


A delicious Catholic-flavored podsnack. Three idiots talking about our faith, laughing, and prattling on about nothing. Pretty much never in that order. If you listen long enough, we MIGHT actually say something useful. (Holding breath not advised.)


  • 2.11 When Jordan Met Robert (Our butchering of the Jordan Peterson/Bishop Barron diaglogue)

    23/07/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    We already know what happens when two great, complimentary minds get together and compare notes—great discussions. But what happens when you run one of those discussions through the filter of three dull, directionless "intellects"? Click PLAY to find out.

  • 2.10 Acedia (or something. Whatever. Who cares.)

    16/07/2019 Duración: 58min

    Never heard of acedia? You're not alone. Sometimes referred to as "the noonday devil," it describes a state of not caring about your condition in the world, especially spiritually. Boy howdy, do we ever suffer from this! And true to form, we barely talk about it. Come listen!

  • 2.9 A Show About Lee

    09/07/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Weirdly, Mike & Rob wanted to counter their "sans Lee" episode by doing a show entirely ABOUT Lee. So, whatever. This one is full of nonsense and singing. We'll get around to doing "A Show About Mike" and "A Show About Rob" as well. Now you're hooked, aren't you?

  • 2.8 Who Gatekeeps the Gatekeepers?

    02/07/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    As our digital age moves increasingly toward live streaming all content, all the time, who determines what's appropriate for public consumption, and how do they monitor/edit it? The bigger question, really, is how does this show fool them into allowing its distribution? Because we'll obviously fall short on any sort of quality metric.

  • 2.7 The show, sans Lee

    25/06/2019 Duración: 44min

    "Sans" is French for "without." So, this episode was Rob & Mike, doin' their thing.

  • 2.6 Bioethics & the Future of Humanity (and other subjects we know everything about)

    11/06/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    Whew! Talk about right in our wheelhouse. We go to town talkin' about doin' science and whatnot, and theology, and biology and biography and bibliography and all kinds of big words we know exactly what they mean. Preach.


    04/06/2019 Duración: 01h13min

    Yes, we step away from our roles as chatty Catholic converts to do a little role playing in a mythical, medieval milieu. Enter Lee's dungeon realm with Mike (Torgo the Half-Orc) and Rob (Ximxur the Elf) and discover how many things you can wear as a hat when you have a rope. And no, that statement will NOT make any more sense to you after you've listened to the episode. 

  • 2.4 Benedict & Barron (and their responses to the Church crisis)

    30/05/2019 Duración: 58min

    Two of the great voices of the Catholic Church today—theologian Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and new media guru Bishop Robert Barron—recently released letters addressing the abuse scandals. We take their prayerful, intelligent, well-reasoned, hope-filled missives and dumb them down to our level, which is seldom a good thing. But hey, we mean well.

  • 2.3 Faith vs Doubt (and other stuff we don't understand)

    21/05/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Have you heard about this new abortion law hullabaloo setting the American South on fire? As Christians—specifically Catholics—we know what the Church teaches about abortion. But do specific circumstances (rape, incest) alter the argument? Listen to us try to sound intelligent about the whole thing. Then, we talk about doubt. Surprise, all Christians struggle with doubt now and then! I mean, they do, right? Right? Uh...

  • 2.2 MORE Catholic Ideals to Live By (or "The Cult of Mike, part II")

    14/05/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    We continue our discussion of Mike's—er, that is—a Christian's ideals of the key steps around what it takes to be a joyful person. To reprimand our own frequent bouts of stupidity, we included hot salsa for comments that fail to contribute to spiritual growth.  This salsa's hotter than Mike, Rob and Lee, so to the average listener, it is likely "mild."

  • 2.1 Catholic Ideals to Live By (or "The Cult of Mike, part I")

    07/05/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    Space aliens are our higher power? Taking drugs can help you channel God? These are crazy ideas, but they are being shared on the internet. The MMM...Locusts! team has fun with the topic but also shares what Catholic leaders are doing to obtain a true connection to the higher power. It's a recommended workout for the spiritual mind.Link to the rules discussed in this episode:

  • 1.34 "That time it was the final episode of Season 1."

    19/11/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    Are you kidding? That's a wrap? Yep. Season 1 of the MMM...Locusts! podcast has come to a close. God bless you all and thank you for listening! We do a li'l retrospective here of some of our favorite show moments from the last year, and we look ahead to what's in store for Season 2! Well, Lee & Rob do. Mike phones it in.

  • 1.33 "That time Rob peed on Mike's tent."

    12/11/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Pardon our dust, as we move into our new digs! And pardon the echo/feedback, as the episode gets underway. We're like n00bs again, lol. Anyway, this time we talk a bit about our most recent hiking trip, and the lessons we learned about God out there in the lonely wilderness. And stuff.

  • 1.32 "That time Chick-fil-A was delicious."

    05/11/2018 Duración: 58min

    How does our Catholic faith form our consciences when it comes to voting, public opinion, or simply the way we deal with our fellow human beings? How do we know who to support as representatives and leaders in a world that has become largely detached from the concept of Absolute Truth? Wow, that's a lot of words. 

  • 1.31 "That time we visited a, a MEDIUM."

    29/10/2018 Duración: 55min

    Witches and Wiccans and Pagans, oh my! This Halloween week, we talk about what the heck Wicca is. Is it evil? Is it harmless? Is it the anti-Catholicism? Damned if we know. (See what we did there?) As a bit of side trivia, we recorded this episode using Google Hangout, all warm and snuggly in our jammies in the warm confines of each of our own homes. Lee's dog, Anya, makes a special guest appearance. You can watch the livestream of this episode on YouTube at!

  • 1.30a "That time HALLOWEEN!"

    22/10/2018 Duración: 01h25min

    Welcome to our 30th episode Halloween extravaganza (part 1)! Listen if you dare. In this XL-sized, double episode we talk about ghosts and demons (with some actual personal accounts of encounters with the spirit world), the Catholic history of Halloween. On the second half of the episode (which you'll find separately as Episode 1.30b), we play an awesome game that—potentially—ends in one of us DYING. Who do you hope it is? Don't answer that... Mike takes enough abuse.

  • 1.30b "The Halloween Game"

    22/10/2018 Duración: 30min

    Part 2 of the MMM...Locusts! Halloween blowout—THE GAME. Listen to see who lives, who dies, who gets indigestion from eating too much Halloween candy on-air.

  • 1.29 "That time Rob got into adult films."

    15/10/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    The argument can be made, from a Catholic vantage, that everyone is an addict since the human condition itself means we’re all afflicted with concupiscience—the inclination to sin. As St. Paul says, we do the very thing we don’t want to do. Alcohol, drugs, gambling—and especially, for more people than are willing to admit, pornography—are a cross many of us bear. Listen to us approach the topic in typical Mmm...Locusts! style: through a dense fog of nonsense. Consider this part 1 of an ongoing discussion. 

  • 1.28 "That time we had to use audio from the backup-backup."

    08/10/2018 Duración: 58min

    Okay, so here's what happened. We got some new equipment and moved show production over onto that. But despite what FELT LIKE thorough quality and performance pre-checks, our primary recording source failed. And our secondary recording source failed. So this audio comes to you straight from our backup's backup recording source. AND IT'S LOUSY. Sorry, Angie.

  • 1.27 "That time Rob got all monolithic up in here."

    01/10/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Just because you had a turkey sub for dinner last night doesn't mean it existed, scientifically, does it? Is 3-D printing the Eucharist a valid way to compete with the upcoming Church of the A.I.? Is playing Bingo with Gladys inherently sinful, harmless fun, or a great way to steal her Social Security check? We don't know. But we talk about it anyway.

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