Freaking The F Out



Kelsey Bennett and Maddy Scott examine the inner workings of their anxious minds


  • Social Media

    05/11/2018 Duración: 45min

    FTFO about Social Media - with Kate Naylor Hands up - who looks at their Instagram feed first thing in the morning? Despite best intentions to start the day in a more healthy way? Yup. We hear you.  This episode is all about social media.  It can be good (#MeToo, connecting us to more people around the world), bad (giving us something to constantly compare ourselves to) and ugly (hello twitter trolls!).  Kate Naylor runs Social Media for E4, so she knows a thing or two about it! Please listen...and then share on your own social media! Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) You can find Kate @KateHNaylor - or check out her work @E4Tweets! Links: Check out the top social media rankings here: Has dopamine got us addicted to technology?

  • Periods - supported by Bloody Good Period

    29/10/2018 Duración: 47min

    FTFO about Periods - supported by Bloody Good Period Periods! No, don't switch off! They're interesting. And annoying. And mysterious.  In this episode, the chat is all about 'that time of the month' - the science and the stigma. There is also a slightly surreal Q&A at the end, from menfolk who have questions and aren't afraid to ask them (and mask them with humour).   We're thrilled that this episode is supported by Bloody Good Period - a fantastic company who take donations and supply them to asylum seeker drop-in centres and food banks in London and the UK.  They work to alleviate period poverty and open up the conversation around menstruation to all and bloody sundry! Contact: Bloody Good Period are on twitter: @bloodygood_ and instagram: bloodygoodperiod Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links:   Check out the work Bloody Good Period are doing here: You can also don

  • Careers Pt 2 with Otegha Uwagba

    22/10/2018 Duración: 44min

    FTFO about Careers - Part 2 with Otegha Uwagba It's a special episode this week, as they're joined in the studio by the wonderful Otegha Uwagba.  Author of the best selling Little Black Book - A Toolkit for Working Women, founder of the community Women Who AND named in Forbes 2018 30 under 30 list - she's harnessing a super power right about now.  They talk through Otegha's career journey, the scary things about 'freelancing' and consider whether a little bit of imposter syndrome is actually a good thing.   Contact: Otegha can be found on twitter and instagram: @OteghaUwagba and @womenwho Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: Get a copy of Little Black Book here (we recommend getting the physical copy, it's such a lovely size!): Find out more about Otegha through her personal website here: Have a look at the wonderful community Women Who throu

  • Careers Pt 1

    15/10/2018 Duración: 42min

    FTFO about Careers - Part 1  They're back! After a longer than expected hiatus, Kelsey and Maddy return to the studio and are...more anxious than ever.  In this episode they talk about their career freak outs - moving upwards, moving sideways, side's a confusing world out there, where imposter syndrome can rear its head at any time.  Join them as they try to figure it all out.  Working 9-5 isn't the only way to make a living.   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: Emma Gannon and her Multi-Hyphen Method: It's fairly easy to find links to Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In, so here's the TED talk that inspired the book: Check out Anna Whitehouse (better known as Mother Pukka) and her Flex Appeal campaign.  Also follow her on Instagram @mother_pukka What do you think about France's de

  • Summer Obsessions

    30/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    FTFO about Summer Obsessions -  This is a one-off summer special and hopefully a bit of light-hearted relief from the relentless heat.  They cover the weather, Love Island and the World a real mixed bag and hopefully something for everyone. Why have we spent the hottest summer of our lifetimes watching good looking single people in a villa in Majorca? What is gaslighting? Why do we start to care so much about football tournaments? And is it ok to fancy Gareth Southgate? Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: An article about the gaslighting on Love Island:   Worrying figures about domestic violence and the World Cup:   The psychologist instrumental in creating the positive culture in the England te

  • Being The Centre of Attention

    21/05/2018 Duración: 39min

    FTFO about Being the Centre of Attention -  In this episode they discuss Being the Centre of Attention.  Kelsey didn't think she had a problem with this, but realises that's not true when she doesn't know what's going to be asked of her.  Improv classes are a nightmare.  Maddy has a deep rooted fear of being picked on during stand-up comedy and tends to go a bit red in the face when all eyes are on her.  The give a pretty flimsy overview of the fight or flight response, involving the phrase 'do I want to punch a lion?' and consider the different ways people could solve their fear of being put on the spot. This is the last episode for season 1! A small break for this podcast so Kelsey and Maddy can look after their own mental health - but their freaks of the week will be piling up so they'll be back before you know it! Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: Amy Cuddy's famous TED talk on power posi

  • Bonus Clip- Gender Food Bingo

    18/05/2018 Duración: 06min

    Here's the story about Brewdog's 'beer for girls'. Clever? Missing the mark? You decide, but it certainly got them attention.  Apparently it wasn't true, but Doritos got in a bit of hot water over the suggestion that they were going to release Lady Doritos - quieter crisps with less crispy residue. You can imagine that the news did not go down well.    And here is the press reacting to the launch of the Yorkie bar's 'macho' campaign. I think the backlash might have been a TAD worse if they had tried that today.

  • Men's Mental Health- Pt 2

    14/05/2018 Duración: 59min

    FTFO about Men's Mental Health - Part 2 -  In episode 10 they discuss Men's Mental Health again. Rich is back, but this time he is joined by Derek and Gully as they all open up about their own experiences with mental health.  Who do they talk to when times get tough? How good are they at recognising their own emotions? Why do they talk so much about football and so little about their feelings? Lots of open, honest and wonderful chat from three excellent humans.   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Find the lads on Instagram @ricgro @djgullyuk @dcopara87   Links: Watch and listen to 'What Men Fear Most' by Elliot Barnes-Worrel More information about CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): The Samaritans offer a safe place to talk, any time you like: SANE also have a lot of great resourc

  • Men's Mental Health- Pt 1

    14/05/2018 Duración: 39min

    FTFO about Men's Mental Health - Part 1 -  In episode 9 they discuss Men's Mental Health.  It's Mental Health Awareness Week 14th - 20th May and in this episode they talk to Rich, a clinical psychologist, about why men can find it hard to open up about their feelings.   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Rich is on instagram too @ricgro   Links: Have a look at Project 84 from CALM: More information about CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): The Samaritans offer a safe place to talk, any time you like: SANE also have a lot of great resources: And of course Mind, one of the most well known charities for mental health: We also mention Robert Webb's book again in this episode.  Give it a read, it's very good:

  • Friendships

    07/05/2018 Duración: 41min

    FTFO about Friendships -  In episode 8 they discuss friendships.  To fit with the theme, they invited some friends into the glorious podbooth at White City.  They discuss what makes a good friendship, friendship breakups, friendship drift-aparts and many other things.  There's quite a lot of oooing and aaahing, fuelled by that warm feeling you get when you're surrounded by a group of friends...and drinking prosecco.     Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) The rest of the Tribe from today's podcast can be found on Instagram @melfaye1 @hollybryan @ipster85.  Mel in particular is always on the look out for new friends...   Links: Read a little more about Robert Webb's How Not To Be A Boy:

  • Relationships

    30/04/2018 Duración: 42min

    FTFO about Relationships -  In episode 7 they discuss relationships.  Kelsey has been dreading this episode and Maddy can't seem to say the word 'boyfriend' in anything like a normal voice, but they give it a good go anyway.  How do you know if you're in a relationship? What makes a good relationship? A bad one? What happens when people disappear into one? This is a discussion about romantic relationships and the good, the bad and the ugly that goes along with them!   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs)   Links: Some more information about the 5 Languages of Love:

  • Happiness

    23/04/2018 Duración: 38min

    FTFO about Happiness - In episode 6 they discuss happiness.  The first stumbling block is the definition: what on earth is it? They blag their way through philosophical and psychological explanations, before settling on something that seems to make sense.  But why are we so obsessed with being happy? What can we do to keep ourselves happy? Is that even possible and should it be our aim?  They also discuss their #3GoodThings exercise and consider what it is that made them most grateful this week.   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs)   Links: Here's some more information about the Three Good Things exercise Check out the book The Power of Now And also The Happiness Project

  • Siblings

    16/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    FTFO about Siblings   In episode 5 they discuss siblings.  Sam is Maddy’s younger brother and is the podcast’s very first guest! Get ready for a discussion about the difference between oldest and youngest siblings and why everyone seems to revert back to being children when they go home for Christmas.  Kelsey does a great impression of an investigative journalist ad tries to get to the bottom of Maddy’s and Sam’s relationship, which mainly involves a childhood of scrapping, fighting for the attention of their parents and being best buds.  The conversation also taps into some mens’ seeming inability to open up about their feelings.  More to come on this in future episodes! This week they are also encouraging you to complete the #3goodthings exercise and tag them on Instagram or Twitter @ftfopod. Check out exactly what they mean here:   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaki

  • Being An Adult

    09/04/2018 Duración: 30min

    FTFO about Being an Adult In episode 4 they discuss their anxieties about being adults.  Maddy is worried that there are no rules and you have to make it all up as you go along.  Kelsey is concerned that she has been adulting too hard recently and would really quite like a little nap.  Both of them have started relating much more to songs and shows from their youth - they all make so much more sense now they are adults - and there is no going back! There are lots of stresses and strains associated with being a grown up, but ultimately it's a positive thing - and hey, at least you can go to bed when you like!    Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Artwork by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: Listen to 'The Debrief Podcast' for a weekly dose of how-to adult. Very different from 'The Debrief' podcast, which seems to be a Q&A about God. See if Baz Luhrmann'

  • Body Image

    02/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    FTFO about Body Image In episode 3 they discuss body image and consider questions such as - Why is it that although the average UK woman is a size 16, all we see are skinny models advertising our clothes?  When Kate Moss said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, had she ever tried a chocolate fondant? And is Jameela Jamil the new hero that this world needs? This episode considers body image in all its forms and how everyone is probably freaking the f*ck out about something.   Contact: Email: Twitter: @ftfopod Instagram: @ftfopod Facebook: Freaking the F_ck Out Art work by Chris Hastings-Spital (@chrismhs) Links: More information about the 2017 Dove Global Girls Beauty and Confidence Report: Our new hero, Jameela Jamil: And other people we recommend filling your instagram with:

  • Dating

    25/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    FTFO about Dating Freaking the F*ck Out is a podcast where Kelsey Bennett and Maddy Scott examine the inner workings of their anxious minds.  Covering everything from the minute to the very big and life changing, they’re not mental health professionals but they do happen to have some experience in the field. In episode 2 they discuss dating.  Ultimately, it’s really weird and most of the time you’ll have a better time staying home and watching TV in your trackies.  But sometimes, you’ve got to take a chance, so strap yourself in for a discussion about the perils of online dating, going for unavailable, beardy hipsters and mutual ghosting.  This is the low down on their particular anxieties from the dating world.

  • Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    25/03/2018 Duración: 25min

    FTFO about Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Part 1 Freaking the F*ck Out is a podcast where Kelsey Bennett and Maddy Scott examine the inner workings of their anxious minds.  Covering everything from the minute to the very big and life changing, they’re not mental health professionals but they do happen to have some experience in the field. In episode 1, they discuss their fear of flying.  Maddy used to be sick with fear as soon as her mum told her she was going to Greece.  She’s got over it now, but turbulence still makes her cry. Kelsey loved flying as a kid, but has now developed a healthy phobia about it and is keen to try all manner of weird and wonderful techniques to get her on holiday, without breaking down in duty-free.

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