Job search - Hiring

  • Third-Degree LinkedIn Connections Matter for Your Executive Job Search | The Job Search Podcast

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    How many first-degree connections do you have on LinkedIn? 40? 100? 500? 10,000? That number is indicative of the number of people you have influenced to join your inner circle. But it’s not indicative of the power of your influence overall on LinkedIn. The most powerful number on LinkedIn is your total third-degree LinkedIn connections. Topics covered in "Third-Degree LinkedIn Connections Matter for Your Executive Job Search": - executive job search - LinkedIn - Job search - Career change - Inner circle

  • Say Thank You for Your Interview | The Job Search Podcast

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    You know you’re the right person for the job and you think you gave all the right answers during your interview. You’re pretty sure they’re going to call you back with the job offer. You think you’re done with the interview process, but you’re wrong. Listen in to find out what you missed. Topics covered in "Say Thank You for Your Interview": - interviewing - executive job search - hiring

  • Resume Formatting Dos and Donts that Help You Stand Out | The Job Search Podcast

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  • How to Choose an Executive Resume Writing Service | The Job Search Podcast

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  • Create a Financial Plan for Your Job Search | The Job Search Podcast

    30/07/2018 Duración: 06min

    How much have you spent on your job search? If you’re even asking this type of question, you’re missing the point: Putting smart money into your job search is an investment, not an expense. In other words, you can expect the dollars you put into finding the right position to yield exponential dividends in the form of a better job, increased compensation, and the peace of mind that comes with exceptional job satisfaction. Listen in to learn the wisdom of creating a financial plan for investing in your job search. Topics covered in "Create a Financial Plan for Your Job Search": - Executive Job Search - Job Search - Career Change - Investment

  • Becoming a LinkedIn LION Balancing the Pros and Con for Your Job Search | The Job Search Podcast

    26/07/2018 Duración: 04min

    Are you proud of the number of connections you have on LinkedIn? Is this a metric you wish to cultivate? If so, can you definitively explain the value of having a thousand connections? If you can, you should consider becoming a LinkedIn Open Networker, or LION. We all know that special person who just “knows everyone.” When we have a question about something specific, we ask that person for a contact, and he or she just pulls one up, having built a Rolodex of the right people. In this episode, I talk about how becoming a LION has its benefits. Topics covered in "Becoming a LinkedIn LION": - LinkedIn - Executive Job Search - Networking - Relationships

  • 5 Ways to Measure Your Job Search Networking Success | The Job Search Podcast

    23/07/2018 Duración: 05min

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  • Fix the Worst Mistake in Your LinkedIn Headline in 120 Characters or Less | The Job Search Podcast

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  • You Should Be Thankful You Didn’t Take that Job Offer | The Job Search Podcast

    16/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    In the career management field, we measure our success by how well our clients succeed in the employment marketplace. This means we talk about and celebrate the number of interviews and job offers you, as an executive, receives. There are cases, however, in which we also value not accepting the job offer. Listen in to learn more about why not taking the job can be a boon to your job search.

  • Three Networking Myths that Hurt Your Career Growth | The Job Search Podcast

    12/07/2018 Duración: 05min

    Do you know how to network for your next job? If you're thinking about how to get a job by maximizing your network, you need to network properly. When it comes to networking, executives tend to fall into two camps. The either love to network, or they . . . ignore it. Those executive who do not consciously maintaining their networks might believe one of the three top myths about networking that can negatively affect their job hunting success.

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